Well-Known Member
The way it was supposed to work was that we elect people who looked out for our best interests based upon the majority, with a eye toward keeping the tyranny of that majority in check. That means that at times the minority is ill served. As it now stands, it is the minority, the very rich and powerful that is most often served while the rest languish. So long as this is the case, I am definitely for "the greater good". THis is not feelings but pure logic. The greater good often means the greater prosperity for the majority which, contrary to trickle down, has been shown to work. We could look at that "feelings not logic" stance where it applies to keeping the WWII memorial open while shutting down the meals on wheels program, which, as much as anything, helps the vets who were being honored at the memorial. Which is feel good and which is logic?
My standing on the prone back of another while holding my hand to my heart in reverence toward the flag is pure feeling and absent of logic.
I'll address the last because I agree completely with that sentiment. I saw a lot of that immediately post 9/11.
Your first paragraph makes giant assumptions. More money was spent in trying to keep people from seeing the memorial than simply ignoring it. I'm sure somebody has done a study on how many people were killed by the shutdown, should be easy enough to find. You'll have to back up your statement in bold with proof. War on poverty, war on drugs and the war on terror are all under the guise of the greater good. The Patriot Act is for the greater good. ACA is for the greater good. NSA spying is for the greater good. Nope, not a fan. I'm sure you'll argue those acts really AREN'T for the greater good yet the ACA is. Pretty awesome you get to decide isn't it? If I got to decide greater good policies I'd be all for it too. My greater good start would be abolishing overlapping federal agencies and severely limiting any central planning. Do you see now what a fallacy the term is? You are for the greater good as long as it fits your ideology, as am I. IMO individual liberties lead to the most benefits of the greater good.