Random Jibber Jabber Thread

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Ok so i posted a add on craigslist i state's i got a qp i dont need asking for a donation of 500 bucks must have dr rec and California id bla bla bla bla u get the pic right. Well an hour later some dude replied to my add shuld i go threw with it?????

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Lol i think im gunna do it lgc if im not on tomorrow then some older dude named ron killed me for a qp! I think if i had to i could take him but u never know! Ima go to sleep cheerio mate!


Staff member
stupid fucking house showing its like the crack of fucking dawn hurry the fuck up so i can go back to fucking bed i have to work all night


Well-Known Member
well, good luck then brother :)

what's the beef over? if you don't mind telling
Heres the deal. I was a salary employee, always have been with this company. I had to move so i put in a 2 week notice. Well the 2 weeks went and my payday was the day before my last day of work. Well payday comes and i have no deposit in my bank. I call my bosses, no answer no reponse back. I finally get the deposit t days later and my check is almost 1k short. I call them still no answer no response. This goes on for another week and a half. Meanwhile i now.dont have the money to move my shit, the water, my phone, and my insurance all get cut off cus i cant pay the bills and i have to borrow money for storage and to pay some folks.to help me move. I have 2 kids and no running water in the house for 2 1/2 weeks. Finally these assholes call me back. Now the way they do paychecks is my salary was 725 per week. I have never been hourly by agreement. But what they do is on checks they pay a certain amount per hour then tack on overtime so the weekly.check equalls the the amount of 725. Well they tell me my pay is.short because they paid me only for 8 hours a day for the last 2 weeks and quote" didnt feel the need to pay the overtime because we were parting ways" i have never worked anything shorter than a 12 hour day.at this place..ever. so my last check was for.my final 3 weeks, they pay 1 week behind so they owed me for 3 weeks well i see about the last 2 weeks but they also shorted me for the week prior to me giving my notice. No reason or excuse for that. So thats pretty much it. They fucked me because i left. So i contacted about 6 attourneys who all said what theyre doing is illegal so with that ammo i went to labor board and put in a claim. So i go in for the hearing in a couple hours here. Hoping for the best cus if i win these dicks are gna owe me about 6k in fees amd penalties.


Well-Known Member
I always wake n bake... for some reason not this morn...
I come upstairs after gardening...
GF hands me the bong and one rip...
She starts laughing and pointing at me...
"Hahahaaaaa youuu rrrr stooneddddd.... one hit WTF....wwwwhat wwweee growing...."

I heart MJ....


Well-Known Member
I would've called and canceled. That's what cell phones are for.

edit: around here, a lot of times cops show up with the tow driver and they like handing out tickets for unreasonable/imprudent speed when the roads are icy. The $50 dollar tow could turn into a $300 expense real quick even if no damage was done.

Lots of people up here have 4x4's and carry tow straps, you only call a tow if you're not sure anybody else can do it.
was ticketed for hitting a light pole on private property. cop said I was going to fast. asked him how he knew my speed, said the damage made it obvious.(he saw me looking at the damage) i was going in reverse in a one ton with steel dump bed with a pallet of salt, just couldn't see, and if my speed was excessive id have knocked it over. I said what is obvious here is you don't know what youre talking about, and that he seemed green. he wrote the ticket, left the parking lot, immediately got stuck in a pile of snow. I got out and took a picture about 3 feet from his cruiser when leaving, he wouldn't even look at me. Ticket was dropped.


Well-Known Member
just the other night I was going through starbucks drive through in my toolcat. snow was tapering off, and had my wipers on low. a large chunk of snow fell from the awning right as my wipers were going, slinging wet glob of snow right at the drive through girl, giving her a nice snow bukkake. said sorry as I was uncontrollably laughing. told her to keep the change. noticed a sign saying to turn your wipers off as I was leaving.