Please state your Obama Lies here

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New Member
Franklin 1775 - "They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"

Fast "forward";

Obama 2008 - "We reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals"

Obama 2013 - “You can’t have 100 percent security and also then have 100 percent privacy… We’re going to have to make some choices as a society.”


Well-Known Member
The ironic thing is the Obama-or-Die crowd always lectures us that health care should be a right, not a privilege. Now under their plan, Obamacare, it turns out that the only people who will be left with good health care are the privileged few. Everything Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Mike Lee predicted would happen has happened, and it's making their heads explode.

I hope they all get voted out next fall.
you believe health care should be a "privilege"?..a true REDUNCELICAN:dunce:..through and through


Well-Known Member
you believe health care should be a "privilege"?..a true REDUNCELICAN:dunce:..through and through
I would say it's a need, but for it to be a right for you, this is what it means to me;

My time is forfeited to supply your right.
My staffs time is forfeited to supply your right.
My office is no longer mine, it's yours.
My equipment now belongs to you.
My intellectual property is now yours.
My choice to not treat assholes is gone.

Not much different that saying you have a right to live in my house and eat my food and I have to maintain the property and cook for you. Liberals as a group are the most selfish, uncaring people you will ever come in contact with. Their idea of charity is forcing someone else to pay. Their idea of freedom is everyone doing what THEY want people to do. I used to think liberals were generally caring people who lacked a certain understanding of human nature and economics. You guys have shown how wrong I was about you caring for your fellow man, you only care when it fits in your ideology.


Well-Known Member
I would say it's a need, but for it to be a right for you, this is what it means to me;

My time is forfeited to supply your right.
My staffs time is forfeited to supply your right.
My office is no longer mine, it's yours.
My equipment now belongs to you.
My intellectual property is now yours.
My choice to not treat assholes is gone.

Not much different that saying you have a right to live in my house and eat my food and I have to maintain the property and cook for you. Liberals as a group are the most selfish, uncaring people you will ever come in contact with. Their idea of charity is forcing someone else to pay. Their idea of freedom is everyone doing what THEY want people to do. I used to think liberals were generally caring people who lacked a certain understanding of human nature and economics. You guys have shown how wrong I was about you caring for your fellow man, you only care when it fits in your ideology.
oh no you don't..BB said PRIVILEGE

noun: privilege; plural noun: privileges

  • 1.
    a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people.
    "education is a right, not a privilege"
    synonyms:advantage, benefit; Moreprerogative, entitlement, right;
    concession, freedom, liberty
    "senior students have certain privileges"

    • something regarded as a rare opportunity and bringing particular pleasure.
      "I have the privilege of awarding you this scholarship"
      synonyms:honor, pleasure More"it was a privilege to meet her"

    • (in a parliamentary context) the right to say or write something without the risk of incurring punishment or legal action for defamation.
      noun: absolute privilege; plural noun: absolute privileges

    • the right of a lawyer or official to refuse to divulge confidential information.

    • historical
      a grant to an individual, corporation, or place of special rights or immunities, esp. in the form of a franchise or monopoly.
      synonyms:immunity, exemption, dispensation More"congressional privilege"


verb: privilege; 3rd person present: privileges; past tense: privileged; past participle: privileged; gerund or present participle: privileging

  • 1.
    grant a privilege or privileges to.
    "English inheritance law privileged the eldest son"

    • exempt (someone) from a liability or obligation to which others are subject.


MoreMiddle English: via Old French from Latin privilegium ‘bill or law affecting an individual,’ from privus ‘private’ + lex, leg- ‘law.’


Well-Known Member
And you said it's a right.

This is a perfect example of liberal selfishness. What you are declaring is that the people who spent money on an education choosing a profession to help others are no longer the owner of their time, their property, their knowledge because you deem it OK to conscript these people for your "right". My right to swing my fist ends at your nose, this is universally accepted, yet your lust for healthcare as a "right" doesn't end at my nose does it? Selfish people make me sad.

Healthcare is a need, but people can survive without it for most of their lives. Food, shelter and clothing are a bigger need. Come take what you need, you have a right to this.


Well-Known Member
My trillion-dollar stimulus bill will fund shovel-ready projects that will immediately create worthwhile jobs and jump start the economy.
And close the income gap. Either he understands giving money to banks and wall street does the opposite and he was lying, or he's really not very bright.


Well-Known Member
UB just can't hack it when his savior is caught in lies, a lot of lies.
yeah, well i've been waiting for 5 years for this son of a bitch to get caught in the truth but i don't think this administration would know the truth if it bit them on the ass.

...oh, and to the moron, healthcare INSURANCE isn't a right OR a privilege, it's a PRODUCT, period.

which means you are FREE to BUY it or NOT, your CHOICE. ...what you CHOOSE to do, THAT is your RIGHT.


p.s. let's not forget that Hillary deserves the firing squad for Benghazi.
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