New Room On The Way


New Member
I kinda feel weird about posting pics on this one. For one it's not my house so it's not my risk. And secondly the space is very distinctive. Maybe if we get the panda plastic up i can get some pics. Some very identifying stuff in there that needs to be covered before i can post.

The door i can tell you now will never be posted, i'm sorry but taht would definetly be to much. I am however happy to describe anything as besrt as i can if there are any questions. But we are visual people arent we.... I will see what i can do.


Well-Known Member
I can respect that,and that cool that u respect your homie like that.
i kinda got a mental image in my head of how it's looking.
oh and btw did u first order ur lowryder seeds?.
i got a little trouble,u see my gf doesn't wanna purchase seeds with her credit card for multiple reasons that she states.
so is there any other way i can get them? money order or sumthing?


New Member
Had one of those nice summer colds lately so i haven't been out much to get anything done, i did cut some clones and get them started in rockwool cubes, but that was days ago and i haven't been back. I left him with a spray bottle and specific instructions but we shall see. Truth be told my partner is the one who wants to grow bigger plants, I'm kinda stuck on these auto plants and i have started many seeds in case he fails to root the clones i will fill the room with an assload of them.

For now as i said we are only working with 400 watt lights, and given there short light penetration i think small plants wil be best, but he wants big ones so i left them in his hands.

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
the current plan is a supply run tomorrow, Should have the wall up and the super stealth door in then. Hopefully i can then take some clones and start a hundred LR2 seeds then. Once the door is up i can run a 4' T12 for that, I don't think ventilation will be a problem with just that light on, Once the seeds a started and the clones are rooting we can get to the lights and ventilation. At least were making progress.

And this just gets me thinking, I am a reasonably intelligent person with a skillset that easily lends itself to this hobby, and i am having trouble getting even this small grow room up and running. So the next time you see sombody with 3 posts talking about there new Mega grow room with 8K watts of Hps and 500 plants and there asking what you think there yeild will be, Just remember you are either talking to a wealthy newbie or some ass who needs sombody to tell him that this is not a role playing site. and to STFU
i have been planning for 2 weeks and finally will have everything i need to start building. but i am not good with building, so i have a friend like a brother who is going to finish framing my closet in my basement so we can attach all the goodies. it is taking a lot longer than i thought. i can wait to get those little seeds started.

good luck, looks like a sweet set up.


Well-Known Member
few questions for you 400w-hos users out there, im considering a 800w(2x400w)
grow setup, in a 3'x6'x7'h, i was thinking more or less of8 plants 4 under each light and 3 single cola plat in the middle of the 4. so a total of 8 bushy indicas and 3 s.o.g
what are you guys plans and what strains beside lr2... i was thinking of the hog or more of a commercial strain so i wouldnt have to grow more then twice a year...??


New Member
Afew of my 12 Poison Cheese clones showed there first roots 2 days agos and i'm sure the rest are not far behind, i will likely cull them down to the 10 best looking ones before they are transplanted. I have 28 Lowryder 2 seedlings in dixie cups that just went under the 400 MH today along with the poison cheese mother whos tops were stretching after a week under the shoplight with the clones.

Temps are holding at around 82 with just the one 400 on and the shoplight for the clones. But the space is still essentialy unvented, the lights are cooled but the exhaust fan just blows the hot air into a corner of the room for now. I will hopefully adressing that problem in 2 weeks when the clones are established and the LR2 is sexed. Then we can kick up 2-3 of the 400 hps and get to business.

I mixed up my soil tonight and will be filling the grow bags soon for the LR2 to be transplanted into once they show sex, I don't want to waste anymore soil then i need to so i will wait till then to transplant the females. I will be using 1 gallon bags for the LR2 from sexing to finish as i have tried both the 1 and the 2 and i noticed little difference in yeild. My soil mix includes FF OF, Promix, Perlite, Earthworm castings, and coco coir and while i'm sure some spend more i think it's a rather expensive mix so i try not to use a bigger container then i need to.

The poison cheese clones however will be transplanted into 3.5 gallon square white pots to give them planty of room for the 5-8 week veg they will have while the LRs buds under 18/6 in the same space. As i have said before we hope to secure a 1k switchable ballast before the Lr2 finish so that we will have the light penetration needed for the monster plants the Poison cheese are expected to be after there long veg.

I would get a dual 600 over a dual 400, 600 has mre lumens per watt then even a 1k. So long as you get can clone and keep a mother any strain will work under a 400, just flower clones at a height that keeps them short at finish. Strain seems to be a personal choice. I like autos due to there not needing seperate lighting schedules. but you will have to find your own preferences. I would however keep all your plants as uniform as possible, trying multiple strains and techniques at the same time can be a real pain in the assin the beginning. Especially if there different ages and need different feeding schedules. But by all means do things however you want, Goodluck


Well-Known Member
ageed vondanken...but i understand why he ain't got non.keep it up man sounding buatifull


New Member
Well for the moment my plant count is to high and my lights are to few, I hope to be moving in a third 400 hps soon and with any luck a 1k before the cheese go into flower.
I will soon be moving the best 10 cheese clones into soil as they all have good roots [1 died and one just doesn't look as good as the rest] then the cheese will veg for another 6-8 weeks while i run the LR2 under 18/6 in the same space. The cheese will get the 400 mh on the end and i will use 2 hps for the LR2.

I have 30+ LR2 at 2-3 weeks and the males are starting to show, And i have another 30+ with there first set of true leaves going in today. Never before have i been hoping for males as i am now. I started alot more then i needed thinking i would move the extra females outside but upon my last visit to my outdoor spot all my plants were gone and there were deer tracks stomped into the ground like my plants angered them. Needless to say my outdoor crop is now a washout and i will not be putting anymore plants out in that spot for the deer.

For lack of a better idea i may just cram em in around the outside of the hps lights. I'm sure they won't produce well but it's gotta be better then the bare floor would do on its own. If they come out horribly i will just run em all through the bubble bags but i have great hope for them all the same. After the males have been removed i will probably have 30-40 females, that will be 15-20 per light, abit much but there are worse problems to have aren't there.

Still plenty of work to be done on the room itself as my giant furnace blower i was going to use for exhaust is apparently shot, and even with just the small plants the smell is getting intense. Not to mention the light leaks.

Well off to the hydro store tomorrow for some FFOF, Tiger bloom and some panda plastic budget permiting. Then of to wally world for a stanley blower to use as an exhaust fan.

My 2 waterfarms are still empty for the moment, i had hoped to move 2 of the cheese clones into them but without proper venting i just don't think it's a good idea. Hydro and 80 degrees just don't seem like a good combination to me.


Well-Known Member
sounding good man honestly,and yes if plants on the outside look not to good there still make wonderfull hash.
i actually wish i could find sum auto seeds around here in cali but no luck.
and how u planning to use that stanley blower for an exhaust?
btw could we ever expect pics?,i know u already stated sumthing about that i was just wondering if there was like zero possibility or watever.
but sounds great keep it up


New Member
Pics may be along shortly, I have just purchase some Panda plastic and will soon be lining the room, once thqat is done i see no reason not to post but i will still have to run it by the owner.

My soil mix has changed as i was unable to get more promix, i am now using just FFOF with added perlite & Mycho. fungi. Eight Of the The Poison cheese clones were transplanted last night into 3.5 gallon square pots and moved under the 400 MH for there long veg, I plan to top them many times to hopefully create short little bushes with dozens of tops.

The first batch of Lr2 seedlings is showing sex and i will transplant them into 1 gallon grow bags tonight and hopefully get them under the 400 HPS if i can keep it cool enough. Temps are 83 now without any real venting and my cash runnith low after my soil purchases. So i don't know if i can afford the blower at the moment. I would google it for details on the stanley blower mod but my plan is to mount it on the ceilng and tape the 6" flex duct i ran for the exhaust around it's output, I have a seperate fan i'm using for cooling the lights, it's a DIY i made from the stripped fan off a range hood but it works well enough, I will just run the output from it closely to the intake on the stanley blower but they won't be attached.

Hopefully once thats done i can fire up all three lights at once and keeps temps under 80, but we shall see. Been really sick lately [if it ain't one thing it's another] and moving much slower then i should be.

I question if i even have enough soil for the LR's that have shown sex now let alone the 30+ seedlings i have waiting under the fluros, And at 22$ per bag and a long ass drive to get it i may have to find a cheaper brand that i can get easier.

Well off to wallmart for my blower now, updates to follow ASAP.



Well-Known Member
sounding good,and yea honestly there's different soil methods u could prob figure out for like around 15 or so.sounding good and good luck


New Member
Ok i'm back, My girl worked wonders and i got the stanley blower i wanted for 27$ as i bought the floor model and she told them that we werent paying full price, She rocks! It does seem to me to be signifigantly less powerfull then the box claims [like 1350 cfm] but it will work for my purposes. Gotta get some work in today and hopefully pics tonight. Can't wait to share my new room with all of you, so nice to finally be "out of the closet" as it may be.



Well-Known Member
glad to hear that man,way to save i love knowing i saved money.
can't wait to see the stanly hooked up,cuzz im wondering how it ganna work maybe ill use 1 or 2 of those to exhaust my garage.
i mean 1000cfm for 30bucks is a killer hope to see pics soon best of luck


New Member
Yeah from what i have read the stanley specs are complete bullshit, seems to Move 265 cfm on high from what i have read on the web, but try one out and see if you like it, can't go wrong for the price.

I got some work done today, wrapped the false wall in panda plastic and the room is nearly light proof from the outside with the exception of afew pinholes that i will seal with great-stuff. Thought i had enough to do most of the room but 25' just ain't gonna cut it, will need to get another 25' my next trip to the hydro store.

Sexed the Lr2's and repotted the best 13 females into 1 gallon grow bags, [gave afew away but kept 13] transplanted the 8 best poison cheese clones into 3.5 gallon square pots and set them under the 400 MH to veg. Bungied the stanley blower to the ceiling and slipped the output into some 6" flex duct to push the hot air out. PERFECT FIT!!!

I fired up the 400 HPS and set the 13 repotted LR2's under it to bloom away. I also moved the 30+ LR2 seedlings under the MH for to veg them until they show sex in a couplke weeks.

Everything is proceding quite well so far, with any luck we will be harvesting the first batch of LR2 in 5-6 weeks. I can hardly wait.



Well-Known Member
sounding smooth man,im on my first grow i love the feeling of smoothness and seeing progress it's a great feeling.
id like to see pics of how u bungied that and etc.
because u see my area is in the garage and there's just beams running besides the main roof of the house,can u picture what im saying?.
and the roofing is wooden shingles so im wondering on how id set it up,would i exhaust through a wall perhaps?,or i could out of a window in their just be alot of ducting i guess