Home invasion, Ripper killed, friends charged with murder..


It seems like most of the people posting in this thread would be hoping for an excuse to shoot. Then they talk about how fear gets in the way of judgment. I already regret commenting because now they want to get into a pissing contest with me. I hate violence more than I hate talking about this. For any person that doubts what kind of experience a low ranking infantryman had in Iraq in 2003 and 2004, I'll reiterate, I would definitely have the nerves to try to handle the situation without shooting.
I find this interesting, I only know about iraq from news channels, that info is sketchy and untrustworthy at best, but surely a home invasion is a little different to a war zone? I will say that if you were in the military you probably have a cooler head than most of us. I have had a couple of firearms pointed at me, it's not very nice. Only recently have I started carrying a firearm, whether I could kill someone, let alone shoot them in the leg remains to be seen.


Active Member
It seems like most of the people posting in this thread would be hoping for an excuse to shoot. Then they talk about how fear gets in the way of judgment. I already regret commenting because now they want to get into a pissing contest with me. I hate violence more than I hate talking about this. For any person that doubts what kind of experience a low ranking infantryman had in Iraq in 2003 and 2004, I'll reiterate, I would definitely have the nerves to try to handle the situation without shooting.

I know some buddies who came back and they are scared shitless, man.. it's bad. hardcore shell-shock. I know I wont shoot a kid in the wrong house unless they came at me. If the fucker in my house looks like danger, I will assume I have the draw. You should know, In order to secure a scene, you must make a proper delivery factor.

I had to pull the steel on a guy a couple years ago. It was in my car, long story.. He came to my window and started to attack me after he verbally assaulted me, he pursued and came to my vehicle to further his aggression, I pulled my CCW-40 cal, he dropped on the ground and ran away.. He stank like booze.. The fast draw and eager usage preserved my safety, as well as his own. He choose not to fight when he saw I was going to protect myself with legal and lethal force. ... I was still wearing my seat belt.


Well-Known Member
It seems like most of the people posting in this thread would be hoping for an excuse to shoot. Then they talk about how fear gets in the way of judgment. I already regret commenting because now they want to get into a pissing contest with me. I hate violence more than I hate talking about this. For any person that doubts what kind of experience a low ranking infantryman had in Iraq in 2003 and 2004, I'll reiterate, I would definitely have the nerves to try to handle the situation without shooting.

I know, I remember quite well, your stories about that. A gunshot not something you wish for your worst enemy, yet you had to deal it out and take some back, also.

No game. And tough talk balks with the taste of real, don't it? :)


Active Member
fuck yeah, i don't want to kill anyone - but i wont hesitate when it comes to the safety of my family life and our personal safety. I`m a new father, you guys should feel me on that. Stories of armed criminals coming into homes and attacking people scares the shit out of me.

Ya, I think I have made that critical choice to set my mind-state to the point where I can pull the trigger without hesitation during some of these situations.


Well-Known Member
Well, buckle up. That is a real problem, compared to this.

The 3 times I had a home invasion, I needed a gun in my hand, but too late.

Twice it was a ruse that got me to open the door, and once I found the sliding door in the process of being opened, by a very large hand and me quite nekid, checking locks.

All three were very dicey situations and in one people got hurt. I used my wits,and prevailed, but I would have needed to open fire immediately in all three situations. They were all armed.

You are not scared yet.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, even my front yard is fenced we have a pair Aussies that are even more hyper-v than me.

Also, I am much more armed in various ways than I used to be.

But, with a gun and a big hand opening the slider, do you shot the hand? No, of course, not. But, breaking it with a pistol smash would have really help me out. IAC, he was not coming in and he didn't.


Well-Known Member
It's different now. The federales won't take bribes and the municipal forces will get tossed out by the military if they are corrupt. They are desperate not to scare tourism away. BCS is safer than most US states. Same in the other areas where tourism is important. Puerto Vallarta is safer than most US cities. Tijuana and Nogales are for the bold.


Geez, what is happening to the world, I thought America was fairly safe, seems we all starting to live like we under constant threat, securing our homes, carrying firearms. It begs the question as to why your government wants your guns. Don't give them up, once you do you screwed. Man this is just sad.


Well-Known Member
I bet no one is playing the Knockout Game down in Mexico.

Violence always seems to have a point in the Machismo countries.


Well-Known Member
It's different now. The federales won't take bribes and the municipal forces will get tossed out by the military if they are corrupt. They are desperate not to scare tourism away. BCS is safer than most US states. Same in the other areas where tourism is important. Puerto Vallarta is safer than most US cities. Tijuana and Nogales are for the bold.
I'm a Tijuana 500. I brought so much contraband back from Mexico back in the 80's, I am surprised I was never caught. Back then you could just walk across, no passport, military ID made sure you wouldn't get molested much. The policia would fabricate crimes you had committed if you weren't aware of what was going on you could find yourself in prison, but $20-$50 would get you going, occasionally $100. If you tried to argue with them the "fine" got higher and higher. After a while I knew what to avoid as I did my business, but they were starting to know me and would follow me around sometimes. Then I went Overseas so that ended my Tequila days back in '83. Good times, I haven't been back since so I am sure it has changed.


Well-Known Member
Geez, what is happening to the world, I thought America was fairly safe, seems we all starting to live like we under constant threat, securing our homes, carrying firearms. It begs the question as to why your government wants your guns. Don't give them up, once you do you screwed. Man this is just sad.
USA to have 7,500 Drones by 2018 , most of which will probably be weaponized.

You won't see them, but they will see you.
