Thank you tea party patriots!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
edited, ever so slightly... ;-)
She lied to get a tourist visa by pretending to visit a fake fiance's relatives and never left, thusly becoming an illegal lying bitch. How is that any different than Buck selling weed for food on the table and Christmas presents?


New Member
She lied to get a tourist visa by pretending to visit a fake fiance's relatives and never left, thusly becoming an illegal lying bitch. How is that any different than Buck selling weed for food on the table and Christmas presents?
Out of one side of his mouth he says he sells to "break even", out of the other it's to put food on the table; I would assume for both himself and his wife... It's probably both so it's a half truth?


Undercover Mod
Why are Democrats so obsessed with Ayn Rand all of the sudden? If the government stole everything from her family, then she should be pissed off. There would be something wrong with her if she wasn't.
If you know who Greenspan or Bernanke are you would know who Ayn Rand is. I have a feeling you know nothing about how the monetary system in the United States works.


Well-Known Member
Out of one side of his mouth he says he sells to "break even", out of the other it's to put food on the table; I would assume for both himself and his wife... It's probably both so it's a half truth?
yeah, putting nutrition and calories back into my body to replace the ones i used up while tending to my cannabis is soooooooo not breaking even.

i should probably labor away without replenishing myself until i am a size 2, then you will pay some human trafficker to ship me to australia where you can have your way with me.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Is that right?
no, it's not right.

the left hates ayn rand because the left hates ANyBODY who opposes their idiotic schemes and thinly veiled marxism.

talk to any old russian who lived under the soviet system and youll hear a completely different perspective on "The New Socialism" the left insists is totally different from Marxism

Ayn Rand saw the Glorious Bolshevik Revolution first hand, and as a result became a penniless landless refugee. since America is supposed to be a haven for refugees from political oppression, she came here.

she was "undocumented" for a year or two and then became a citizen.

she was never on welfare, she did NOT milk the system, and she did NOT hate illegal immigrants.

she hated MARXISTS.

Ayn Rad would be a footnote in history if her writings didnt chap leftist asses so bad. THEY are the ones who cant stop talking about how evil she was, which is a prime reason why here books still sell.
When anyone starts to notice the leftist lies, they look for a divergent opinion, and Rand is the first person on every leftist's list of The Enemy, so naturally her writings are a common first stop on the path to conservatism for those raised in leftist indoctrination (as i was).

curiously many Old School Republicans hated Rand almost as much as the Left does, as she opposes government power no matter who is tugging the strings.

go figure.


New Member
yeah, putting nutrition and calories back into my body to replace the ones i used up while tending to my cannabis is soooooooo not breaking even.

i should probably labor away without replenishing myself until i am a size 2, then you will pay some human trafficker to ship me to australia where you can have your way with me.
Sorry mate, I don't get involved in "non-consensual romps"... So you make your "wife" make her own feed up? Good one Rattus...


Well-Known Member
Why are Democrats so obsessed with Ayn Rand all of the sudden? If the government stole everything from her family, then she should be pissed off. There would be something wrong with her if she wasn't.
Pissed off? That has nothing to do with her Philosophy. But, you say it was anger that caused her to lash out? Have you read her stuff?


Undercover Mod
no, it's not right.

the left hates ayn rand because the left hates ANyBODY who opposes their idiotic schemes and thinly veiled marxism.

talk to any old russian who lived under the soviet system and youll hear a completely different perspective on "The New Socialism" the left insists is totally different from Marxism

Ayn Rand saw the Glorious Bolshevik Revolution first hand, and as a result became a penniless landless refugee. since America is supposed to be a haven for refugees from political oppression, she came here.

she was "undocumented" for a year or two and then became a citizen.

she was never on welfare, she did NOT milk the system, and she did NOT hate illegal immigrants.

she hated MARXISTS.

Ayn Rad would be a footnote in history if her writings didnt chap leftist asses so bad. THEY are the ones who cant stop talking about how evil she was, which is a prime reason why here books still sell.
When anyone starts to notice the leftist lies, they look for a divergent opinion, and Rand is the first person on every leftist's list of The Enemy, so naturally her writings are a common first stop on the path to conservatism for those raised in leftist indoctrination (as i was).

curiously many Old School Republicans hated Rand almost as much as the Left does, as she opposes government power no matter who is tugging the strings.

go figure.
Ayn Rand was a little girl when the Bolsheviks took power. Her father had his pharmacies seized by the state.

Soviet Communism and Socialism should not be compared as the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its horribly long-winded. I managed to get through Atlas Shrugged but that was about it. I could care less about her ideals I just don't think she's a very good author.

My anecdotal Tea Party story.

I used to work with this woman in my office who was pretty much a walking stereotype. Overweight, middle-aged, hated blacks, muslims, and mexicans, "reformed alcoholic" who happened to find jeebus and wanted to let everyone know, and most annoyingly, would start political discussions at work, and hoot and holler if you didn't agree with her.

Anyway ~2.5 years ago she went to a Tea Party rally outside the governor's mansion during lunch break (I work in a State capitol) and became so convinced that they were going to storm the building she ended up having a mild heart attack. Now the best part is she collects disability and sits at home on her fat ass paid for by us taxpayers, just like the blacks and mexicans she used to bitch about!


Undercover Mod
Yeah its horribly long-winded. I managed to get through Atlas Shrugged but that was about it. I could care less about her ideals I just don't think she's a very good author.

My anecdotal Tea Party story.

I used to work with this woman in my office who was pretty much a walking stereotype. Overweight, middle-aged, hated blacks, muslims, and mexicans, "reformed alcoholic" who happened to find jeebus and wanted to let everyone know, and most annoyingly, would start political discussions at work, and hoot and holler if you didn't agree with her.

Anyway ~2.5 years ago she went to a Tea Party rally outside the governor's mansion during lunch break (I work in a State capitol) and became so convinced that they were going to storm the building she ended up having a mild heart attack. Now the best part is she collects disability and sits at home on her fat ass paid for by us taxpayers, just like the blacks and mexicans she used to bitch about!
Isn't that how every story involving the Tea Party ends?


Well-Known Member
"[The Native Americans] didn't have any rights to the land and there was no reason for anyone to grant them rights which they had not conceived and were not using.... What was it they were fighting for, if they opposed white men on this continent? For their wish to continue a primitive existence, their "right" to keep part of the earth untouched, unused and not even as property, just keep everybody out so that you will live practically like an animal, or maybe a few caves above it. Any white person who brought the element of civilization had the right to take over this continent."
Ayn Rand.

In case anyone was wondering why the left hates her.

She did in fact collect social security in case anyone was wondering.


Well-Known Member
Ayn Rand.

In case anyone was wondering why the left hates her.

She did in fact collect social security in case anyone was wondering.
oh, you mean welfare. government handouts. socialism. marxism. communism. bolsheviks in your living room, black helicopters, jack booted thugs. gun confiscation. and not least of all....MULTICULTURALISM!

ayn rand was dependent on government, believed she was a victim, believed the government had the responsibility to take care of her. health care, food, housing, you name it: that's an entitlement that the government should give to her.

no one can ever convince ayn rand that she should take personal responsibility for her life.

that ponzi scheme mooching bitch.


Well-Known Member
It is fantasy. And I agree. Atlas Shrugged?...meh <shrug> Cumbersomely simplified, I guess.

But, the point is impossible. The World Producers stop production and the govts say Oh No. What can we do???

Well, let's take that copper mine. Not gonna sell it? And not gonna run it? Won't produce the copper the world needs?

Somehow the entire premise is the hated tyranny of the govts favoring Labor, ruthlessly, until the Fat Cats are fed up. But, this same ruthlessness turns off when the producers go on strike.

We know that, in REAL, the copper mine and all the rest would be simply be forced back into production.

Begin Fat Cat Reductions with little ole accidents and we're baaaaAaaaAAKKKK.

We cannot ignore the problem that we all become Mob Food, if we try to leave the under advantaged classes behind to "figure it out. "

Rand fails there, I think.