Conservatives hate your constitution

Why dont Republicans want to move the GITMO detainees to American soil?

STFU! I'm tired of your abstract fabrications, or half truths at best. Obama had the paper right in front of him. All he had to do was sign it. Liar!
Just like you saying Obama has been pro second amendment, just because his influence failed to progress anti-gun legislation through Congress (post Sandy Hook, Newtown Connecticut)
STFU! I'm tired of your abstract fabrications, or half truths at best. Obama had the paper right in front of him. All he had to do was sign it. Liar!
Just like you saying Obama has been pro second amendment, just because his influence failed to progress anti-gun legislation through Congress (post Sandy Hook, Newtown Connecticut)

[h=1]House acts to block closing of Gitmo[/h][h=2]In blow to Obama, ban on detainee-transfer funds part of spending bill[/h]

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House acts to block closing of Gitmo

In blow to Obama, ban on detainee-transfer funds part of spending bill

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All that was tied into a massive spend bill funding Democrat priorities. Republicans had pushed to cut spending to 2008 levels — before the stimulus package or the Wall Street bailouts — which they said would have reduced expenditures by $100 billion. Why didn't Obama close Gitmo when he had the chance in 2009? Do Republicans have mind control over his actions?

Why dont Republicans want to move the GITMO detainees to American soil?

Why doesn't Obama actually enforce the EO to close GITMO. After all he did say;

"As president, Barack Obama will close the detention facility at Guantanamo."

House acts to block closing of Gitmo

In blow to Obama, ban on detainee-transfer funds part of spending bill

Do you ever get sick of lying?

I even grabbed it from the left wing website you mindlessly imitate...

Obama has twice issued what became empty veto threats over legislation that affected his ability to move some detainees out of Guantanamo. The first was in 2012 when he signed the National Defense Authorization Act which included provisions blocking the transfer of detainees to either U.S. prisons or foreign countries. He renewed that threat over similar objections to the 2013 act, saying in a statement that such restrictions “have limited the executive’s ability to manage military operations in an ongoing armed conflict, harmed the country’s diplomatic relations with allies and counter-terrorism partners, and provided no benefit whatsoever to our national security.” But he again signed the new bill.

Though Obama issued an executive order to close Guantanamo on his second day in office, he has not named any official to oversee that effort full-time. A State Department position responsible for arranging detainee transfers has been empty since January. There are currently 30 prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay that have been cleared for transfer for whom the process could begin

You can only blame the other side for so long, it's time to put up or shut up...
All that was tied into a massive spend bill funding Democrat priorities. Republicans had pushed to cut spending to 2008 levels — before the stimulus package or the Wall Street bailouts — which they said would have reduced expenditures by $100 billion. Why didn't Obama close Gitmo when he had the chance in 2009? Do Republicans have mind control over his actions?

A defense authorization bill passed by the House and Senate included the language on the offshore prison, which President Barack Obama tried unsuccessfully to close in his first year in office.
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Guantanamo Bay Getty Images

The measure for fiscal year 2011 blocks the Department of Defense from using any money to move Guantanamo prisoners to the U.S. for any reason. It also says the Pentagon can't spend money on any U.S. facility aimed at housing detainees moved from Guantanamo, in a slap at the administration's study of building such a facility in Illinois.
The Guantanamo ban was originally included in a broad appropriations bill earlier this month in the House, which died for unrelated reasons. At the time, Attorney General Eric Holder sent a letter to congressional leaders calling the ban "an extreme and risky encroachment on the authority of the executive branch to determine when and where to prosecute terrorist suspects."
Republicans and some Democrats say the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, which the government has spent millions of dollars upgrading, is the most secure place to keep terror suspects.
By banning transfers to the U.S., Congress is blocking trials of detainees in U.S. civilian courts. Proponents of the ban say military tribunals, not civilian courts, are the proper forum for bringing to justice suspects accused of trying to attack the U.S.
Those contentions grew stronger last month when a New York federal jury acquitted a former Guantanamo detainee of all but one count in the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa. The defendant, Ahmed Ghailani, still faces 20 years to life in prison.


Eric Holder

Mr. Obama originally pledged to close the prison by January 2010. That goal has foundered amid congressional opposition, and some 174 detainees remain at Guantanamo.
At a news conference Wednesday, the president expressed renewed desire to close Guantanamo, saying it has "become a symbol" and a recruiting tool for "al Qaeda and jihadists." "That's what closing Guantanamo is about," he said, adding: "I think we can do just as good of a job housing [detainees] somewhere else."
Mr. Obama didn't discuss specifics or mention Congress's ban on transfers. He said that regardless of Guantanamo's fate, his administration is developing a legal framework for holding terrorism suspects indefinitely.
The administration is looking at ways "to make sure these folks have the opportunity to challenge their detention—but at the same time, making sure that we are not simply releasing folks who could do us grievous harm," Mr. Obama said.
The controversy over Guantanamo heated up in November 2009 after Mr. Holder announced plans to transfer Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other alleged plotters of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to New York City for civilian trial.
New Yorkers protested the plan, and the president pulled the matter from Mr. Holder's hands. Administration officials say the idea of a civilian trial for the Sept. 11 plotters is dead, but the president has yet to announce his decision.
The measure passed Wednesday also includes language discouraging the Obama administration from transferring Guantanamo detainees to third countries if those countries have previously taken detainees and failed to prevent them from returning to terrorist activities.
A recent report to Congress from the nation's intelligence agencies said that of 598 detainees released from the prison since 2002, 150, or 25%, are confirmed or believed to have rejoined terrorist groups. Five of the 69 prisoners, about 7%, released by the Obama administration returned to terrorism or are suspected of doing so, the report said.

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All that was tied into a massive spend bill funding Democrat priorities. Republicans had pushed to cut spending to 2008 levels — before the stimulus package or the Wall Street bailouts — which they said would have reduced expenditures by $100 billion. Why didn't Obama close Gitmo when he had the chance in 2009? Do Republicans have mind control over his actions?

SunTimes ^ | 12-18-10 | Lynn Sweet
Posted on Saturday, December 18, 2010 1:03:43 AM by STARWISE

Illinois Republicans were successful Friday in stripping a provision from a House defense bill that would have given permission for the transfer to the U.S. of detainees in the Guantanamo Bay military prison.
The issue is of special importance to Illinois GOP lawmakers because earlier this year the Obama administration moved to buy an underutilized state prison in Thomson, Ill., in part to house Guantanamo detainees.
Closing Guantanamo was a central Obama pledge that the president has not been able to keep — a promise made during his campaign and on his first day in office. Congress needs to give permission for any transfer of a Guantanamo prisoner to the U.S.
On Friday morning, Sen. Mark Kirk, who on Nov. 29 moved to the Senate from the House, had threatened to block the Senate from taking up the defense bill if it came to the Senate from the House with language in it allowing the prisoner transfer. In the Senate, one senator has the power to stop a bill.
On the Senate floor on Friday night, Kirk noted that this was an “important week” for him in part because “we stopped a House effort this morning to permit . . . Guantanamo Bay terrorists from being transferred to the Heartland, likely Thomson, Ill. The revised bill prohibits such a transfer.”
Kirk “worked with the Illinois GOP on this all morning to get the language changed,” said Kirk spokesman Kate Dickens. In a statement, Rep. Aaron Schock said “Kirk and Schock worked vigorously with House leadership to ensure the language was changed before it made it to the House floor for a vote. As early as this morning, the entire Defense Authorization Bill was in jeopardy as Illinois Republicans pledged to lead a fight to stop the bill if it was not changed back to current policy prohibiting the transfer of GITMO detainees to the U.S. mainland.”
Cheesedick that article is like 3 years old, get with the times, you are wrong and Obama has broken another promise... Go back to spamming threads with your garbage
All that was tied into a massive spend bill funding Democrat priorities. Republicans had pushed to cut spending to 2008 levels — before the stimulus package or the Wall Street bailouts — which they said would have reduced expenditures by $100 billion. Why didn't Obama close Gitmo when he had the chance in 2009? Do Republicans have mind control over his actions?

SunTimes ^ | 12-18-10 | Lynn Sweet
Posted on Saturday, December 18, 2010 1:03:43 AM by STARWISE

Illinois Republicans were successful Friday in stripping a provision from a House defense bill that would have given permission for the transfer to the U.S. of detainees in the Guantanamo Bay military prison.
The issue is of special importance to Illinois GOP lawmakers because earlier this year the Obama administration moved to buy an underutilized state prison in Thomson, Ill., in part to house Guantanamo detainees.
Closing Guantanamo was a central Obama pledge that the president has not been able to keep — a promise made during his campaign and on his first day in office. Congress needs to give permission for any transfer of a Guantanamo prisoner to the U.S.
On Friday morning, Sen. Mark Kirk, who on Nov. 29 moved to the Senate from the House, had threatened to block the Senate from taking up the defense bill if it came to the Senate from the House with language in it allowing the prisoner transfer. In the Senate, one senator has the power to stop a bill.
On the Senate floor on Friday night, Kirk noted that this was an “important week” for him in part because “we stopped a House effort this morning to permit . . . Guantanamo Bay terrorists from being transferred to the Heartland, likely Thomson, Ill. The revised bill prohibits such a transfer.”
Kirk “worked with the Illinois GOP on this all morning to get the language changed,” said Kirk spokesman Kate Dickens. In a statement, Rep. Aaron Schock said “Kirk and Schock worked vigorously with House leadership to ensure the language was changed before it made it to the House floor for a vote. As early as this morning, the entire Defense Authorization Bill was in jeopardy as Illinois Republicans pledged to lead a fight to stop the bill if it was not changed back to current policy prohibiting the transfer of GITMO detainees to the U.S. mainland.”
As to the bolded, What the? The US' policies since 9/11 have served as the ultimate recruiting tool for jihadis, you just can't make shit like that up...

:lol: I was just mocking the part about:

the president expressed renewed desire to close Guantanamo, saying it has "become a symbol" and a recruiting tool for "al Qaeda and jihadists."
You're joking right? I've never figured you to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'd still expect you to know all of that was quoted. Do you really need a citation?

And now who is irony-challenged? Lord help you if you can actually speak like that....and type it.