LOL LOL LOL You act like I am not doing anything to make money, and like you have the capacity to help me through advice. Go drink some more and troll a noob or something.
you make stupid videos noone watches. most of your views are probably from us here, noone serious... and if they are seriously watching your vids and thinking youre a real grower.. well, thats on them lol. youre not doing anything for money except pimping out your family and copying and pasting quotes. you suck, but i would fuck your mom/sister
Indeed i was. I was here from the instant you posted the thread. You keep reading, i'll keep cooking. I think we both know who is actually achieving anything
Indeed i was. I was here from the instant you posted the thread. You keep reading, i'll keep cooking. I think we both know who is actually achieving anything
So, you stalking me is achievement. But me being worthy of your stalking "ability" has nothing to do with things I "do" or "have done" that you are jealous of... I do think we both know who is actually achieving anything. It's VERY obvious.
You're posting in a thread about a book I am writing, with nothing to talk about but how good you are at stalking and how bad I am at being you. Which I never aspired to be.
dude, you did read it and it struck home as it's all true. You don't finish anything, you don't have original/great ideas. You rip them off other visionaries and rehash them to make your own diatribe. you're impressing no one.
dude, you did read it and it struck home as it's all true. You don't finish anything, you don't have original/great ideas. You rip them off other visionaries and rehash them to make your own diatribe. you're impressing no one.
Lol. No, I didn't read it. I don't even know what comment we are talking about any more, but if I say I didn't read it, I didn't.
I don't finish anything? So I didn't go to Mexico? Or grow weed 3x on video all the way to harvest? Or get paid in Devcoin and by Google? Or any of the other things you guys said I would never finish, but then I did.
You aren't even speaking about facts, you are just trolling with 100% bullshit. So now I am ignoring you. Not sure how you got away with not being ignored for so long.