Conservatives hate your constitution

DD I never called you racist. I only wonder why you don't smoke


I tried it many years ago. It was mildly pleasant, but I just don't like being high, I prefer to be sober. Although I have to say that some of the things I have been reading about CBDs is making me think that I might try to find a low THC/high CBD variety. Cannabadiols (cannonballs according to spell checker) seem like they might just be the next miracle drug.
Bahahahaha I knew you would point that out. Here I was doing the Mr. Burns finger thing. LOL you just made my day Buck. Thank you.

BTW - that was exactly my point. Was it a racist remark. No. You twist it to try and gain the upper hand. Sry dude you lose that one.


congratulations on being subtle about your racism!

" I think it's a comment on the depth of his arrogance....He's clearly said, If I can win the office, I don't care what the rest of you think....I*mean, I'm assuming there's some rhythm to Barack Obama that the rest of us don't understand, whether he needs large amounts of rest, whether he needs to go play basketball for a while. I don't, you know, watch ESPN. I mean, I don't quite know what his rhythms are.But this is a guy who's a brilliant performer as an orator, who may well, get reelected at the present date, and who, frankly, happens to be a partial sub -- part-time president. I mean, he really is a lot like the substitute referees in the sense that he's not a real president....*I suspect he's pretty contemptuous of the rest of us."

oh, i see your problem.

you are unfamiliar with reality.


Yep, admittedly, back in the 80's I was attending U of Mich and assumed the whole world thought like us. I never could have even imagined people like you existed when I lived in my bubble. So back when I was in college, almost 80% were opposed to gay marriage?, color me shocked (if that's not racist). Thanks for the correction UB. Duly noted. What are the spots for? Where did the poll come from?
then why do you defend your hatred of title II so much?

This is one of your many faults, Marie. Pointing out the conflict between title II and the constitution does not equal hatred. In the hierarchy of laws in the US, the constitution wins, it is that simple.

As GinWilly pointed out, dozens of times in this thread, title II is probably irrelevant at this point in time anyway. Refusing to serve a class of people limits your customer base and is bad business, but if somebody knowingly chooses to make poor business decisions then who am I to force them to do my moral bidding?
Pointing out the conflict between title II and the constitution does not equal hatred.

too bad the SCOTUS did not see that imaginary conflict.*

*if somebody knowingly chooses to make poor business decisions then who am I to force them to do my moral bidding?

it's called that constitution thing that you were clinging to mere sentences ago.

your rights stop when they harm others. demonstrable harm was caused by the practices of people like you before title II.

suck it up, cupcake.
congratulations on being subtle about your racism!

" I think it's a comment on the depth of his arrogance....He's clearly said, If I can win the office, I don't care what the rest of you think....I*mean, I'm assuming there's some rhythm to Barack Obama that the rest of us don't understand, whether he needs large amounts of rest, whether he needs to go play basketball for a while. I don't, you know, watch ESPN. I mean, I don't quite know what his rhythms are.But this is a guy who's a brilliant performer as an orator, who may well, get reelected at the present date, and who, frankly, happens to be a partial sub -- part-time president. I mean, he really is a lot like the substitute referees in the sense that he's not a real president....*I suspect he's pretty contemptuous of the rest of us."

What do you mean by YOU and US???? Look at you the big whistle blower. Dumb-ass dick weed.

"I don't agree with you... Your a racist"
"I think that is a stupid idea... Your a racist?
"I'm not a fan of our president and have been paying higher taxes every year... your a racist"

You create racism Buck. I know for a fact you won't agree with me. Buuuuuttttt sorry to tell you I am not a racist. So you took a swing and a miss. And that's okay. It is okay to be wrong.

What is not okay is yelling rape for no reason. Ever heard the story about the boy who cried wolf... He got eaten by a wolf. Because he was a big dumb dickhead.

...and was probably a democrat trying to steal money from the farmer, lol <---- Again this was sarcasm/ joke. Not the part about you being a dick though. That holds true.
FWIW I feel religion is much more detrimental to society than racism today but I'll be damned if I try to legislate away religion. (literally too I guess).
Yep, admittedly, back in the 80's I was attending U of Mich and assumed the whole world thought like us. I never could have even imagined people like you existed when I lived in my bubble. So back when I was in college, almost 80% were opposed to gay marriage?, color me shocked (if that's not racist). Thanks for the correction UB. Duly noted. What are the spots for? Where did the poll come from?

the dots are the polls that were conducted over time. red dots to mark disapproval, blue to mark approval.

cannabis re-legalization looks exactly the same.
too bad the SCOTUS did not see that imaginary conflict.*

it's called that constitution thing that you were clinging to mere sentences ago.

your rights stop when they harm others. demonstrable harm was caused by the practices of people like you before title II.

suck it up, cupcake.

And the basis of the SCOTUS decision on title II... The (tortured) commerce clause, the standard go to vehicle when SCOTUS wants to subvert the constitution. The basis of the drug war... The (tortured) commerce clause. I am not buying it.

Unfortunately for the supreme court and the politicians who are bending us over, I can read and the commerce clause is simply the federal government's power to stop trade wars between individual states and does not give the feds power within individual states. You can be a fan of "the constitution means what it needs to mean to get my favored policy in place" if you want, but recognize that it also gives the feds the right to put you in federal prison for a plant.
too bad the SCOTUS did not see that imaginary conflict.*

it's called that constitution thing that you were clinging to mere sentences ago.

your rights stop when they harm others. demonstrable harm was caused by the practices of people like you before title II.

suck it up, cupcake.

I think I finally understand your thought process. If Al Sharpton refused to feed me, then it's likely I would starve because I couldn't eat anywhere else, therefore I'm harmed. j/k man. I know you mean if the entire city of Detroit decided I wasn't allowed to eat there I would be harmed. I admit I would just go to a city where they allowed my kind but I'd be hurt. Just like my family was when Coleman Young told us to hit 8 mile (border of Detroit). We left, but now I see we should have stayed where we weren't welcome and forced those racist pricks to bend to our will. Especially now that us leaving is being blamed for the bankruptcy.
I am not buying it.

you don't have to.

that's the great thing about facts, they don't give a shit whether an idiot like you believes them or not.

there is no conflict between the first amendment and title II, the SCOTUS never even considered it, and you are not being forced to associate with black people.

we know you don't like to do that, that's why you knowingly joined a white supremacy group a mere 6 months ago AFTER i had pointed out that its members were white supremacists.
that would make you a liar, not a racist.

I always get a kick out of your responses. Do you do my taxes? Do you look at my shrinking paycheck? Have you seen my last 10 commission checks?

.... Go on I'll wait...

No? That's what I thought.

I have increased my annual income every year for the last 4 years. Currently I take home the same amount as i did 4 years ago... Why is that.

Well that is because my last check got hit for 30% taxes opposed to the 25% and 20% that use to be taken out. I'm not that great at math but I sure as shit know how to use a calculator. A/B = C%

I don't know why you think taxes haven't increased but you are incorrect my friend (this is used very loosely, friend I mean). So liar racist, whatever dude. This is America and you have every right to disagree. Unfortunately you are an uneducated voter and one of the reasons America is where it is today. You are why Obama got re-elected. You are why nothing is being fixed. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Good ol' Robin Hood was such a good man. What they don't tell you is the people that are actually being ripped off are the hard working Americans that made some good decisions and went to school or got a good job and have killed themselves to get to where they are. Now you to punish said people and give it to everyone else.

The only people getting screwed here is middle class America. Poor will continue to get poorer because of their reliance on GOV assistance. The rich will continue to get richer because they have awesome accountants and they don't pay taxes. Me I guess I'll just bend over at let gov in w/o lube.

Tell me Buck is that the kind of America you want? Completely dependent on the GOV being carried on the backs of people that are already busting their asses for their own families?

*Disclaimer* Every "You" is directed at buck not a race.
I think I finally understand your thought process. If Al Sharpton refused to feed me, then it's likely I would starve because I couldn't eat anywhere else, therefore I'm harmed. j/k man. I know you mean if the entire city of Detroit decided I wasn't allowed to eat there I would be harmed. I admit I would just go to a city where they allowed my kind but I'd be hurt. Just like my family was when Coleman Young told us to hit 8 mile (border of Detroit). We left, but now I see we should have stayed where we weren't welcome and forced those racist pricks to bend to our will. Especially now that us leaving is being blamed for the bankruptcy.

what is this constant obsession with al sharpton and detroit that you guys seem to have?

why do you straight up MOCK the adversity that blacks had to deal with at the hands of racist business owners?

carthoris said that "blacks should have just moved somewhere that they didn't have to sit on the back of the bus", and you are echoing that exact same sentiment here.

it is no one's job to uproot their existence to satisfy the whims of a racist. stop defending that notion.
you don't have to.

that's the great thing about facts, they don't give a shit whether an idiot like you believes them or not.

there is no conflict between the first amendment and title II, the SCOTUS never even considered it, and you are not being forced to associate with black people.

we know you don't like to do that, that's why you knowingly joined a white supremacy group a mere 6 months ago AFTER i had pointed out that its members were white supremacists.

You can admit it now, how many of those accounts back then were fake? It was a really odd time on this forum and it just never felt like over half of that was real. You don't have to admit having any, but I know you have too much info about it to not be involved in some way.
I always get a kick out of your responses. Do you do my taxes? Do you look at my shrinking paycheck? Have you seen my last 10 commission checks?

.... Go on I'll wait...

No? That's what I thought.

I have increased my annual income every year for the last 4 years. Currently I take home the same amount as i did 4 years ago... Why is that.

Well that is because my last check got hit for 30% taxes opposed to the 25% and 20% that use to be taken out. I'm not that great at math but I sure as shit know how to use a calculator. A/B = C%

I don't know why you think taxes haven't increased but you are incorrect my friend (this is used very loosely, friend I mean). So liar racist, whatever dude. This is America and you have every right to disagree. Unfortunately you are an uneducated voter and one of the reasons America is where it is today. You are why Obama got re-elected. You are why nothing is being fixed. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Good ol' Robin Hood was such a good man. What they don't tell you is the people that are actually being ripped off are the hard working Americans that made some good decisions and went to school or got a good job and have killed themselves to get to where they are. Now you to punish said people and give it to everyone else.

The only people getting screwed here is middle class America. Poor will continue to get poorer because of their reliance on GOV assistance. The rich will continue to get richer because they have awesome accountants and they don't pay taxes. Me I guess I'll just bend over at let gov in w/o lube.

Tell me Buck is that the kind of America you want? Completely dependent on the GOV being carried on the backs of people that are already busting their asses for their own families?

*Disclaimer* Every "You" is directed at buck not a race.

please list the bill wherein obama raised your marginal tax rates from 20% to 25% to 30%, and i will apologize for calling you a liar.

but until you post the bill that obama signed raising your tax rate from 20% to 30%, you are a liar.

best of luck, uneducated voter (and lying racist to boot).
what is this constant obsession with al sharpton and detroit that you guys seem to have?

why do you straight up MOCK the adversity that blacks had to deal with at the hands of racist business owners?

carthoris said that "blacks should have just moved somewhere that they didn't have to sit on the back of the bus", and you are echoing that exact same sentiment here.

it is no one's job to uproot their existence to satisfy the whims of a racist. stop defending that notion.

I floated that out there to see what your reaction to the treatment whites in Detroit received. Our homes were burned, our tires were slashed and we were jumped any time we went anywhere in too small of a group and were told we weren't wanted and should move.. by the elected officials. You reacted in exactly the way I expected.
You can admit it now, how many of those accounts back then were fake? It was a really odd time on this forum and it just never felt like over half of that was real. You don't have to admit having any, but I know you have too much info about it to not be involved in some way.

ask sunni and rolli about your retarded little theory and see what response you get.

ask specifically about slavenomore, shotgun420, nietzschekeen, alabamredneck, and others.

nietzschekeen was my favorite. RIU was down one day so i googled for him and found him on a dating website. had his name, picture, address, phone number, life story, and more before the night was over.

he asked me what i did for a living (thinking i was aunt_chanice with a profile photo of democratic hottie krystal ball) and i told him: i sell treadmills, greg.

he left the dating site and RIU right after that.
please list the bill wherein obama raised your marginal tax rates from 20% to 25% to 30%, and i will apologize for calling you a liar.

but until you post the bill that obama signed raising your tax rate from 20% to 30%, you are a liar.

best of luck, uneducated voter (and lying racist to boot).

You keep focusing on payroll taxes as if that's the only tax we pay.

21 new taxes in obamacare, sin taxes have increased, deisel tax has increased making basically EVERYTHING cost more and we are digitizing 85B a month that is basically a future inflationary tax. Soooooooooooooo much more to paying taxes than just payroll and I'm paying more now than I ever have.
you don't have to.

that's the great thing about facts, they don't give a shit whether an idiot like you believes them or not.

there is no conflict between the first amendment and title II, the SCOTUS never even considered it, and you are not being forced to associate with black people.

we know you don't like to do that, that's why you knowingly joined a white supremacy group a mere 6 months ago AFTER i had pointed out that its members were white supremacists.

Pat your self on the back, Marie, cause I am sure everybody reads your reviews and plans their life accordingly. Any good movies playing right now?

In my experience, you labeling somebody racist generally just means they are not sucking on the government tit and just want to be left alone.