Overrated movies...


Beat me to it sun.. hangover blew, and everyone raved about.. it might've got a chuckle out of me once or twice, but that was it.. haven't bothered watching 2 or 3..

Now due date with the bearded guy from hangover had me pissing myself about a good 80% of the time..
Due date is GREAT!!!!! Own that movie (and many many many more) and force everyone I meet who hasnt seen it to sit and watch it. Its a hit every time. Zach Galifianakis is hilarious. But thats just my humble opinion


Well-Known Member
Hurt locker was all hype kinda lame for me..

Lost in translation.. lost in stupidville

Spinal Tap..


Well-Known Member
the last two Star Trek

This is the End

I fucking HATE Ferris Bueller's Day Off, I am not even a Ferrari fan and that shit was not right, abusing a mans car like that iis just not right
It's just not possible to hate Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to rethink that.


Well-Known Member
I rented that Disney movie John Cater.... What a piece of crap.
All of Eddie Murphy movies in the past decade or more have been complete garbage. What happened to him?
He got caught with one too many tranny hookers, then somehow the world lost it's fondness for seeing him in the same recycled role over and over. Also, the nutty professor rehash made people want to stab him and say unkind words.


Well-Known Member
I fell asleep during the premiere of Apocalypse Now. All I'd heard was how great this movie was and I was really excited to see it. It had some good scenes, but overall the movie just drags on and on and on and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Couldn't agree more. It's always on these "Top Movies Of All Time" lists, but I can't understand how? Fucking terrible movie.


Well-Known Member
Alot of the movies mentioned here I actually do like. When I go into a movie I have a very open and high mind. Probably the most over-rated movie I've seen, due to hype, was The Dark Knight. It was ok but I thought Batman Begins with the origin story was much stronger. Haven't seen the last one yet, so I can't comment on it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Quite a controversial one, but How High. Don't get me wrong, it's a funny funny film, but i find it very overrated with regard to what it is. It's supposed to be a true stoner comedy, i mean heck, Redman is one of the leads, yet despite the theme being on magical pot, and a few smoking scenes, there is really very little in the way of good stoner times. I want stoner films to be full of stupid but funny stoned scenes, not just talking about it. For example you google list of stoner films and you get dazed and confused. Not what i wanted! I want stoner film, stoned characters, weed galore, smoke, cannabis, bedlam!


Well-Known Member
Quite a controversial one, but How High. Don't get me wrong, it's a funny funny film, but i find it very overrated with regard to what it is. It's supposed to be a true stoner comedy, i mean heck, Redman is one of the leads, yet despite the theme being on magical pot, and a few smoking scenes, there is really very little in the way of good stoner times. I want stoner films to be full of stupid but funny stoned scenes, not just talking about it. For example you google list of stoner films and you get dazed and confused. Not what i wanted! I want stoner film, stoned characters, weed galore, smoke, cannabis, bedlam!
Word.. on a related note, i think the most over rated "stoner comedy" of all time is half baked. It's not a terrible movie but some of the scenes are so painfully stereotypical and unfunny.

"Get some chippssssss mannnnnnnnn... and some peanutbutter mannnnnnnnnn.... and some pizza mannnnnnnnnn." Holy shit stfu!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Word.. on a related note, i think the most over rated "stoner comedy" of all time is half baked. It's not a terrible movie but some of the scenes are so painfully stereotypical and unfunny.

"Get some chippssssss mannnnnnnnn... and some peanutbutter mannnnnnnnnn.... and some pizza mannnnnnnnnn." Holy shit stfu!
Not to mention plot is pretty god damned awful. "Hey, our friend is in jail and we can't afford bail. Hey, let's shot some weed! Oh no! Big nasty man doesn't like us".


bud bootlegger
Not to mention plot is pretty god damned awful. "Hey, our friend is in jail and we can't afford bail. Hey, let's shot some weed! Oh no! Big nasty man doesn't like us".
Half baked is god awful.. watched it maybe once and never laughed once.. just an awful, stereotypical stoner crap movie IMO..
Grandmoms boy isn't much better either, and Christ, I know some people who think that movie's the bees knees..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Half baked is god awful.. watched it maybe once and never laughed once.. just an awful, stereotypical stoner crap movie IMO..
Grandmoms boy isn't much better either, and Christ, I know some people who think that movie's the bees knees..
Not much to say about grandmas boy. I just liked it due to the recurring characters from happy madison. Other than that it was just really a non-film. Storyline was pretty much do better at work and get a girl. Wow.


bud bootlegger
Not much to say about grandmas boy. I just liked it due to the recurring characters from happy madison. Other than that it was just really a non-film. Storyline was pretty much do better at work and get a girl. Wow.
I've never seen happy Madison.. so yeah ..


Well-Known Member
Half baked is god awful.. watched it maybe once and never laughed once.. just an awful, stereotypical stoner crap movie IMO..
Grandmoms boy isn't much better either, and Christ, I know some people who think that movie's the bees knees..
We're no longer friends. :-P