Thank you tea party patriots!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Ayn Rand was a little girl when the Bolsheviks took power. Her father had his pharmacies seized by the state.

Soviet Communism and Socialism should not be compared as the same thing.
the Bolshevik revolution was a SOCIALIST REVOLUTION thats why they were called the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics.

ill say this again for the slow kids:

Marx, in the communist manifesto explained in detail how capitalism should be dismantled, first capitalism falls to the Intellectual Vanguard, who establish a SOCIALIST STATE, and impose order on the proletariat. then, after order has been re-established the Intellectual Vanguard begin indoctrinating the Proles into the glories of "Scientific Marxism", whiule defending trhe Purity Of The State" from outside influences which might corrupt foolish proles who havent been fully indoctrinated, and exporting Revolutionary Agent Provocateurs into capitalist nations to foment a Marxist Revolution of their very own, until eventually all of the world embraces Marxist Ideology, and the state will of course VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE ITSELF and evolve into A Stateless Communist Workers Paradise

Socialism is designed to be authoritarian, autocratic and despotic, BY MARX as a means of forcing everyone to accept his wackadoodle political theories and retarded economic assumptions, as a Stepping Stone to Communism.

if you believe this is false, READ THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO or STFU.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
love the new avi..right down to the fresh pressed white sheets hanging off that clothesline in the background..
you press your sheets BEFORE hanging them on the line?

who could guess that you never used a clothesline in your life...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
no, it's not right.

the left hates ayn rand because the left hates ANyBODY who opposes their idiotic schemes and thinly veiled marxism.

talk to any old russian who lived under the soviet system and youll hear a completely different perspective on "The New Socialism" the left insists is totally different from Marxism

Ayn Rand saw the Glorious Bolshevik Revolution first hand, and as a result became a penniless landless refugee. since America is supposed to be a haven for refugees from political oppression, she came here.

she was "undocumented" for a year or two and then became a citizen.

she was never on welfare, she did NOT milk the system, and she did NOT hate illegal immigrants.

she hated MARXISTS.

Ayn Rad would be a footnote in history if her writings didnt chap leftist asses so bad. THEY are the ones who cant stop talking about how evil she was, which is a prime reason why here books still sell.
When anyone starts to notice the leftist lies, they look for a divergent opinion, and Rand is the first person on every leftist's list of The Enemy, so naturally her writings are a common first stop on the path to conservatism for those raised in leftist indoctrination (as i was).

curiously many Old School Republicans hated Rand almost as much as the Left does, as she opposes government power no matter who is tugging the strings.

go figure.
Her shit is more long winded than Stephen Crane's Red Badge of Courage. I got cold one winter and used them for kindling. Even though they stunk, their length saved my freezing ass.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Her shit is more long winded than Stephen Crane's Red Badge of Courage. I got cold one winter and used them for kindling. Even though they stunk, their length saved my freezing ass.
i never said she was a good writer. personally i despise john steinbeck and jd salinger, but that doesnt make them into monsters just because i use their shitty books to wipe my ass. .


Well-Known Member
the Bolshevik revolution was a SOCIALIST REVOLUTION thats why they were called the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics.

ill say this again for the slow kids:

Marx, in the communist manifesto explained in detail how capitalism should be dismantled, first capitalism falls to the Intellectual Vanguard, who establish a SOCIALIST STATE, and impose order on the proletariat. then, after order has been re-established the Intellectual Vanguard begin indoctrinating the Proles into the glories of "Scientific Marxism", whiule defending trhe Purity Of The State" from outside influences which might corrupt foolish proles who havent been fully indoctrinated, and exporting Revolutionary Agent Provocateurs into capitalist nations to foment a Marxist Revolution of their very own, until eventually all of the world embraces Marxist Ideology, and the state will of course VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE ITSELF and evolve into A Stateless Communist Workers Paradise

Socialism is designed to be authoritarian, autocratic and despotic, BY MARX as a means of forcing everyone to accept his wackadoodle political theories and retarded economic assumptions, as a Stepping Stone to Communism.

if you believe this is false, READ THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO or STFU.
Yes, we all know that Marxism relies on an authoritarian vanguard in order to achieve communism. You must think you're the only one who knows that. You must think you're revealing some occult esoteric revelation like you're bringing something wise. Everyone knows that.

Did Russia ever become stateless and classless? No, than it was authoritarian socialist until it crumbled. That is the weakness of Marxism, it gives the vanguard a dictatorship of the proletariat. Quit parroting and learn, we're actually way ahead of you.

As for Rand, she was just butt hurt because the people who her family had previously oppressed took all their shit and made them poor like everyone else. She was a medicare beneficiary also. She deserved to be poor, because she never contributed anything to others. She never made the world a better place. She could have gained a new fortune in the US if her ideas were worth anything. She never did and she wasn't even grateful to society for supporting her.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Yes, we all know that Marxism relies on an authoritarian vanguard in order to achieve communism. You must think you're the only one who knows that. You must think you're revealing some occult esoteric revelation like you're bringing something wise. Everyone knows that.

Did Russia ever become stateless and classless? No, than it was authoritarian socialist until it crumbled. That is the weakness of Marxism, it gives the vanguard a dictatorship of the proletariat. Quit parroting and learn, we're actually way ahead of you.

As for Rand, she was just butt hurt because the people who her family had previously oppressed took all their shit and made them poor like everyone else. She was a medicare beneficiary also. She deserved to be poor, because she never contributed anything to others. She never made the world a better place. She could have gained a new fortune in the US if her ideas were worth anything. She never did and she wasn't even grateful to society for supporting her.
how amusing. you spent several whole threads arguing the OPPOSITE position and calling me a liar for stating the above information just a few weeks ago.

i guess you fianlly read the Communist Manifesto for the first time.

and no, you are not "Ahead" of anyone. you are parroting the rhetoric of 19th century coffeehouse fops and beard enthusiasts while pretending their idiotic ideas havent been rejected and disproved by every thinking person on earth over the last 130 years.

Socialism IS Marxist, just as Fascism and Communism are.
pretending theres some New And Improved Socialism, now with Marxinol (tm) to remove those set-in Stalinism stains, Keep your Revolutionary Zeal pure and leave your Red Banners bright, is pure madison avenue marketing.

but then selling your poorly elucidated agenda to the fools who will swallow anything, no matter how vague and indefinable is what you live for.

Tell us another story about Libertarian Socialism and how it's 100% not Marxist in nature, despite being based on failed Marxist rhetoric and discredited Marxist ideology.

PLEEEASE! I promise I wont fall asleep when you get to the good part where they throw their bodies at the barricades!


Well-Known Member
how amusing. you spent several whole threads arguing the OPPOSITE position and calling me a liar for stating the above information just a few weeks ago
No idiot I have always known that, which is my point, we all fucking know that. I got sick of you calling me a Marxist. I'm not and never was and you spent several dozen threads repeating incessantly that I'm a Marxist and this thing we all know. It was quite rude of you actually, but that's ok, you know you're a prick.


Well-Known Member
I bet you have never read anything Karl Marx wrote, which is why you think an anarchist is the same as a Bolshevist. You don't know the difference. You think left is synonymous with authoritarian. You're dumb.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I bet you have never read anything Karl Marx wrote, which is why you think an anarchist is the same as a Bolshevist. You don't know the difference. You think left is synonymous with authoritarian. You're dumb.
well i do know youre not REALLY an anarchist, thats just the fancy new romper that doesnt have that Stalinist Stink around the crotch and butt areas.

youre such and "Aanarchist" that you spend all your time telling everybody else how they should live their lives while collecting disability payments from the "Authoritarian Fascist Capitalist Running Dog Bourgeois State"

your "Anarchism" is so closely connected with Marxism Classic(tm) as to be indistinguishable, yet you keep insisting it's totally different without actually providing a link you you Party Platform, Manifesto, or Statement of Principles.

all we have to go on is your rhetoric, and that rhetoric is clearly Marxism Classic(tm)

and as you have publicly declared you voted for Jill Stein (American Socialist Party, Old Fashioned Homestyle Marxism, Just Like Grandma Used to Make) one has no choice but to conclude the "differences" between your New Marxism(tm) and Marxism Classic(tm) must be insignificant.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I didn't vote, but I would have voted for Stein. She was the only one promising drastic pentagon cuts.

I have also clearly stated I am a libertarian socialist, which is synonymous with anarchism.

You're defending Ayn Rand and you're a conservative republican so anything you say about Marxism is about as useful as tits on a nun. That includes when you call someone who is not a Marxist, a Marxist.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I didn't vote, but I would have voted for Stein. She was the only one promising drastic pentagon cuts.

I have also clearly stated I am a libertarian socialist, which is synonymous with anarchism.

You're defending Ayn Rand and you're a conservative republican so anything you say about Marxism is about as useful as tits on a nun. That includes when you call someone who is not a Marxist, a Marxist.
You swore blind you voted for the Green Party bitch.