Thank you tea party patriots!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Well I do know that you're a republican and a statist.
when have i ever denied that?

i am a firm believer in the Republic as our form of government

i am a registered Republican Party member (since 1996)

and i strongly favour the rights of States over those demanded by coffeehouse fops who claim to be anarchists but cannot explain what they are anarchy-ing for or against.

without The State (in some form) we would have ANARCHY, and i have no romantic delusions about how awesome that would be, nor have i re-defined anarchy into some weird utopian fantasy which is indistinguishable from Marx's Communist Worker's Paradise, except without the beards and russian accents.

anyone who wants to ask, can know quite easily where i stand on any issue. this is not true for YOU. you dont take a position, you skulk in the shadows taking potshots at everyone eles's positions while claiming your own Mystery Cult has the "Moral High Ground" based on some rambling screed from Noam "I'm Not a Marxist, I'm Just Indistinguishable From Them" Chomsky, and your own amateurish attempts at redefining words and creating Newspeak.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Actually, I didn't vote, but I would have voted for Stein. She was the only one promising drastic pentagon cuts.

I have also clearly stated I am a libertarian socialist, which is synonymous with anarchism.

You're defending Ayn Rand and you're a conservative republican so anything you say about Marxism is about as useful as tits on a nun. That includes when you call someone who is not a Marxist, a Marxist.
i cant even keep up with your lies anymore.


Well-Known Member
I think you are turning a bit Anarco-anarchist, now. We all change. We can embrace that.


Well-Known Member
No idiot I have always known that, which is my point, we all fucking know that. I got sick of you calling me a Marxist. I'm not and never was and you spent several dozen threads repeating incessantly that I'm a Marxist and this thing we all know. It was quite rude of you actually, but that's ok, you know you're a prick.
he tried to call me a socialist because i stated that i endorse private ownership of means of production.

the dude has issues.


Well-Known Member
If you know who Greenspan or Bernanke are you would know who Ayn Rand is. I have a feeling you know nothing about how the monetary system in the United States works.
There is no need for all that cynicism. If you want to bring up Bernake chairman of the fed who buys up government debt on the secondary market with more government debt, and then compare him to Ayn Rand just because they are both jewish, then I'd say your crazy. The fed could easily be controlled by Obama. If the president chose to tighten the screws on Ben, and speak out against quantitative easing, then he could be very persuasive. But Obama doesn't want to stop the quantitative inflation. It keeps investors happy, and our markets stable. That is, until your idea of a monetary system comes crashing down under its own weight...


Well-Known Member
There is no need for all that cynicism. If you want to bring up Bernake chairman of the fed who buys up government debt on the secondary market with more government debt, and then compare him to Ayn Rand just because they are both jewish, then I'd say your crazy. The fed could easily be controlled by Obama. If the president chose to tighten the screws on Ben, and speak out against quantitative easing, then he could be very persuasive. But Obama doesn't want to stop the quantitative inflation. It keeps investors happy, and our markets stable. That is, until your idea of a monetary system comes crashing down under its own weight...
Jewish? You said that.


Well-Known Member
Maybe called you socialist just because you said means of production, which is basically why he called me a Marxist.
poor guy must have been raped by a commie at a young age which, while horrifying, is nowhere near as bad as what must have happened to nontheist at the comically large hands of a clown.