New Room On The Way


New Member
ok well after a few cabinet grows my buddy and i have concluded that cabinet growing is great for light smokers, but light smoker is not a term your likely to hear applied to us very often. He has cleared a spot in his basement that we will soon be walling off, space is approx 12'L X 6' W x 6.5 H.

While i realize that a 1000 or 2 would be ideal we spent all out money on stuff for the cab's. So after the cost of building the walls, wiring and possibly plumbing aswell hopefully wrapping it in panda plastic there will be little cash left for new equipment. What we do have is 2 switchable 400's, and one 400 hps, an exhaust fan a small ozone generator and a whole lot of motivation.

The plan is to do a mass LR2 grow in a soil/soiless mix filled grow bags in 2 gallon grow bags. I'm hoping to purchase a few cheapo hard plastic kiddie pools to catch the runoff. Probably gonna use 2 of the 400's on over each pool.

What i really want to know is how many LR2 plants would be ideal under a 400? In the past cab grows we have always just put in as many as we could fit, Now with all this space we don't know what to do with ourselves.

I intend to post photos after the build but for now it's just a dirty old corner of a dirty old basement. Not much to see yet. But soon with any luck it will be 18"s of lush jungle.



Well-Known Member
Light movers my friend,i have 2 rooms,one with large 1,000 watters & another much like what your describing,best investment ive made so far was a mover for each light,every plant gets the full effect of the light,the little 400's i have do very well at growing smaller type plants,taking into consideration the difference in sq ft of each room the 400's hold their own against big lights,all because of the movers.

Ive found that where little lights get into trouble is on the outskirts of the grow,those plants need daily rotation or they suffer,with movers nothing suffers..

With a 12x6 room & three 400 watters all on movers you should be pulling lb's.


New Member
Well If i could find the cash for a mover, i can just hook up 2 reflectors to the one mover right. We may not go with all 3 400 in the room, thinking of just 2 for now.

Anyone got a link to a cheap light mover that can handle 2 [or 3] reflecors?


Well-Known Member
kochab had a link for 99 dollar light mover!

i think if you lollipop and grow single colas, you can toss how ever many you would like


New Member
Well isn't growing LR2 pretty close to lollipopping anyway, i mean the plants take up just slightly more room then the size of the 2 gal grow bags so tey would partially shade each other but barely.

I guess i could always go to bigger bags but i would rather not waste all that soil, 2 gallon seems to be fine. I have even grown a few in 1 gallon bags before with good results, just slightly less yeild then the 2 gallon. I may try a pool of 1 gallons and a second pool full of 2 gallons, both packed full, and compare the yeilds on each to se which does better.

It just occured to me that i can do side by side testing now, Sweet


Well-Known Member
side by side would be very helpful testing,great idea
the light movers really would be a great investment even if u can't do it this very moment maybe alittle later down the road
otherwise dam goodluck and ill be following this


Well-Known Member
kochab had a link for 99 dollar light mover!

i think if you lollipop and grow single colas, you can toss how ever many you would like
Here's where i got mine,i have 4 of the 6 footers & 2 of the 4 footers,either model is capable of running 2 400 watt lights.

The shop will sell them for less than the advertised price,i got mine for under $100 each & they were delievered in 4 days from the day of ordering them.

Hydroponics,nutrients,hydrohuts,hydrofarm,clone machines

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
ok well after a few cabinet grows my buddy and i have concluded that cabinet growing is great for light smokers, but light smoker is not a term your likely to hear applied to us very often. He has cleared a spot in his basement that we will soon be walling off, space is approx 12'L X 6' W x 6.5 H.

While i realize that a 1000 or 2 would be ideal we spent all out money on stuff for the cab's. So after the cost of building the walls, wiring and possibly plumbing aswell hopefully wrapping it in panda plastic there will be little cash left for new equipment. What we do have is 2 switchable 400's, and one 400 hps, an exhaust fan a small ozone generator and a whole lot of motivation.

The plan is to do a mass LR2 grow in a soil/soiless mix filled grow bags in 2 gallon grow bags. I'm hoping to purchase a few cheapo hard plastic kiddie pools to catch the runoff. Probably gonna use 2 of the 400's on over each pool.

What i really want to know is how many LR2 plants would be ideal under a 400? In the past cab grows we have always just put in as many as we could fit, Now with all this space we don't know what to do with ourselves.

I intend to post photos after the build but for now it's just a dirty old corner of a dirty old basement. Not much to see yet. But soon with any luck it will be 18"s of lush jungle.

First it's just one plant to see if you can grow it out---then it's the box or cabinet grow for just personal stash----then your looking at the space in your closet and your thinking "this would be good for personal and sharing with a few friends" then your looking at your attic or small room and saying to yourself " man This spot would be great for some personal and to make a little supplemental cash" then your looking at the garage and large bedrooms and thinking about what a great space you could have if you took out a wall and how you could quit your day job and do this full time---then your talking to your other Buddie who's on the same page as you and your discussing finding a commercial warehouse and how you can retire early from a few good grows-------then--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------your sitting in a 8'x5' cell wondering if you will be able to trade that carton of camels sitting in your hand for a joint????:mrgreen:


New Member
Yeah Dr. i see what your trying to say, but i also think it's a know when to say when type of deal. A 6x12 room tucked down in a basement is with 800-1200 watts running is far from a warehouse. The fact is i am not a super grower, I'm just a noob that reads alot and has realized that I can't sustain my stash in cabinets and closets. And as much as i would love to go pro, i wouldn't dare till my state gets medical laws and i wouldn't be at such a risk.

I see where it would be easy to get carried away but I save my attempts at real weight for outside. Also since lr2 is such a quick turn crop i feel less worried then i would if i was gonna fill a room up with huge sativas, my state doesn't care about plant count, just total weight. And even then they are pretty liberal.

Besides i'm not tht guy that says "my friend" cause he's scared to say himself, I say "my friend" cause thats the case. I'm still renting for at least awhile and my buddy owns his place, so no unexpected "smoke detector checks" or any of that kind of bullshit to worry about. I do dream of a room of my own but i'm a realist and for now a partnership is the best i can do. My partner is like family, and has proven before that he's no snitch. I trust him with my life, and i realize that in a partnership like this that is exactly what i am doing.

Wish me luck
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New Member
Here's where i got mine,i have 4 of the 6 footers & 2 of the 4 footers,either model is capable of running 2 400 watt lights.

The shop will sell them for less than the advertised price,i got mine for under $100 each & they were delievered in 4 days from the day of ordering them.

Hydroponics,nutrients,hydrohuts,hydrofarm,clone machines
Nice price, does anyone know of a 10 foot long light mover? Or is there a way to add extension track to get one up to 10 feet? i would much rather run 1 track then 2. and how exactly do i run ducting to air cool the hoods?

Thanks for the help


New Member
Ok well in an effort to prove that i'm not that noob that asks questions and doesn't google, i found the extension track in a 3 foot legnth so it looks like i can get it up to 9 feet and that should be planty.

I also saw the slave trolley for hooking up a second light, but i was wondering if there is a way to hook the reflectors up side by side instead of inline, like a bar that holds them a foot or 2 apart?



Well-Known Member
Nice price, does anyone know of a 10 foot long light mover? Or is there a way to add extension track to get one up to 10 feet? i would much rather run 1 track then 2. and how exactly do i run ducting to air cool the hoods?

Thanks for the help
The longest you can get is a 6ft but you can buy extensions.

Dont get too crazy,i would not go past 6ft if both lights are to be connected to a single mover,going past 6 ft with a single mover will leave the plants on the outer edge of the grow shaded 50% of the time & the plants in the center in direct light 100% of the time.

A single 6 foot mover will effectively cover a 3x9 area if both 400 watters are connected paralell with the light mover,any longer than that & you get shade & the plants stretch quickly.

For hooking up cool tubes or venting the lights with ducting the best stuff to use is not the aluminum duct,home depot sells a plastic insulated flexible duct that will not crease & is not rigid like aluminum ducting,it is extremely flexible & soft,you install the exhauts duct much like the power cord to the mover.

After the mover is installed & makes a few test runs then you install the duct.


If the mover is running east & west you'll need to hang the power cord & duct from either the north or south wall,hanging the duct to where it is directly inline with the mover will cause hella problems in keeping the light running semi straight.

To install the duct & power cord simply hang a bunch of eye hooks in the ceiling in many different positions then hang the duct from the one yo think will allow the light to run straight & tie it to the hook using sometthing easy to remove,i use zip ties.

This will take a while to get the light running straight,let the light make a complete pass & you'll have to start experimenting with the other hooks in different locations,sooner or later you'll get it right,it is much easier to get everything running straight if you make sure to install a shit load of eye hooks ahead of time so your not working around & over ducting & lights.

Fuk,its raining like a mofo here,a lawn chair just blew off my porch :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok well in an effort to prove that i'm not that noob that asks questions and doesn't google, i found the extension track in a 3 foot legnth so it looks like i can get it up to 9 feet and that should be planty.

I also saw the slave trolley for hooking up a second light, but i was wondering if there is a way to hook the reflectors up side by side instead of inline, like a bar that holds them a foot or 2 apart?

Filthy fletch has a diagram to hook them up side by side but i would not reccomend doing that with a 6ft mover & 400 watters,you'll have alot of plants shaded,you could do a 4ft mover side by side but 6ft is pushing it,the movers move slow as hell.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Yeah Dr. i see what your trying to say, but i also think it's a know when to say when type of deal. A 6x12 room tucked down in a basement is with 800-1200 watts running is far from a warehouse. The fact is i am not a super grower, I'm just a noob that reads alot and has realized that I can't sustain my stash in cabinets and closets. And as much as i would love to go pro, i wouldn't dare till my state gets medical laws and i wouldn't be at such a risk.

I see where it would be easy to get carried away but I save my attempts at real weight for outside. Also since lr2 is such a quick turn crop i feel less worried then i would if i was gonna fill a room up with huge sativas, my state doesn't care about plant count, just total weight. And even then they are pretty liberal.

Besides i'm not tht guy that says "my friend" cause he's scared to say himself, I say "my friend" cause thats the case. I'm still renting for at least awhile and my buddy owns his place, so no unexpected "smoke detector checks" or any of that kind of bullshit to worry about. I do dream of a room of my own but i'm a realist and for now a partnership is the best i can do. My partner is like family, and has proven before that he's no snitch. I trust him with my life, and i realize that in a partnership like this that is exactly what i am doing.

Wish me luck
Wish you all the luck and your lucky to have a friend like that----I'm sure you've seen how it rolls----like you said you just have to know when is enough----------------------best of the grow!!!


New Member
Started construction prep today, Sprayed the whole room floor to ceiling with bleach water to kill any possible baddies, used great stuff to seal up any cracks. planned the electrical and the exhaust. Room entry is still up ifor discussion but i'm going to the flea market in the morning and looking for a cabinet or something so that i can do a super stealth style entry as inspired by this great build,

The ventilation plan is also still forming, I'm considering not venting to the outside. Am i likely to fail if i just run the exhaust and the intake from inside the basement. Meaning intake from the air in the basement and exhaust back into the basement? The room we are building is roughly 1/7 the size of the total basement. If it's a bad idea i may just run the intake from outside and exhaust into the basement. I really don't want to be constantly venting heat out of the house, especially at ground level. I had considered just running it outside through a dryer type vent but nobody runns there dryer 24/7 like i need to to air cool the hoods and i can't afford another fan right now.

I hope to get to the real construction soon, I promise to update this better then i have my grow journal. Stay Tuned



New Member
I ran the duct work today and tar papered the wall seperating it from the rest of the basement to prevent light leaking through all the cracks in the old wooden wall, Gonna put the wall and super secret door up tomorrow, found an old cabinet that will make a phenominal door for 20$ at a flea market.

Do i need to hardwire the electrical in for an op this size, or can i just run an extension cord to power 2x 400 watt hps and a few fans? If so can i get away with 16 gauge or do i need bigger.

Noticed my ozone generator is burning out today, not good. Not sure what to do about it, thinking of trying to make my own from an old microwave transformer, I have heard of using a neon transformer but i dont have one, am i gonna die if i use the microwave transformer?



Well-Known Member
Do i need to hardwire the electrical in for an op this size, or can i just run an extension cord to power 2x 400 watt hps and a few fans? If so can i get away with 16 gauge or do i need bigger.
Dont hardwire anything unless your 1,000% positive your room will never change,i learned this lesson the hard way,twice :dunce:,im old it takes 2 times for it to sink in :mrgreen:.

Seriously,heavy duty extension cords are the ticket,if you need more dedicated circuits to run the room run the circuts just far enough out of the electrical panel to mount a gang box,then run extension cords from there,as always pay attention to wire gauge to account for run length.

You can really give your grow a shot in the ass by placing the ballasts outside the room,if the factory leads are not long enough for this once again heavy duty extension cords are your best friend,you simply cut the lead wire comming from the ballast to the light, then install & female plug on the ballast side of the factory lead wire & a male plug on the light side of the wire,now you can place the ballast 50 ft away from the room by simply using up to a 50 ft cord.

For what your looking to run 12 gauge cords would be needed.


New Member
Panhead, so would a single 12 gauge cord run all that safely? you sound like you know what you are talking about, If i was to runn 2 400 watters, 80 watts floros and some fans, would it be possible to runn all that off one extension cord safely? And if so what gauge would that require in about a 25 ft run? I understand that magnetic ballasts draw alot of power on startup so i thought of using 2 seperat timers to seperate the lights startup by 15-30 minutes hopefully making it easier on the wiring. I did take a 16 gauge extension cord and run it to my spot, i hooked up a 1500 watt space heater and ran it for a few hours, nothing seemed to get hot and i didn't trip the breaker.

I will most likely post pics upon completion, the space is rather distinctive and i dont really have to much to show yet. My building crew went drinking on me and got sick as hell the next day, so nothing was accomplished. They did manage to aquire 2 dehumidifiers to help it dry out down there. And i again sprayed the basement down with bleach and some shit called jomaxx or something like that to kill anything my first spray missed. the dehumidifiers were hosed to drain into the sump well, and we discovered that the dryer was unvented so they vented that out a basement window.

The basement is over 100 years old and shows signs of it, trying to get it as dry and sterile as possible before we setup shop any further so there will most likely be a few day delay before any real progrees happens. The wall will hopefully be next.


Well-Known Member
if u hooked up that space heater i guess u should be able to run it from that extention cord..but i am not an expert.seems very interesting the way it's coming along im excited to see it take shape best of luck