are people who truly belive the bible mentaly retarded?


Active Member
There's worse things than talking snakes in that book that's had over 14,000 differences between the 1st recognised bible [Sinai] & the KJV.
But to respond to your question - what is it called when one suspends rational logic, common-sense & all reasoning to believe a story that is not backed by any historical evidence in it's entirety, is extremely contradictory & makes bugger-all sense?


Active Member
I now feel the same way about them. However, they're believing what their parents told them. It is a nice fairy tale. I was 19 before I heard anyone refer to Christianity as a fairy tale. It really made me think, and it still took several years for me to realize the con I'd been duped into. Thank God (haha) my eyes were opened or I'd just still be believing it. It's like suddenly finding out blue is green; at first it's unthinkable that it's all a lie. The religion teaches you to never question it or you'll lose your faith, and then you'll go to hell, so they will themselves to keep their eyes closed. It truly is a world wide cult. It operates on the function of belief, which is understood by so few, that they never understand the tool that tricks them. For example, when Jesus "healed" a blind man's sight, he told the guy to never tell anyone his sight was healed. Jesus said this because he knew the man's brain was operating under the function of belief and other people would put doubt into the man's mind, ruining the effect (killing the belief, reverting the vision). And they "discovered" Jesus because they believed a baby would show up in those parts. It's all about belief, or expectation. Schrodinger's cat. We create our reality. Careful what thoughts you think. This probably sounds like hocus pocus, sorry if I went too far trying to explain belief. But anyway, belief doesn't put a god in the sky.

I believe in belief.


Well-Known Member
are people who truly belive the bible mentaly retarded?

NO! why would you say such things?

I believe it is completely rational to believe.
*snakes can talk.
*firefighters/policemen or anyone who works on sunday should be stoned to death.
*a rape victim should marry the rapist.
*a god who talks of giving free will and letting people kill/rape/rob/molest children and not stop them because its free will, should see no contradiction in taking free will from others (the flood of Noah, and sodom and Gomorrah) I see no contradiction there.
*a perfect god creating imperfect creations.
*dinosaurs and man played together just like in the flintstones.
*it is not prejudice at all to give every human being "original sin" because 2 people, 2000 years ago did a bad thing.
*instead of just snapping his fingers and forgiving us all of our "original sin" letting people hang his son from a cross is much more humane.
*a loving god would tell us to treat our slaves good and not just say not to have them.
*a loving god would instruct those slaves to obey said master.
*it is okay to offer up your daughters to be raped by a mob, to "save" two angels like in Sodom and Gomorrah.
*its ok to burn someone in hell for an eternity because they don't believe a book that has hundreds or thousands of contradictions with no physical proof.
*it is in no way evil to command someone (Job) to kill his son and just before he's about to do it say "ahhh just kidding, you thought I was serious?"

put down your disbelief before your loving Father throws you into a pit of fire for an eternity you damn infidel !!!

watch this video and you will believe too.

Greatest I am

Active Member
There are a number of factors at work. Almost all negativefrom a non-believers POV.

First, some have named it organized schizophrenia. Thisscholar/professor explains.

Second, the vast majority who say they believe do not.
All they are really doing is following culture and traditionand their family religion.

The harm that most who engage and argue against believersare trying to reduce all comes from the religious right regardless of the cultor religion.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Death to Gays.

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do isnothing.
Fight them when you can. It is your duty to our fellow man.


Greatest I am

Active Member
Im not 'relgious'

but my understanding of the bible is that it's not ment to be taken literaly
It was meant to be a book of wisdom but to read it literally is to lose the wisdom,---- because if literally believed, the theist has to develop a double set of morals to be able to exonerate God for what they condemn man for doing. That is a corrupted morality. Non-literal readers do not have to and can call that prix of a God a prix. Regards DL [video=youtube;QeOfzN8ZTAM][/video]


Well-Known Member
Not retarded, Brainwashed.

These groups attempt to infiltrate your families and get your kids learning their
beliefs at a very early age.


Well-Known Member
i think its a type of person who needs something to believe in. I dont believe in the bible but i have friends that do. my wife is devout,but we dont speak about it. its not retardation,its a hope that something beyond life exists. we,the ones that dont believe, realized a while ago that were walking fertilizer and thats how the cycle goes.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I think they are scared, just like the rest of us. But instead of facing that fear as individuals, they hide from the fear, push it as far away from them as they can. Those of us who face our fears are not afraid to say the words "I Don't Know" those who hide claim to know things that they really do not.

I think it is fear, that drives religion. It all depends on how courageous we are in the face of the unknown. We have two choices. Accept we do not know and continue to live and search despite our ignorance. Or pretend that we do and continue to live a stagnant and unchanging life. Either way, none of us knows any more than the other can... but many of us can spot out the liars.

I think embarrassment is they key obstacle to admitting to ourselves that we might be wrong about something we fought with so much passion to believe. (Saying this as an ex-indoctrinated christian)

Eat fifteen grams of mushrooms by yourself... you'll know what i mean about not being able to tell what is real and what is not, what is true and what is false, what is knowledge and what is ignorance, the true and unstoppable fear of not knowing... tell you fucking what. I'll never eat mushrooms again after that shit.

To exist within the actual reality of ignorance is too much for me, eight hours is long enough for a lifetime.


Active Member
Zaehet christianity IS a doctrine of fear. "Agree with us or you'll go to hell for eternal torment, no 2nd chances" haha "Oh & btw, our god is a god of love, unless you piss him off, or your the fine print." haha :)