you didn't write shit. you copied and pasted someone's shit. take away your trolls and what are you?
Ahhhh the oxy morons you spout amuse me no end I didn't copy n paste it I copied it out word.for word from someone else with an original thought.
Crediting it means what exactly, justified plagiarism?!
Allow me to summarise however many pages of RIU you've wasted so far. Go forth and multiply.
I'm not even done (not even started really) and it is already controversial... Check and... (give me like 3 months and I'll say mate, if I remember)I concede the point. You have summarised someone else's words. furthering mankind. I'm slow capping btw
I never said that I would be posting completed projects. I said I would stop posting threads directly for the trolls, and that the ideas would be further along before I posted them now (since I discuss most of them other places first).Seriously not trolling here, but you haven't finished a project you've put up on the board?!
I never said that I would be posting completed projects. I said I would stop posting threads directly for the trolls, and that the ideas would be further along before I posted them now (since I discuss most of them other places first).
I don't see what your point is in asking me this.
so you're admitting your stringing us along with unfinished projects and promises of future ideas!? bravo. my point is simple. you're wasting your life, RIU's server space and my bandwidth. but hey man, that's your prerogative you go getter you!
the bums will always lose sir! get a job and then start a project with some backing. no shit, the whole rest of the world works that way. get start up coin then do what you want with your life. it's not rocket science. quit blaming your being poor holding you back. YOU are holding you back.
Putting you on ignore now.