The Drunk Thread!

"So Erwin, didja get any pussy?"

Ill have to ask Heisenberg I blacked out.

The only way I'd get in there(Pussy) would be drunk, But if I was drunk then I cant remember.

lol. Im trying, you are always better at twisting words then I am BEAR!

Slightly edited.

Dam my illiteracy
ya when i get home il take a pic. its the one with american breeders. and milf's! (Marijuana I would Love to Find)

its volume 9 issue 3 : Rise of the america breeder.

heres the webpage where voting takes place it doesn't appear its updated yet, I'm pretty sure its the most recent issue.
go nuts. its a pic of YOUR pic lol! i like your pic better, that orange glow looks cool behind it. the overall composition is awesome. shits frosty as shit too. props! that timewreck definitely is no joke tho. big ole fat boy!