The Anarchist's Textbook

I want you to accomplish something, otherwise you'll always be "doing" something, but never actually finishing anything.

Basically what I am saying is, the way to do this is to try to further discuss the ideas in my writing. Not to troll me until I get bored of caring about this stuff publicly, and start sharing about something else instead.

Do you really think that I am more interested in someone telling me that they want to be my Jedi master than I am in someone that can tell me exactly WHY I am wrong about something in my book? Or someone who can expand on the ideas within in, in a GREAT way?
You need turn on, tune in and drop out.

Get excited (or go somewhere that you can get excited) and stop acting like this is the beginning of some money grubbing project.
I already did all that, but you refused to see it. You don't want that, you want someone to tell you that what you're doing is already perfect. You just don't like what you hear, so you go into your closed off space and try to justify yourself. If you can't see that that kind of behavior isn't helping you, then I can't help you, and neither can anyone else.

Not all help is GREAT, but it can help you think in a different way. You just don't want to accept it. You think you're already perfect. Jesus, let your guard down.
I already did all that, but you refused to see it. You don't want that, you want someone to tell you that what you're doing is already perfect. You just don't like what you hear, so you go into your closed off space and try to justify yourself. If you can't see that that kind of behavior isn't helping you, then I can't help you, and neither can anyone else.

Not all help is GREAT, but it can help you think in a different way. You just don't want to accept it. You think you're already perfect. Jesus, let your guard down.
just throw change at him and walk away, you tried
I already did all that, but you refused to see it. You don't want that, you want someone to tell you that what you're doing is already perfect. You just don't like what you hear, so you go into your closed off space and try to justify yourself. If you can't see that that kind of behavior isn't helping you, then I can't help you, and neither can anyone else.

Not all help is GREAT, but it can help you think in a different way. You just don't want to accept it. You think you're already perfect. Jesus, let your guard down.
You JUDGED my title (yes telling me that this is not anarchy and that I should change my title is judgement) and you then started telling me you should be some kind of jedi master to me, after trolling me for 2 years (I don't know you so I don't know how long it's been).

You never tried anything. I feel like you are probably even just still here to troll, maybe drunk or on some kind of upper. I'm probably just going to put you on ignore after your next post, since it probably won't be headed in any kind of better direction.

If you really aren't here to troll me, then please read something I wrote and critique it. Don't just say "Marketing 101, forget everything he said" actually quote sentences and explain what would be better in place of what I specifically said. Then if you can start proving me wrong enough we can start having a student teacher relationship. I am not on RIU looking for teachers though, so please don't expect me to act like a student without first giving me reason.
I never trolled you for 2 years, you must be thinking of someone else.

I tried to help you conceptually, not sentence by sentence. That's what a paid editor should do.

So you put people on ignore that just try to help, even if they didn't help? I'm so sorry for not living up to your expectations. Holy Christ. I'm at least 15+ years older than you and have way more experience than you, but you can't take some simple criticisms at face value?
I never trolled you for 2 years, you must be thinking of someone else.

I tried to help you conceptually, not sentence by sentence. That's what a paid editor should do.

So you put people on ignore that just try to help, even if they didn't help? I'm so sorry for not living up to your expectations. Holy Christ. I'm at least 15+ years older than you and have way more experience than you, but you can't take some simple criticisms at face value?

You never made any real criticisms or suggestions apart from the title and my attitude. I'm not putting you on ignore, I just expected trolly rage.

But you have given me no reason to care about what you have to say. And I'm not saying you should care what I have to say. But you came to me... So maybe treat this like a phone call where YOU called. Not like a classroom I walked in of some teacher that doesn't like my long hair.
You came here to post some thoughts on a new book, what was the reason for that? Just to post it, or were you looking for ideas or help?

I think you have a problem with anyone that you think feels superior to you, but I don't. You are the one that feels inferior. There's a difference.

You don't have to be so defensive. Everything you write says "I don't care what you say". That's not how a writer should react. You said you're writing a book. So do it. Don't get crazy when I actually encourage you to do it. That's trolling. I think you are the troll. You don't want to write a book. You don't want to learn with humility. I am humble enough to say that I'm just brainstorming and my ideas aren't perfect. But you react in a way that says you are perfect, you don't need or want any criticism, and you don't care about anyone else's ideas except your own.
I dont know any kids that would read that! Kids nowadays just waana get high and listen to snoop lion! Church.I
You came here to post some thoughts on a new book, what was the reason for that? Just to post it, or were you looking for ideas or help?
I just came here to share it. I get tons of views when I post stuff here, so I thought it would be a good place to start posting my book. And I will continue to post it as I write more. I am sorry for being defensive before, I did not know that you misunderstood the meaning of this thread. Can we move on now?
I dont know any kids that would read that! Kids nowadays just waana get high and listen to snoop lion! Church.I
When I was a kid I wanted most of the stuff I plan on putting in the book, and I wish now that I would have known everything else I am putting in there.

I'll be making some YouTube versions soon and maybe books on tape eventually.