Please state your Obama Lies here

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said it before..let me know how much better you or your reduncelicans manage 2M don't always know what they're doing..plain and simple.

he trusts in his cabinet (which you should be able to do)way too much and it's backfiring..delegation and accountability is a must!

read the highlighted words which you completely ignored or apparently don't comprehend (typical renduncelican trait)

I can see the highlighted words... You're oblivious to the meaning of accountability, but then again i'm talking to an individual who is currently defrauding her own government
My trillion-dollar stimulus bill will fund shovel-ready projects that will immediately create worthwhile jobs and jump start the economy.

What is the DOW JONES at today

What was it at when the stimulus was passed?

What was unemployment at when the stimulus was passed?

What is it at now.

Just like you some things (your waist) have gotten bigger like the DOW
and some things (your brain) have gotten smaller Like unemployment
don't start asking for citations little man, honestly it's just not you.

i'm sorry, i couldn't hear you over the roar of your history of white supremacy.

no man in life is littler than the one who assigns all his failures in life to nefarious jewish conspiracies and racist ideology.
no man in life is littler than the one who assigns all his failures in life to nefarious jewish conspiracies and racist ideology.

No wonder you frequent "stormfront" so much... It must be so boring being a house hobbit, you got your list of chores for today?

It must be so boring being a house hobbit, you got your list of chores for today?

yeah, the list is a little longer today because yesterday i decided spur of the moment to head up to san fran and see it for the first time in my life. we went to 'house of nanking' in chinatown and had some of the best sesame chicken, salt and pepper shrimp, fried pork potstickers, and house fried rice that i've ever had.

then i got home, fucked the living shit out of my wife, and watched django unchained while getting massively high on some barney's farm LSD.

today, i have to get high and take the dog to the park to get some energy out, then get high and get some food. it'll take me a few minutes to wash the dishes (i.e. place them in the dishwasher) before it is time to get high again and watch 'the league'. i have three episodes to catch up on.

after that, i may fuck the living shit out of my wife again, or just have her give me some really, really good head.

how about you?

any exciting, new, adventures in white supremacy lined up for you?
then i got home, fucked the living shit out of my wife, and watched django unchained while getting massively high on some barney's farm LSD.

then let me guess... you put on your "stormfrontbuck" costume and went a posting?

I cracked my sternum last night, spent 3 hours in the ED - sounds like you and I had similar evenings
Things would've been so much better with Mitt Romney in the White House.
He's a Mormon and they're so intelligent that they don't believe any weird shit!
Plus he's even more intelligent that even the average Mormon because he manages to pay less tax on the dollar than a single Mom on $12000 per year.
He would've been a WONDERFUL PRES
(The rest of the World could've laughed at him EVEN MORE than George W....).

Sarah Palin could've made a fantastic Vice Pres as well.
She though Alaska was a neighbour of Russia (even though she was Governor of Alaska) and a resident of that snowy place for cultivating alcoholism and super-obesity - not to mention the domestic violence and sky high suicide rates.

Republicans - whenever I feel down I only have to spend a little time listening to the lobotomised right wing of American politics to realise that I am superior morally and intellectually than virtually any Republican - even the one's that make it to be leader of the free world are stupid.

"The French have no word for entrepreneur".
George W Bush
hahaha - what an absolute tool!
probably wouldn't have happened if you weren't so disoriented and off balance from abusing illegal prescription pills that you stole from your boss, you fucking junkie.

now i can explain why you are so fucking bitter so often: you're coming down.

well, at least with the cracked sternum and trip to the ED (erectile dysfunction?), you will now have your own legal prescription which you will surely abuse, and you no longer have to steal from your boss.

what will you break next to get your fix when your prescription runs out?

wait echy is a pill popper ?

i got to see the cited source for this

but would makes sense with his mood swings if true
wait echy is a pill popper ?

i got to see the cited source for this

but would makes sense with his mood swings if true

I was just saying to buck the other day, my assistant shot off his chin and was given a prescription for Vicodin for the pain, he offered me a pill and I said "yeah why not"...
LOL can't stand the heat stay outta the kitchen ( politics section). Mostly cowards use the ignore feature.

You're quoting Rob Roy.
Do you actually know anything about him?
I'm guessing not because, anyone who does know anything about him, would never use his words to support any kind of values.

He was a traitor, a murderer and a thief.
He took money from Lowland Scots and English to spy on his Highland brethren and any French who arrived
and he took money from the French to spy on the Lowland Scots and the English.

And asking the government to help out societies poorest by taxing the wealthiest is called advanced civilisation.
The richest can afford to help
The poorest cannot afford to lose the help.
It is THAT simple
And the only people who cannot see the obvious truth of this statement are either stupid, greedy or both.
you've been reduced to spamming.*

are you proud of that?

*and unlike with actual spam, no one even cares anymore.
tell your mom to stop posting your picture, ...and it's too bad daddy wasn't wearing one of these, only not like you wear yours.


...and you libturds are really gonna care come 2014 and beyond.

then let me guess... you put on your "stormfrontbuck" costume and went a posting?

I cracked my sternum last night, spent 3 hours in the ED - sounds like you and I had similar evenings


you know, you are allowed to eventually exhale.
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