Guns. Why should they be given up?

russia and most of eastern europe didnt abolish serfdom till the late 1800's...
and britain maintained it's serfdom as "tenant farmers" well into the 1800's...
the irish catholics were sill prohibited from owning land until the early 1900's.
We were occupied in a different way, there's a distinct difference.

We didnt own land but were relatively free, no slave wagons for us.

Never were people considered property to be traded like your Founding Fathers wanted...
Sure, a lot of people have enough common sense to be safe gun owners...

However as much as I hate to say it, since any idiot can get himself a gun in this country we would probably be better off not allowing that to happen.

This guy I work with is paralyzed from the waist down and lives his life in a wheelchair with no hope of ever walking again because he was minding his own business at a party, and some idiot was showing off his gun not realizing it still had a bullet in the chamber and the gun went off.

What a horrible way to have your life ruined....a guy who never should have been allowed to have a firearm shooting you in the spine by accident.
By that logic kitchens should have no knives and cars, no go pedal. They're dangerous and within reach of any idiot.
Sure, a lot of people have enough common sense to be safe gun owners...

However as much as I hate to say it, since any idiot can get himself a gun in this country we would probably be better off not allowing that to happen.

This guy I work with is paralyzed from the waist down and lives his life in a wheelchair with no hope of ever walking again because he was minding his own business at a party, and some idiot was showing off his gun not realizing it still had a bullet in the chamber and the gun went off.

What a horrible way to have your life ruined....a guy who never should have been allowed to have a firearm shooting you in the spine by accident.

awwwww your anecdotal story has only proven that idiot drunk people should not be trusted with yours or anyone's safety. BTW guns don't just "Go Off" someone has to pull the trigger, and that my friend is who is responsible for your co workers problem, not the gun.

Ever notice that you never see guns just "go Off" at the gun stores or at the gun manufacturers?
Pork chops. Now those do go off on their own. Nasty. We need a pork registry, stat. Also pork should be driven home (directly from the pork dealer to the home) in a locked compartment separate from the sauerkraut and mustard. Common-sense pork control, people!
Honestly, I do not care what any of those people thought about anything. They are all just a bunch of privileged douche bags that had a pack of slaves and free land.

And yet they authored the US constitution, the single greatest guarantee of human liberty in the history of man. They were all just human though, and had flaws much like the rest of us.
Wow, all of us hear support the right to defend our selves

but no one cares why we have these rights or about the amendment that guarantees us these rights

except NLXSK1

If you think back to New Orleans when katrina hit, it only took one day for the cops to give up and the outlaws took over...All it takes is one day and you are going to wish you were armed...I worry about Bucks crowd in the city when the shit hits the fan, so I am well armed.. I picked up a DPMS LR 308 awhile back and it's fun to shoot..I set up some of those exploding chemical cans and they turned out to be a pretty big bang...That ammo is hard to get so I mostly shoot one of my .223s. I can still get .223 ammo for under .50 so thats not to bad......I love to shoot, I have been looking at a bolt action 50 cal, but just haven't pulled the trigger on that yet...It's on want list....
A bolt action .50? You looking at hunting houses and vehicles now? That is an anti material round. I can get you a case of 40 rounds for like $320.
If you think back to New Orleans when katrina hit, it only took one day for the cops to give up and the outlaws took over...All it takes is one day and you are going to wish you were armed...I worry about Bucks crowd in the city when the shit hits the fan, so I am well armed.. I picked up a DPMS LR 308 awhile back and it's fun to shoot..I set up some of those exploding chemical cans and they turned out to be a pretty big bang...That ammo is hard to get so I mostly shoot one of my .223s. I can still get .223 ammo for under .50 so thats not to bad......I love to shoot, I have been looking at a bolt action 50 cal, but just haven't pulled the trigger on that yet...It's on want list....

.308 win is easy to reload, just save your brass, and you can make em for ~ $0.30/round with premium bullets.

if youre having trouble finding ammo, hit up gun and hunting shops in the outlying areas. urban shops run out fast, but even hardware stores and bait shops will often have what you crave.

also, powder, new brass, primers and bullets can be purchased in bulk over the interwebs pretty cheap.
A bolt action .50? You looking at hunting houses and vehicles now? That is an anti material round. I can get you a case of 40 rounds for like $320.

when i shoot my cousin's .75 caliber is that bad too?


yep... you heard me. .75 caliber.

.50 sounds a little more reasonable now doesnt it?
.308 win is easy to reload, just save your brass, and you can make em for ~ $0.30/round with premium bullets.

if youre having trouble finding ammo, hit up gun and hunting shops in the outlying areas. urban shops run out fast, but even hardware stores and bait shops will often have what you crave.

also, powder, new brass, primers and bullets can be purchased in bulk over the interwebs pretty cheap.

Hey Doc...

I pick up the brass, I should get all my own reloading tools for sure...Some of my .308 rounds are steel case and I pick them up to.....I save everything pretty much...
That .50 is just to cover the dive to the BFG. Who would not want to talk back with the Denel-Mecham 20mm rifle, in a shit storm?


The barrett .50 thats the one I was looking at, That will probably be my next weapon, the bolt action model..just to save a few bucks....

Yeah, that's the one I fired. Not much recoil because of the muzzle break. It's still way too much gun for me though. I have a very nice Savage bolt action in .308 that meets my needs.
Hey Doc...

I pick up the brass, I should get all my own reloading tools for sure...Some of my .308 rounds are steel case and I pick them up to.....I save everything pretty much...

cant reload steel cases, but you can reload chromed brass cases, use a magnet to weed out the steel ones.

you also cannot reload aluminium cases (cci blazer mostly).

to reload you need:

Tumbler (to clean the brass) ~$50
Press :~$50-$250 depending on how elaborate you want to be
Scale : ~$20 for a good digital or more for a triple beam or razor fulcrum model (mechanical ones are best, but digital is ok)
Micrometer: ~$15 at any automotive tool store
Dial Caliper: ~$10
Shell holding blocks (i use old shell holders from my .45ACP factory ammo)
Priming tool: ~$20 (i use the Lee Primer)

an assortment of powders and a supply of primers and bullets for the cartridges you intend to reload

you can get the equipment for less than $200 and youll save that much by the time you make 500 rounds.

set up your reloading press on a sturdy table or toolbench, youll be pulling that lever a lot, and it will break ordinary tables and shit to pieces
locate your reloading bench in a place where it will not be disturbed by traffic (anyplace near the front or back door sucks, youll have groceries, books tools, and all manner of crap all over your area, try the garage or basement)
do NOT place your reloading area on carpet. i blew up 2 vacuum cleaners that way before i figured out that small amounts of powder were getting into the rug... tile linoleum or cement are your friends.
measure your powder carefully, dont trust automatic powder dispensers
an orderly system makes it easy:
clean-resize-trim-deburr all brass, sort them into loading blocks, (i put em in upside down until im ready to charge each case) then measure powder into each case, one at a time, and immediately cap it with it's bullet, when all cases are charged, seat all the bullets, then switch to the crimping die, and youre finished.

keep good records.
you dont want to make a load that works really good in your rifle and then not know which recipe you used.
cant reload steel cases, but you can reload chromed brass cases, use a magnet to weed out the steel ones.

you also cannot reload aluminium cases (cci blazer mostly).

to reload you need:

Tumbler (to clean the brass) ~$50
Press :~$50-$250 depending on how elaborate you want to be
Scale : ~$20 for a good digital or more for a triple beam or razor fulcrum model (mechanical ones are best, but digital is ok)
Micrometer: ~$15 at any automotive tool store
Dial Caliper: ~$10
Shell holding blocks (i use old shell holders from my .45ACP factory ammo)
Priming tool: ~$20 (i use the Lee Primer)

an assortment of powders and a supply of primers and bullets for the cartridges you intend to reload

you can get the equipment for less than $200 and youll save that much by the time you make 500 rounds.

set up your reloading press on a sturdy table or toolbench, youll be pulling that lever a lot, and it will break ordinary tables and shit to pieces
locate your reloading bench in a place where it will not be disturbed by traffic (anyplace near the front or back door sucks, youll have groceries, books tools, and all manner of crap all over your area, try the garage or basement)
do NOT place your reloading area on carpet. i blew up 2 vacuum cleaners that way before i figured out that small amounts of powder were getting into the rug... tile linoleum or cement are your friends.
measure your powder carefully, dont trust automatic powder dispensers
an orderly system makes it easy:
clean-resize-trim-deburr all brass, sort them into loading blocks, (i put em in upside down until im ready to charge each case) then measure powder into each case, one at a time, and immediately cap it with it's bullet, when all cases are charged, seat all the bullets, then switch to the crimping die, and youre finished.

keep good records.
you dont want to make a load that works really good in your rifle and then not know which recipe you used.

Hey Doc...

good info....My dad likes to reload for all his hunting buddies so I just give them to him and at christmas he gives them back all shinny and new looking....
Hey Doc...

good info....My dad likes to reload for all his hunting buddies so I just give them to him and at christmas he gives them back all shinny and new looking....


does your mom do your laundry too?


load your own, and you can tailor your loads to your individual guns.