church kicks out boyscouts over policy on gays..

I think the church within it's rights to kick out a group that goes against it's laws.

It's time we stop accepting all this liberal bullshit and take a stand.
hey nutes&nugs,

if the gay penguin sex doesn't quite get you off, let me know.

if i have more gay animal sex in queue.

next up: gay elephants (double meaning not intended but hilarious nonetheless).
hey nutes&nugs,

if the gay penguin sex doesn't quite get you off, let me know.

if i have more gay animal sex in queue.

next up: gay elephants (double meaning not intended but hilarious nonetheless).

The guy on the left is clearing the way for his huge member.
You can make shit up all night.

I don't agree with you often, but you are absolutely right on this.

They both accept members on a volunteer basis. If you are part of either organization you would be welcome to leave if you like.

I am not an atheist but, I despise organized religion. about the most hypocritical bunch of nonsense I can think of.

I also believe people shouldn't be discriminated against based solely on their sexual preference, even if I do not necessarily agree with it, but denying membership based on such a thing is not necessarily discrimination.

....if I have a club like the church or scouts, and I do not want a particular type of person. Be it race,gender,class,or sexual preference,smoker,or not. It is my right to not allow them membership. If you don't like it.. start your own club.

You do know I'm actually very liberal. What I'm against is forcing people to do so "for their own good." That's why I'm a free market capitalist. The key word is free. Both communism/socialism and syndicate capitalism aren't free. My other big view is respect for all life. Everything else not in those two categories is me trolling you hardcore.
how can anyone tell the sex of these lions?


You have quite an imagination.
One of those male recently had sex and still smells like it.
Animals only have sex when they smell pheromones.

The only mammal that has sex for fun is the human and dolphin.

That was a gay pride video for the weak.
Like this vid where the guy is trying to take a shit and has the right smell.
That donkey has a big ol hard on.
Is the donkey gay Buck?

yep, those animals are dumb, blind, and simply confused by smell.

thus spake nutes&nugs, bringing down the intelligence of the republican party as a whole by another 3 points singlehandedly.


best to keep your mouth shut rather than remove all doubt, dumbass.

maybe post some more chain emails you got.
Your the donkey who stated "
  • how does it defy natural law if it happens in nature all the time, across hundreds if not thousands of species?​

Maybe post your boyfriends addy?