Inda-gro Induction...


New Member
Hi Chaz, thanks for the welcome. I'm a Washington grower (or will be...jumping through the hoops), so I will be legal. I don't know what will happen up here in regards to the price of marijuana (will it go down because everyone like me is growing?) so my ROI might take longer. Plan B is to grow vegetables to feed myself with the indoor lights if the bottom falls out of the market. I am checking out the rebates...thanks on that one, I didn't even consider it!


Well-Known Member
Washington is not keeping track of plant count like colorado as far as o have read, sounds nice lol, my plant count is how much min. mandatory i feel like doing when mr fed comes a knocking... #hostilegrowenvironment lol but you learn to live with it if you really love this plant. And to wa producer if i were go hid now think i would blow my wad on a cmh setup, you got a lot of room to cover, i love my induction though and the only prob i have been having is keeping my plants happy woth the temp but i have it jammed in 42"x42" space so just working on dostributing my btus around the tent, my sativas loved the light as close as i could get it but my swiss cheese that is very indica dominant is not digging it at all. But i got her figured out now and I just got done making 28 new clones today so things are moving on. Keep it green yall.


Well-Known Member
I am just wondering if a SOG is better than growing big plants, yield/sqft. If so, then LED-Induction may be the way to go.


New Member
I'm limited to sq. ft., but it's huge. I think my major limitation is electricity. That is why I'm looking to find out if induction lighting would be successful on a larger scale than most grow rooms. I need to make a shopping list but I don't know what to buy.
Are you limited on plant count or sq/ft?


Well-Known Member
Seen indagrow lighting up big greenhouses on the videos.

Pic day
Cold as hell all week hit the teens at night outside, but the shed heater rocks...

DrGt c99 photo x amnesia haze auto x auto haze.
Stared flowering this week .

nH21 x MML s1
One Long sativa lol

Strawbery sativa auto mutt.
I seeded the wholly hell out of her, should have hundreds of seed.
But it will slow her down while the seeds mature.

DrGt chemo Iranian x 8os nl5/haze c
Only 2nd week an shes getting fat!!!

Swerves sunset ltd starred flowering also...

Little one is auto haze x nycd auto. , bigger one is a sunset clone.

Bud shot of the bottom of the auto haze x nycd auto.

Group hug


Well-Known Member
Pic of the 50 w of red 660mnn pontoon leds running solo.
Pretty dam bright,
wide lenses give pretty even coverage they get pleanty ....


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, great thread. I've read quite a bit of it and was wondering how much area the Pro 420 PAR can realistically cover just for vegging? I know Inda-gro's website says 5'X5', but is that for flowering or for vegging or both? Thanks in advance for any replies.[h=2][/h]


Well-Known Member
The 5 x 5 at veg is realistic. When I veg a 4 x 8 tray I use two 420's. For flowering without a Pontoon I drop the area coverage to a 38 x 44 with a 10" lamp to canopy separation. Adding the Pontoon you should increase that spacing to 16" for a larger 44" x 50" footprint.


Well-Known Member
I am using my IG to veg a 4x4 space perfect. 460µmols middle and 250µmols on the outer plants. I have it hanging at about 18". I am rotating plants too so they all get about the same light in the end.
I even have a few small moms and spare clones outside of the 4x4 and they are doing fine, and they don't get rotated. So 5x5 veg like chaz said, I agree.


Well-Known Member
Seen htg is selling aggromax induction light.
Are they a rip off china brand?
never seen a ballast like there's...

100$ cheeper than IndaGro
But only 5 yr warrenty looks kinda cheepo.
but they claim 20% moe light than other induction lights?
And they offer no proof of such claims.

id stick with IndaGro...


New Member
I just received a quote for induction lighting from some company on Alibaba for 500 watt fixtures (5 veg and 25 bloom) for $10,200, shipping is another $500-$600, plus some import fees on my end...about $375 per fixture. I have no idea if these lights will even work (or for how long). Quality from China can be hit or miss. Most everything is sourced in China (and assembled in the US). High risk, high gain???
Seen htg is selling aggromax induction light.
Are they a rip off china brand?
never seen a ballast like there's...

100$ cheeper than IndaGro
But only 5 yr warrenty looks kinda cheepo.
but they claim 20% moe light than other induction lights?
And they offer no proof of such claims.

id stick with IndaGro...


Well-Known Member
Like anything else in life, price is no indicator of value. If you were to ask Scar 6 months ago what he thought of Riant induction lights his response from then to today would be entirely different. But that aside, you will have to perform your own due diligence. Ask to see their spectral distribution graphs, how do they specify their lamps output, are they listed by UL or another listing agency, do they have any images/journals of how their lights perform with cannabis or any flowering plants for that matter, etc.....

All induction lamps/fixtures are not created equal and the phosphors that drive plant photosynthesis are even less equal. If you make the wrong choice and your plants suffer for it, it is indeed an expensive lesson.


Well-Known Member
Fuck china direct for induction lights
i learned the hard way trying one.

3 failures in 9 mo.
i had to send off for warrentys to china an wait forever for return.
then they quit answering my emails regarding the 3rd warrenty. N

I have a 468$ piece of china shit staring at me every day...

Dont learn the 468$ lesson....


Well-Known Member
I just received a quote for induction lighting from some company on Alibaba for 500 watt fixtures (5 veg and 25 bloom) for $10,200, shipping is another $500-$600, plus some import fees on my end...about $375 per fixture. I have no idea if these lights will even work (or for how long). Quality from China can be hit or miss. Most everything is sourced in China (and assembled in the US). High risk, high gain???
Is this the seller?

I saw that yesterday and thought it would be a gamble, unless they happen to be the supplier for a reputable EFDL brand. I have no idea. I would ask for a sample, one veg and one bloom. Notice the ballasts are 220V, which should be preferable for a commercial grow.

Most of your competitors will be using the industry standard, tried and tested, 1,000 watt HPS. My $0.02 says, before you make a substantial investment, buy one EFDL light and see if you like it. Get an Inda Gro, or those samples from China and build your own, before going all in on the induction thing.

If 100% of people who tried EFDL swore by it, that would be one thing. However, not everyone has been satisfied with EFDL for flowering. I'd also consider the new Apache 600 watt LED panels, if I were doing a commercial grow. Ceramic Metal Halide is another option, but not a wise investment if they're being phased out of production.

I'm not trying to steer you away from EFDL, I'm planning to try one myself. I'm not a business though, I can afford to stick a $600 light in a bedroom and see what happens. You however, must weigh business decisions carefully. Definitely don't send 11 grand to China.


New Member
Hi Cali, sounds like honest words from you. I got the quote from Suzhou Jolighting. There are so many manufacturers and they all look the same (or at least their pictures). I think they all steal everyone's technology, I'm not sure if they have any regards for patents. You make a compelling argument regarding HID lighting and that not everyone is happy with EFDL. So does Scarhole. Of course, not everyone is happy changing out bulbs or trying to handle heating problems either. My biggest hurdle is the amount of electrical amperage (I have 240vt) for 600 sq. ft.
Is this the seller?

I saw that yesterday and thought it would be a gamble, unless they happen to be the supplier for a reputable EFDL brand. I have no idea. I would ask for a sample, one veg and one bloom. Notice the ballasts are 220V, which should be preferable for a commercial grow.

Most of your competitors will be using the industry standard, tried and tested, 1,000 watt HPS. My $0.02 says, before you make a substantial investment, buy one EFDL light and see if you like it. Get an Inda Gro, or those samples from China and build your own, before going all in on the induction thing.

If 100% of people who tried EFDL swore by it, that would be one thing. However, not everyone has been satisfied with EFDL for flowering. I'd also consider the new Apache 600 watt LED panels, if I were doing a commercial grow. Ceramic Metal Halide is another option, but not a wise investment if they're being phased out of production.

I'm not trying to steer you away from EFDL, I'm planning to try one myself. I'm not a business though, I can afford to stick a $600 light in a bedroom and see what happens. You however, must weigh business decisions carefully. Definitely don't send 11 grand to China.


Well-Known Member
Hi Cali, sounds like honest words from you. I got the quote from Suzhou Jolighting. There are so many manufacturers and they all look the same (or at least their pictures). I think they all steal everyone's technology, I'm not sure if they have any regards for patents. You make a compelling argument regarding HID lighting and that not everyone is happy with EFDL. So does Scarhole. Of course, not everyone is happy changing out bulbs or trying to handle heating problems either. My biggest hurdle is the amount of electrical amperage (I have 240vt) for 600 sq. ft.
The commercial electricity rate in Washington State is $0.0762/kw hr. That's less than half the rate here. Still, I feel the same way about HID as you do. That is, generating heat, then running fans to move it, is not the most eco-friendly way to go. If you can get a great product from EFDL and work the ecological efficiency angle into your marketing, could be a winning formula.

Something I read on one of these forums once stuck with me. To paraphrase, "Plants thrive with a certain amount of radiant heat. HID has too much, LED doesn't have enough, and fluorescent has it just about right." This was written by a T5 grower. I know EFDL is supposed to have that "diffused, greenhouse like glow". I imagine the radiant heat from EFDL is similar to T5.

Guess I'll find out soon enough, since I just bought a 300-watt EFDL (ibeam). I'm planning to combine it with the e-50 50-watt red booster LED from grow light source. If I had to light 600 sq ft. though, I'd get (at least 30) Inda Gro's with Pontoons. Less lights will make it easier to maintain the optimal distance to canopy, which will be closer than with HID, and is one of the key adjustments to your grow style necessary to be successful at this method. But what do I know?