Overrated movies...

I just don't get it. I love absurdest humor. Everything silly and nonsensical, especially when i'm baked. Every time I watched monty python all I could hear were crickets. Didn't chuckle a single time and nether did anyone else I watched it with.


I worked with a guy that used to say that movie was so funny he used to quote lines from the movie ! I never seen it but from what he was saying i figured it must be a white person thing. All i remember from what he told me is something about a swallow and a killer rabbit. He was recommending that and i was telling him he shuld watch dont be a menace to society while drinking gin and juice in the hood!
"The Good Girl" I consider the worst I have ever seen.
I wanted to sue. To get back the time I wasted watching that wreck!:hump:
Almost anything Woody Allen is involved in. Usually the more praise the critics give him, the more unwatchable it is for me.
i can't stand all of these stupid ass comic book movies ffs.. spiderman, superman, this man, that girl.. complete waste of time and energy imvho..

My nerd side is showing as none of those movies in the post you quoted were comic books originally.

Your post was full of shitty superhero movies and so I fully agree, in part. Only because I know there are so many movies made nowadays that were based off comics originally and most don't even know. I mean From Hell was originally a comic and that was a very different movie.

Granted I am a die hard comic book fan so salt grains and all.
My nerd side is showing as none of those movies in the post you quoted were comic books originally.

Your post was full of shitty superhero movies and so I fully agree, in part. Only because I know there are so many movies made nowadays that were based off comics originally and most don't even know. I mean From Hell was originally a comic and that was a very different movie.

Granted I am a die hard comic book fan so salt grains and all.

yeah, sorry, i had noticed after i quoted the post that none of them were comic books movies, but at that point i was like eff it, a bit too late, i'm going with it, lol..

but i agree, not a fan of super hero movies either.. i love sci-fi and all, but for w/e reason, i can't get into that genre of movies for w/e reason.. knew i'd stir the pot by saying so though as i know a lot of people really enjoy them for some odd reason..
yeah, sorry, i had noticed after i quoted the post that none of them were comic books movies, but at that point i was like eff it, a bit too late, i'm going with it, lol..

but i agree, not a fan of super hero movies either.. i love sci-fi and all, but for w/e reason, i can't get into that genre of movies for w/e reason.. knew i'd stir the pot by saying so though as i know a lot of people really enjoy them for some odd reason..

Oh you're not stirring my pot I agree with you. There are soooo many awesome sci/fi movies that could be made, but instead we get Scientology filled bullshit like Oblivion. Or visual filled crap like Avatar. I'm just happy that TV has really stepped its game up. I have a solid 3-5 shows I can count on for quality entertainment. The movie industry doesn't even have that.
A movie will never replace the written word, most movies are a visual orgy and to quote Morrison " Film spectators are quiet vampires".

I enjoy movies and don't think every one should be a work of art, there are times where I allow the suspension of reality and being entertained is all I care about.
Oh you're not stirring my pot I agree with you. There are soooo many awesome sci/fi movies that could be made, but instead we get Scientology filled bullshit like Oblivion. Or visual filled crap like Avatar. I'm just happy that TV has really stepped its game up. I have a solid 3-5 shows I can count on for quality entertainment. The movie industry doesn't even have that.

i wasn't really talking about your post rambo when i said stirring the pot, i was just sure that some comic book / super hero movie fan would come along and say that i am crazy, lol..
i wasn't really talking about your post rambo when i said stirring the pot, i was just sure that some comic book / super hero movie fan would come along and say that i am crazy, lol..

Well from some of things I've read from you, you are crazy!

But that has the connotation that crazy is wrong.

Overrated movie? The Passion of the Christ. I just felt bad at the end, not Catholic.
Well from some of things I've read from you, you are crazy!

But that has the connotation that crazy is wrong.

Overrated movie? The Passion of the Christ. I just felt bad at the end, not Catholic.

umm, i'm sure there's a compliment in there some where, so thank you kind sir.. :D