So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
I'd go for the Vermicompost from the bin, if you can get it. Pure castings are not as bioactive and nutritious. Better to use the mostly-composted stuff. Almost completely done. Then mix with water. That's what I'd do and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
i just added bag of vermicompost from that detroit company to my soil thats cooking. i just wrapped up the pile in the tarp i mixed it on and tied off the top. would it be smart for me to get it up off the cold basement floor?


Well-Known Member
Leachate can be used. He should back off the watering of the bins a tad if he has a lot.

Off the cold floor, yes.


Well-Known Member
it looked like there was just a little bit in the jar. im more just curious. i didnt get to ask him many questions last time. i just figured that stuff would be pretty awesome.


Well-Known Member
You should go check out his grow log man. Always a lot of interesting conversations about everything ganja happening, and the guy loves trying out new stuff all the time. Last two logs were really fun to watch.
Thank you very much for the good word folks! :0)

Pap and I get political once in a while, but the audience is a great bunch
and I am indeed in perpetual "Pre-Season Mode" (if it works, then try something new ;0)

This is one of my new favorite threads.....sort of a shelter from
the storm of the occasional flame-outs.

Take care,


P.S. I will be sharing more fungi incorporated into grows, but that will
likely happen outside, and this will be next year.


Well-Known Member
il have to see if he has any extra to part with next time i go over there. i reckon he had 5-6 tiers stacked up so he should have 1-2 bins of the good stuff by now right?

any brands of vermicompost you can recommend besides your own?


Well-Known Member
No brands. Varying results with bags. You would be top dressing existing plants, right? So a little, but often is the way to go. Like a cup per plant today. Check day after tomorrow, sorta thing


Well-Known Member
im more talking hypothetically in the future. i run a ton of seeds and often run into issues with plants wanting different nutrition. old timer told me that with TLO i wouldnt run in to that issue really but i dont know lol i just know how different seeds can be in their tastes. i have a bunch of non organic plants going now but i wouldnt wanna waste some good poo on them.


Well-Known Member
No brands. Varying results with bags. You would be top dressing existing plants, right? So a little, but often is the way to go. Like a cup per plant today. Check day after tomorrow, sorta thing
Top dressing is such a powerful tool. Very underused IMO.