Problems are one thing, but not being able to publish your book will stop you in your tracks. Steal This Book is already the title of a book. Again, problems. The authors may not care, but the publishers that still make money off of them will have problems. And they have the time and money to sue you.
But go for it, do it well, live it, eat it, sleep it, just do it to the fullest extent of your being. You will find happiness.
Then do it, do it well. Change things. Don't move on to the next thing in a week. That's failure.
Not doing things to completion is a failure to accomplish goals.
You can't always be doing things and make a difference. You have to finish things.
I'm trying to guide you as a Jedi master, but you think you've already finished your training. Even Luke lost his hand because he wasn't ready for Darth Vader.
Let me put this into perspective for you guys.
The other day my mom asked what I planned to do with coins in the future, and I told her I plan on making my own coin and my own exchange. She said "What would you need for that?" I told her I would need to hire like 5 computer programmers/graphic designers/computer techs and have them on the computer all day. She said "Oh so, like a company?" and I said "No, like 5 people on the computer". I am not going to start some 5 person operation and attempt to live the rest of my life on the fees. I am going to build the future. I am going to create communities, integrate social structures, introduce ideas and cultures. Not "try to make a living".
This isn't about any one thing. This isn't about me. This is about Posterity.
Lol. For sure. But she knows that I have applied everywhere and understands that I am making more money in coins than I ever did working on a production line or in a print shop.sounds like your mom wants you to get a job
"I do not suppose I shall be remembered for anything. But I don't think about my work in those terms. It is just as vulgar to work for the sake of posterity as to work for the sake of money."
- Orson Welles
I'm confused as to what part of my existence you are considering "acting to an audience". I came to the internet with hope and was shoved back in my bottle like I have always been, by family, by friends, by everyone.I came to you with personal sincerity. You cheapen it with acting to an audience.