Silk Road: not so silky


Well-Known Member
I get it now, Mt. Gox is open 24/7/365, Slumdogs brain only opens for a few hours a week if at all.


Well-Known Member
A drop of 10 to 20$ per coin ain't a big deal imo. Bitcoin has jumped around more than that in the past without any major reason.


Well-Known Member
A drop of 10 to 20$ per coin ain't a big deal imo. Bitcoin has jumped around more than that in the past without any major reason.
True, a 10-20$ seems a reasonable trading range. Although, I would believe this news could cause a severe breakout to the bottom and whom knows where resistance in such a market will finally be found to resume a new trading range.


bud bootlegger
True, a 10-20$ seems a reasonable trading range. Although, I would believe this news could cause a severe breakout to the bottom and whom knows where resistance in such a market will finally be found to resume a new trading range.
i have a feeling they're going to come tumbling down tomorrow once the news of sr's bust really hits the front pages world wide..
i'm sure a lot of people are already aware, but in a day or two when everyone and their mothers, who never even heard of sr hear about it, bc's going to go through a black friday so to speak imvho..,

i know there are other places that take bc, i know a seed bank that i believe you can pay with them, not naming names obviously, and i've heard of a few other legit businesses that accept them as well, but i would think sr was by and large it's largest user..
than of course you had people who bought them only to sit on them speculating a price increase, whom i think might dump them quickly once the news hits... we shall see though..


Well-Known Member
I think you got it nailed racerboy. Only variable i see is if someone steps up to replace it. Anyone watching /b to see if there is anything new out?


Well-Known Member
An online poker room just came online or is about to come online that will allow US
players to deposit/withdraw in bitcoin. That alone may be enough to make up for
the demand lost by SR. If they can attract 20% of the Americans that played on
PS/fulltilt they are going to have a huge business.

The price might have been affected more if this happened a year ago.


Well-Known Member
I think you got it nailed racerboy. Only variable i see is if someone steps up to replace it. Anyone watching /b to see if there is anything new out?
When SR was getting attacked by hackers a ways back they suspected it was being done by a rival company.
I forget the name but people were talking about it. It's way to big of business for someone to not try.


Well-Known Member
Ya for sure. A poker room will bring in a ton too your right. That will make the bitcoin a much hotter commodity. I read a while ago that porn is making the switch too for more anonymity. If the whole porn industry switches then that will help alot too


Well-Known Member
This has made the national news big time. I know that a bunch of you are not old enough to know about the late 60's, but this is the same thing all over again. I've known about bit coins and the silk road for at least 5 yrs or longer, and the feds and now main stream news have finally caught up. Things will be looked at much 'closer now', be careful. The cat is out of the bag. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Still no crash.... Last price $134
Wednesday's extreme drop confirmed by the corresponding extreme volumes fundamentally changed this market IMO. I believe what you are seeing now is big $ players in over their head attempting to prop the price up to sucker in the little guy to take the loss. It would be interesting to know whom the majority holders are and what they have been up to this week ;)


Well-Known Member
Your prolly right theman. People unloading what they can for a small loss over what it coulda been then CYA price hits the floor. Which is where they then buy it all back up...... Wall Street own bitcoin now?


Well-Known Member
This has made the national news big time. I know that a bunch of you are not old enough to know about the late 60's, but this is the same thing all over again. I've known about bit coins and the silk road for at least 5 yrs or longer, and the feds and now main stream news have finally caught up. Things will be looked at much 'closer now', be careful. The cat is out of the bag. Peace.
There have been articles about SR in mainstream media for years. The cat was out of the bag awhile ago. The guy did some really stupid thugs and got caught. There are other marketplaces still up and others coming. Like a hydra, chop off its head and more will take its place.


Well-Known Member
There have been articles about SR in mainstream media for years. The cat was out of the bag awhile ago. The guy did some really stupid thugs and got caught. There are other marketplaces still up and others coming. Like a hydra, chop off its head and more will take its place.
not if you call captain america!


Well-Known Member

This is what I was referring to as the cat out of the bag.
As soon as they put the 'terrorist' tag to it (which will no doubt help their cause), the feds will double down.
Anything the feds let out (TOR) (actually the Navy), they probably have the key to the supposedly unlockable lock.
Stay safe, NSA has 'looks' beyond your imagination.


Well-Known Member
Just behave as if everything your Doing is being looked at over coffee by some analyst. This analyst sees some pretty insane stuff on the daily so know your not shit. Your prolly not being looked at either but just know as log as your not planning a repeat of the bath incident they don't give a fuck what you do.

God is gone and the Internet rules all. Instead of a lightning bolt from the man on the cloud cause you cheat on your wife we now have AshleymadisonDOTcom and the black helicopters will only come throw "lightning" if your deemed a threat to the all mighty.

Be a blessing and not a burden and I doubt they will ever come knocking. Keep the all mighty paid in full and don't tempt him with vain thoughts. Remember the story of satan. It's about gettin too big for your Briches. And believe that you will get cast down out of heaven if you challenge the all mighty.

From wiki about dreap pirate Roberts

"It is revealed during the course of the story that Roberts is not one man, but a series of individuals who periodically pass the name and reputation to a chosen successor. Everyone except the successor and the former Roberts is then released at a convenient port, and a new crew is hired. The former Roberts stays aboard as first mate, referring to his successor as "Captain Roberts", and thereby establishing the new Roberts' persona. After the crew is convinced, the former Roberts leaves the ship and retires on his earnings."

My guess is this Ross guy isn't their only problem. He's prolly just the one they could catch. Think they will water board him?


Well-Known Member

Current Bitcoin stats: Last price:$355.00000
Volume:43914 BTC
Weighted Avg:$337.37635