Well-Known Member
She's got a nice ass though.
Eye for me.
She's got a nice ass though.
I have been trying to sign up for three hours and have gotten nowhere.....This is a real pain in the ass...I can see why people are dragging there feet to sign up...
Buck... I want you to sit down while I tell you this........I am going to sign up and I think there is a chance I might save a buck or two....
The state wants me to down load this 20 page app and sent it or fax it to them...But it is just to much info.. check out this app
I am not going to give them all that info...I just want to spend some money and buy some Ins....This is like buying a house with a life time fucking payment...
The state wants me to down load this 20 page app and sent it or fax it to them...But it is just to much info.. check out this app
I am not going to give them all that info...I just want to spend some money and buy some Ins....This is like buying a house with a life time fucking payment...
I thought you already had comprehensive medical insurance? If you do, you don't recall all the intrusive questions you were asked about your habits? oh, how about that "interview" by a "doctor" who may or may not give you the chance to explain your BP, your Cholesterol levels, and all the medicines you take or have taken in your past? You don't remember the fear that maybe you divulged too much, or that maybe the "doctor" had an attitude and might even get paid on the basis of how many people he refused?
"so you have prostate problems"?
"um... no, what has you believe that doctor"?
"says here you take Flowmax"
"Flomax? flomax? oh, yes, I was given a prescription when I had kidney stones"
"Flomax is not prescribed for kidney stones sir"
"Well, I don't know what is prescribed or what isn't but that is what was given to me"
"what is your current BP sir?"
"Hell I don't know, it was in the healthy range or my doctor would have told me so"
"I need numbers"
Like that. so what exactly are you bitching about?
There's not a chance in hell I'd let that much personal information go over a fax machine, let alone through the fucking mail.
I can for see many security problems to come, the average person is unaware how easy their information can be jeopardized by things like this.
I found out today that the state Of Oregon is dumping my Ins Dec 31st. So that is something to bitch about....You might get your turn then you will under stand...I just filled out what I wanted to on the app and I am going to send it in...If they want more info they will have to call me...I am trying to rush this app in so I could possibly be the first one here at RIU to admit to signing up....Kinda like monkey see monkey do, and then I could encourage some other younger healthier people to do the same..
I thought you already had comprehensive medical insurance? If you do, you don't recall all the intrusive questions you were asked about your habits? oh, how about that "interview" by a "doctor" who may or may not give you the chance to explain your BP, your Cholesterol levels, and all the medicines you take or have taken in your past? You don't remember the fear that maybe you divulged too much, or that maybe the "doctor" had an attitude and might even get paid on the basis of how many people he refused?
"so you have prostate problems"?
"um... no, what has you believe that doctor"?
"says here you take Flowmax"
"Flomax? flomax? oh, yes, I was given a prescription when I had kidney stones"
"Flomax is not prescribed for kidney stones sir"
"Well, I don't know what is prescribed or what isn't but that is what was given to me"
"what is your current BP sir?"
"Hell I don't know, it was in the healthy range or my doctor would have told me so"
"I need numbers"
Like that. so what exactly are you bitching about?
I don't remember ever being interviewed by anyone for health insurance-ever. On the form being asked about pre-existing yes, but an interview never.
My TURN Harley? really my friend? I got notice almost a month ago. I have my wife maintain a different carrier because we can shop separately and get better deals. She was informed that her policy is at an end. I was informed a month later. We are both turned out because our plans don't include mental health.
Now, how shall I look at that? firstly I am certain that our companies had this planned and see profit in their changeup. They could have included some form of mental health and simply informed us that the price for that might go up. No, they didn't do that, the simply forced us by rejection to buy a plan on the marketplace. Fine, their loss, both of us are quite healthy epcially for our age (I just got news that another, the second in two years, of my friends died from drinking - he was 5. You may not have read my posts, I shop every YEAR. Now I can claim that I will never need mental health care, but do I know? nope. I also know that it is entirely possible that the general demand that all carriers provide for mental care might, just might stop one or two mass shootings. Worth it? maybe so, especially since I know that no fire arm limitations of any sort are in our future.
I don't remember ever being interviewed by anyone for health insurance-ever. On the form being asked about pre-existing yes, but an interview never.
That is all about the level of coverage. We signed up for a level and my wife had to have a blood test. Rep came over to the house one night and drew blood.
WTF! Draw blood ......snip.....
WTF! Draw blood! Yes, I'm shouting, I find that just tooooooo much. I never had that either and I have had the best insurance my entire life and I never had to give blood just to get insurance. That is bullshit, Obama said that if you had pre-existing conditions it wouldn't affect your coverage or the cost or am I wrong? I thought this was supposed to be the panacea of healthcare, wft.
I expect to get my cancellation any day now.
Edit: I wonder if they test it for THC.
Here is a little information that should shed some light on why the dems are acting the way they are. My stepdad is a democrat and he likes to tell this story about when he was younger he had a super bouncy ball that he bounced so high that the clouds opened up and swallowed it. Never to see the super bouncing ball again. These individuals are pathological liars and there is nothing that can be done about it. They actually tell lies so much that they start believing them to be true. Another thing they love to do is repeat themselves over and over again, because they honestly believe that if it has been repeated makes it that much more true to them. All while everyone with half a braincell is sitting back shaking their head laughing at their expense. What is even more amusing that is if you disagree with Obama(noids) you are automatically a republican as if there is really only a two party system.
This thread was one of the most entertaining to me because of all the (there is no way for me to defend this so let me be childish) pictures.
One wonders, if you do sign up, and you do save some money, will you hold the same animosity toward this flegling, flawed, attempt at solving our health care problems?
No probably not..If I can get them to take my money I will be good...