Very hard not to like all those pics!
at least i don't get invited to white supremacy groups (and accept the invitation).
your side used those pics to ruin her in her run for congress in 2010.
Maybe I will start a new group, "Commies for social justice" and send you an invite, or "Psycho stalkers"...
Who is she?
Then no republican is a conservative since they went and grew the government like crazy with DHS and our spy agencies...etc. Hell there is not one "conservative" that I have seen in government in many years, yes dems included. The Bush card is certainly not played out, that jackass got us the patriot act (as well as every asshole who voted yes). His administration also started ok torturing people, something every citizen should be ashamed of. That asshole in charge now has done nothing as promised to close Gitmo and fix our violations of the Geneva convention.The problem is you keep thinking Bush is 'my" president. He's NOT a conservative. How can somebody grow government and be conservative? It's not possible.
You're just a racist that wants to see white people killed. You hate the constitution because you hate America. It's the La Raza agenda. The George Bush card is played out. Obama took the patriot act, and then juiced it up on steroids.![]()
people like you used to call race mixing communist.
Ahahahha And you don't think the republicans think the same way about their followers? oh my godddd.
I do!Ahahahha And you don't think the republicans think the same way about their followers? oh my godddd.
I am the world's greatest authority on people like me. I never called "race mixing", (such a racist term Buck, shame on you) communist.
no, you did.
you did in fact join a white supremacist group after being invited to join by an openly white supremacist member.
you have in fact spoken at length about how you oppose civil rights, specifically title II, the part that gives black people the right to sit at the same lunch counter as you. you have spoken out against that often.
you did in fact make some remark about how black people can't speak properly, i even made it my sig for a while.
you did in fact say that black people are calling each other niggers "incessantly", you said so just the other day.
you have in fact called the president an "affirmative action" president, based on zero actual evidence whatsoever, and then told me that you were just being a realist.
are you gonna deny that anything i just said about you is the 100%, verifiable truth?
you also claimed that you didn't "knowingly" join a white supremacist group even though it had been widely pointed out who those fucks were and you even attempted to explain away why you 'liked' so many of their horrible comments.
and i said "people like you". in other words, fear-filled bigots.
Not only would it have presidents think twice, but it would have the electorate, and congress think again as well. I don't care where it starts, and I don't think that a simple impeachment is enough. Let me be the first to say that I would not mind Obama standing trial - after his term, for drone deaths in other countries. He should be tried only by people in this country, perhaps a simple jury, for war crimes. It is about time we come to the real conclusion that our continualy escalating "war on terrorism" is now much like our "war on drugs", it simply gives the wrong people not only a certain self righteous demeanor but more and more raw power. We lock our citizens up, poison other country's land and people, subvert their laws as well as our own and demonstrate that we are not the moral bastion of liberty we think we are.
This is far fetched, but imagine if we did such a thing. It would be a shame and send a sad signal if we were to put our one and only black president on trial but suppose we ignored that. Suppose we as a people demanded such a trial. What would happen to those in other countries who mark us as evil and culpable without accountability? might it just be that those in other countries might just stand down? Might it be that some of the terrorism that is actuated by shear frustration at the actions of Bully America would lessen? Might it also demonstrate that we as a people see that other people in other countries have a legitimate gripe and we wish to try to rectify it?
Now the problem is that no matter what the verdict, it would not work very well. If Obama was found not guilty, all those other people would presume the trial a sham. If we were to find him guilty, then what? what is the penalty for a war crime? would 6 months in jail be enough to signal our intent? a year? or would we have to condemn a modern president to life in prison? Or, being that lots of muslims don't think that anything other than death or dismemberment is actual punishment, would we have to put him to death? Then, would they be satisfied with chemical execution or would we have to cut off his head?
Well, it's a thought.
If your final scenario played out, allow me to suggest "a forfeiture of all honoraria, fees etc. directly or indirectly obtained by dint of his former tenure in office" ... put the capital into punishment, so to speak
N.b. I hold no specific animus against this President
I think this would be sufficient punishment for the witch hunt. No pension, no title, no secret service, no glory. That would hurt these guys more than jail. It's a fantasy though, I think we all agree trials against former sitting presidents will never happen. Every Prez becomes a former Prez eventually, the first guy to do this would have to be terminal.
\Or he would have to have honor and a real sense of duty to this country, unfortunately none of them do so it will never happen. Makes me sick, Bush and Obama should be brought up for treason but it will never happen. Why will it never happen? not because its not the right thing to do, but because the next asshole in charge wants to watch out for himself and not show he can be made to pay for doing illegal shit himself. (I can think of more elected officials who deserve it, but not gonna digress here)
Hahahahaha. Buck, are you still beating that dead horse.
You are back to square one. So, what am I, a DEA informant or a Klansman? You seem to have second sight when it comes to such things, and boundless energy when pursuing the hobgoblins that haunt you.
So, if every President was brought up on Treason charges, do you think that would help? I know it makes it worse. It is simple vendetta and not in the system. The President is beyond the reach of Law, for the most part.
Treason is not just a hysterical cry. It is the most serious charge there is.
He cannot do Treason. Too many people watching and recording. Now the person quoted here thinks a mind full of mumble about it. So what? Only Congress can make the charge of treason. Do we want to simply shred each old leader in public? That is warlord and does no one any good. Pogram, Purge, gulag, is that what WE want. HELL NO. You can find this same BS leveled at all Presidents. But, you fell for it.
Treason is generally defined as "betrayal of country: a violation of the allegiance owed by somebody to his or her own country, e.g. by aiding an enemy."
High treason is defined as "treason perpetrated by somebody against his or her own country."
Another apt definition of treason is "any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government."
I do kinda agree that Obama should be brought up on war crimes instead of treason. (didn't want to make a distinction because if anyone that says Bush is worse, people lose their minds and don't listen). So I agree I was trying to simplify it and not make a distinction to not bring up partisan bickering.
So let this simpleton, clarify and be more clear, but let me first say I blame attitudes like yours for allowing this kind of shit to take over our government in the first place.
Obama should be brought up on war crimes for allowing torture to continue.
Bush should be brought up on treason charges and war crimes. He started a war against Iraq on lies. Thousands of soldiers have been killed many more injured, a lot more Iraqis have been killed also. Bet you believed all the bullshit intel reports from back then were real, even back then I could see it was crap and the war was being shoved down our throats. So who fell for that? most likely you. President starts a non justified war. If that did not hurt our country then tell me what has.
You say "The President is beyond the reach of Law, for the most part". Exactly because of attitudes like this they are allowed to be. He is not beyond the reach of the law, call it treason call it doing a no no. Whatever, IMO this country is in such bad shape because only the pawns are held to account.
Well we cant make him pay he is above the law. A company or a sector of the economy does bad, some fall guy takes the punishment, not a CEO. example to the best of my knowledge only one lower level guy from the financial sector has been put in jail due to the major bank failures that hurt the economy. Many over charges to our military and fraud, which takes away money which could be used to get better gear and save lives. Who pays for it? No one, hell the companies usually get another contract.
Many times Congress by LAW ordered documents turned over by the Bush administration, many times they declared executive privilege. I believe it was Clinton who started this executive privilege crap to burden investigators, Bush seeing that people like you didn't care, ran with it. I cant count how many times he declared it. (pretty sure executive privilege was around before, but I am talking about it being used to undermine investigations)
As far as putting all presidents under treason charges, the only ones I can think of now in modern times would be Bush. (read above what I say about Obama). In my post I said elected officials, I did not say presidents.
So I take it your for pardoning Nixon? That solves a lot, it certainly tells the next pres that if he undermines the peoples choice and unilaterally decides what is the right choice for our country, that all he will face is a little ridicule and be pardoned later. Thought we didn't want to have kings in this country who answered to no one.