To beat Hyroot to the punch, it's just a re-branded apollo, there are better lights out there for the price.
like what?
To beat Hyroot to the punch, it's just a re-branded apollo, there are better lights out there for the price.
my girlfriend informed me today that: 4 weeks ago I was glad getting 2 240w htg led's lights around 500$, 3 weeks ago I bumped up my thought process to 2 blackstars around $650, 2 weeks ago I decided that I would go with 2x 200w california lightworks solar flare around $800- even emailed the rep and got a discount for my inquiry, this week I decided to go with the hans panel 4 of them actually, I wrote hans spoke to him a little about my grow and asked the price and was quoted about 900$ shipped for 4 panel's. I need to stop reasearching the more I do the more my wallet get's lighter. I only have 1 more paycheck to go before I can afford those han's panel's... hopefully I don't change my mind again...sigh
like what?
For the same price (roughly $300) you could pick up a Blackstar or a Hans Panel.
If you save up a bit more (to about $400), you can get a California Light Works Solar Flare.
If it were me, I would save up for the Solar Flare, or grab the Hans Panel.
i can't understand why bother with Hans panel with only 56 watts not to mention that i live in europe and the cost from USA will tear me apart...
You strike me as the type who only asks other people questions to get their answers, instead of doing any research on your own.
Otherwise, you wouldn't have made such a foolish statement, because Hans is located in Europe, so you obviously didn't even look at his website (, btw).
You asked for advice on quality LED's, it was dispensed to you, yet you seem to know better.
Which only leads me to ask, why did you ask in the first place, if you already know the answer?
Don't get hung up on wattage. There are people in the Beginner's section who think 700 watts of this LED is the same as 700 watts as some other companies LEDs, (Hiya Adjor). Do yourself a favor and don't be like them. When it comes to LEDs you need to look at different criteria together to tell you a panel's growing potential, especially PAR/PUR output, lumens per watts (efficacy), amperage/voltage, cooling, and a few others. This is why it's important to know what diodes a company uses.
It is 180 w (actual wattage 120w) and it is a little more expensive than Han's but draws the double power and read very good things about it. So which one would you prefer? You are saying that Han's panel can beat this one?
Wow ok got it.. Wowow man really? Does anyone else know that?If you could compare it with an hps bulb... which hps bulb could you replace with Han's?
Still i have to ask... So Han's panels use cree leds and high quality diodes, has 56 w actual.. and costs 200 euro, shipping costs included. Why not to use the regular cree bulbs from homedepot? with that kind of money you can purchase 12 of them and have 114 w, double from Han's, have you seen this man's grow? He nailed it with this regular home bulbs, look at his buds mate com on the fattest i have ever seen...
Depending on the bins of the XT-E here, this could be the same as captmorgan's bulbs.
Probably would be the cheaper way to get the watts.