please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

listening to NPR this morning on the way to work

they talked about an annual Alzheimer support group that meets yearly......this is bad but the first thing that popped into my mind......

how many people actually remember to go......
I have never been to a Dead show or on tour. I have never even smoked a bowl with 'family' before. And I have heard the Dead in interviews that they thought their studio work sucked. Its all about the live show and the gathering of people. ....I use to have a few taped live concerts when I was in high school... I have seen their live on Youtube of course and I love the Dead.

However, I love their studio work! I don't get too much alone time, but I was driving around paying bills tonight. Stoned off some awesome GSC and I put on my favorite Dead. All I have ever known was their studio work and I love it! I have been a fan of the dead based off of their studio work alone... I think it is amazing. Uncle Johns band has such amazing guitar work. The instrumentals and production is incredible. They sell themselves short saying their studio work was no good. Personally, I love it... not all of us can get on tour, ya dig? ....After a long day and you smoke a nice bowl ...there is nothing like "Touch of Grey", I don't care if that is the most mainstream is awesome.
I have never been to a Dead show or on tour. I have never even smoked a bowl with 'family' before. And I have heard the Dead in interviews that they thought their studio work sucked. Its all about the live show and the gathering of people. ....I use to have a few taped live concerts when I was in high school... I have seen their live on Youtube of course and I love the Dead.

However, I love their studio work! I don't get too much alone time, but I was driving around paying bills tonight. Stoned off some awesome GSC and I put on my favorite Dead. All I have ever known was their studio work and I love it! I have been a fan of the dead based off of their studio work alone... I think it is amazing. Uncle Johns band has such amazing guitar work. The instrumentals and production is incredible. They sell themselves short saying their studio work was no good. Personally, I love it... not all of us can get on tour, ya dig? ....After a long day and you smoke a nice bowl ...there is nothing like "Touch of Grey", I don't care if that is the most mainstream is awesome.

dig the dead in your own way man...I have met way to many "heads" that put you down or try and build up there ego about being at some show in 87 or how they no all these obscure recordings...

its the same as in babylon with those folks driving audi's...just building there ego

at the same time there are true heads you'll know em

while you may not have smoked a bowl with "family" at least you get to chat with fams
The deads alright.... I don't see what all the fuss is about honestly bongsmilie. I'd probably like them a lot more if I went to the shows back in the day. But the music is mediocre imo.
what music are you into skuxx? I like the Black Keys a lot... and the White Stripes ... Jack White is a bad ass.... what are some good 'New' HS bands? I started to read a Rolling Stones Article a while back about the new LSD movement in music... good article.... I will try and find it....but it is hard to find old rolling stone articles...they have good internet watch dogs I guess
what music are you into skuxx? I like the Black Keys a lot... and the White Stripes ... Jack White is a bad ass.... what are some good 'New' HS bands? I started to read a Rolling Stones Article a while back about the new LSD movement in music... good article.... I will try and find it....but it is hard to find old rolling stone articles...they have good internet watch dogs I guess
Thats some young music ther, my one boys 24 and he keeps me current, Black kees are awesome, lots of good new music, of course not much of it gets play, its a damn shame. My son showed me this video of some los angeles group, i didnt think i would dig it but i think its amazing.
See guys,the black keys are at these type of fests! And other well known bands..its all become a melting at bonnaroo(made famous by 2004)..there is all these NOW Well known bands.and they have joined the ranks..the dead started all this.touring for a life of a band is cool..touring for over 40 years..well..I need say anything more..
See guys,the black keys are at these type of fests! And other well known bands..its all become a melting at bonnaroo(made famous by 2004)..there is all these NOW Well known bands.and they have joined the ranks..the dead started all this.touring for a life of a band is cool..touring for over 40 years..well..I need say anything more..
Dont forget THE BOSS , im not a huge fan but Springstein puts on a hell of a show and always has. Poor Clarence
Use me up is a great song..all of what bill does is great music..grandmas hands holds a
soft spot in my heart.. any dead head will tell you..ya gotta go to a show..listening to the dead at home and going to a show is like comparing a firecracker to an I.e.d...
Use me up is a great song..all of what bill does is great music..grandmas hands holds a
soft spot in my heart.. any dead head will tell you..ya gotta go to a show..listening to the dead at home and going to a show is like comparing a firecracker to an I.e.d...

Although im a huge music fan ive only been to 2 shows, i just cant stand the insanity, both where outdoor, one was Chicago about 20 years ago, fantastic, the other was the Dirty Heads a few months ago.
I constantly have music going , to bad i cant play for crap
as far as pure connection to a song or music, no one comes quite as close as Syd Barret. I have become intertwined with Astronomy Domine on LSD... no other music has wrapped me into like Syds on LSD. Grateful Dead comes very close, but Syd Barret gets inside you and takes control.....

Too me that is why the Grateful Dead is so great... have you hear the Dead on LSD skuxx? otherwise your taking the music out of context.... you sure as fuck cant listen to pink floyds "See Emily Play" and have it make sense not on acid... or "The Gnome" ... the songs sound off if you have not heard them through LSD..... Once you hear the dead when you trip it is so amazing.... Wen I trip there is some radio music that makes me sick.. so overproduced and fake... i am anti pop.....
Btw..I was at that show and did two hits of was and my friend had an oz of K for his head..whe straight got slapped the fuck up silly..and that was before the show during snoop dogg!! and ketamine..I turned into a straight wanna be gangster for an hour it felt like..hahaha
Its not allways the dead that brings the heat..its great to have a weekend of freedom,and no regrets..and,50 bands playing for 3 days..and a sheet of times.

I was at that Superjam, they covered the Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" and it was fucking awesome, whole crowd was jumping. Wu Tang and Lettuce did a hip hop Superjam that was even better though the night before.

If you make it down to the Roo ever again I'll be there in the woods