what are you running now ?


Well-Known Member
Oh snap you like golf too! Gotta play ya on Tigerwoods one day. I'm thinking of doing 1200 watts for main flowering. 400 for veg/mother/cloning and then a seperate 400 watt for testing new beans, new crosses and freebies I get. Just might end up doing 1600 watts for my main flower zone.
Do it. I wouldn't bother with 1000's personally but I'm a vert guy. I make figure 8's of plants around my 2 600's. Could easily upgrade to 2400 if I could afford the extra electricity and I wouldn't have to change my setup much at all - just grow out the plants a little differently. I don't sell it, no.

I use a 300w LED and 250w of HO T5's for vegging. Both perform about equally I'd say. Slight edge to the LED for making somewhat stressed plants feel happy again and gets a bit better penetration, but both end up growing very happy plants in the end. I don't usually grow them more than 18-24" then flower in big pots (7 gallon smart pots) with some heavy popcorning and training you can do very well (over 1gpw). I have done other setups for big seed runs.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
You need to come to flint some time. Or take a trip to Detroit. Buffalo. Pittsburgh. Philly. Saginaw. Atlanta. Jacksonville. Tampa. Orlando. Yes even mickeys doorstep is covered in crackheads.

Inbetween religious/rich zombies and people who fail at life yes there is a small medium of great folks that are trying to hold on. Everyday our minority of creatives and hard workers gets smaller and smaller tho I'm afraid.

America has hope but that's only if it decides to give some scholarships to its own kids and build our own generation of intelligent people. America has entire graduate classes in major university's being attended by only foreigners here on student visa. Now I'm not saying that's a bad thing but its made it about impossible to get into some schools for Joe smith from Nebraska unless he's a wizz kid. Alot of kids don't even go to school because they see an entire generation in its early to mid twenties right now severely in debt from school and they can't get a job flipping burgers.

If we ever finally wrangle in the banking industry even just a little it will open alot more doors. But i doubt that's gonna happen. America 2020 needs alot of uneducated workers too. By then we should be on the upswing of a new technology bubble. That's the next big wave to ride. Power grids built into roads. New fiber optic Internet cable. New water and gas infrastructure.

Can't get people to go ride a ditch witch all day unless they got alot of red print in there books. Debt is the jail cell we all work from.

...... Kk I'm done... Anyone else wanna use the soap box? Lol
Guess we all have our issues eh. Still sounds better than over here even with all of that said bro, 70 percent of our country live in slums :/


Well-Known Member
Guess we all have our issues eh. Still sounds better than over here even with all of that said bro, 70 percent of our country live in slums :/
America is cool.

Just sometimes feels like the Mike Judge movie Idiocracy, but we do enjoy a lot of liberties we sometimes take for granted. I'd love to travel the world, but I'd always end up back here in the end.


Well-Known Member
Guess we all have our issues eh. Still sounds better than over here even with all of that said bro, 70 percent of our country live in slums :/
O I don't doubt it. We are spoiled as fuck here no doubt. We've just fallen off severely. And it's just gotten so corrupt it's sick. It's like that everywhere Tho I guess. All in all If you can fit in some where America isn't that bad. Spain seems way better to me tho. You got Ibiza and Cali style climate. Game on!


Well-Known Member
I bet you will se a big economical spike in your area soon when we take out Somalia. Africa is the next big war zone. SA is gonna see a huge spike in manufacturing and shipping.

Check out general Wesley Clark's speeches he's done about the 7 country plan. He talks about where we are going next and I think isn't Syria in Africa? Ya maybe. Syria and Somalia are coming up. I know it was 2 African nations anyway. It's gonna be a big game of darts with china.


Well-Known Member
In an attempt to brighten the awesome mood I brought with that last post lol I will say this.

At least Africa's resource infrastructure will finally be developed and the continent can begin to grow like South America. Expect big things if we can get pipelines established and proper channels set up. Sure alot will go to corrupt politicians but it will brin alot of money to the continent. The most resource rich nation but the poorest at the same time.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
HGK, I can sure get behind that kind of thinking brother. If this is how the outside world sees us, there is hope. Well thought out statement mate. I am taking President Obama's recent visits as a good sign then. Looks like he will back us for a seat on the UN and in return we will open opportunities for US trade relations. We can do a lot here with correct guidance. Africans dislike their affairs meddled in, but he commands some real respect and I liked his words of encouragement and also caution, lets hope it didn't fall on deaf ears! Thanks man, that was really nice to read. EDIT: Chinas taking the piss. Nobody is appreciating how they import their labour force, and just take take take...


Well-Known Member
That is about a dick move on chinas part. Not like there isn't people that would more then happily work locally. In time Africa will become the hinge point to the world economy. Huge lithium deposits and alot of oil near the surface will make for big $$$$ fast. That's gonna create the "gold rush" style infrastructure reinforcement. From there if Africa can keep itself from going to the hyenas it's a win win win for the whole world.

Drones are the key. They will keep pipelines and trade routes clear hopefully. It's all a beautiful plan really. Obamas team is just the ones to get the ball rolling too. Spend the recession away! That's the current teams Motto lol

Like you said Africa doesn't want it's Affairs meddled in but they also finally want to take full advantage of what they have to offer. And actually get paid for it. I think we've finally learned too that it takes at least a little stability to fully realize the potential of resource rich nations. Sure the price of oil is cheap when Mr walu walu the warlord runs the show. Only problem is if walu walu can't fix it with a machete it won't get fixed. That doesn't work so well for oil pipelines lol.


Well-Known Member
China is kinda there now early doing its mini gold rush trying to grab whatever low hanging fruit it can find. Whatever corrupt politician will let them build their migrant worker cities.

At least with all the hustle and bustle the weed market should get better!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
China is kinda there now early doing its mini gold rush trying to grab whatever low hanging fruit it can find. Whatever corrupt politician will let them build their migrant worker cities.

At least with all the hustle and bustle the weed market should get better!
Thing is, though... S.A has been totally tapped for everything but weed. That's why the UK gave us independence, not really much left bro. Exciting times indeed... But not so much left for S.A to do or contribute. So I can but hope that that's what will sell from here, WEED ROFL. Anyhow, I guess this all really belongs in the politics section, but then we'd have a fistfight on our hands before the day is out, people get REALLY pissed off in the politics section REALLY quickly don't they?...

Anyhow, back on topic, Dream Beaver babies, this was at 2 1/2 weeks, freshly topped:



Well-Known Member
Thing is, though... S.A has been totally tapped for everything but weed. That's why the UK gave us independence, not really much left bro. Exciting times indeed... But not so much left for S.A to do or contribute. So I can but hope that that's what will sell from here, WEED ROFL. Anyhow, I guess this all really belongs in the politics section, but then we'd have a fistfight on our hands before the day is out, people get REALLY pissed off in the politics section REALLY quickly don't they?...

Anyhow, back on topic, Dream Beaver babies, this was at 2 1/2 weeks, freshly topped:

ya it prolly does but you couldn't pay me to post over there lol. People get silly.


Well-Known Member
Syria is in the middle east, not in Africa. Its near Israel.

I am not as optimistic about the plans the west has for either Africa or the Middle east. The United States has a bad track record for keeping promises to disillusioned peoples and nations. Just ask the Native Americans and African Americans.

Hell, just 40 years ago our south was much like S.Africa as far as racial equality, minus the Ak-47s and guerilla warfare, still though there was bombings and shootings,etc.

The only thing that forced change here was the fact that America does have such a diverse people, and the fact that that diverse group of people had a voice which the rest of the world was able to hear. What Africa needs is a really great PR man. Get stories of the struggles of Africans out there, because the main stream news over here doesn't even report on Africa.

They even removed the Al jaz English live feed here in the states once the whole attack Syria business started. The guised it as just a marketing ploy, meaning now you have to PAY to watch Al Jaz in America or watch the Al Jaz American version. No thanks. The british feed was respectable looking normal news site.

The American version has ads flashing, a whole lot of flashy images, and basically looks like something a kid would be looking at, not a grown ass adult looking for world news that isn't FOX or CNN. But I guess when you're setting up anything political in this country you do have to gear it for a basic knowledge at the public level of only the 8th grade(year), that is what you get.

This is what I mean be America leaning towards Ideocracy.

Fun fact: Idiot is a term from An. Greece, or perhaps the Romans but I'm pretty sure its Greek, referring to someone who had no knowledge of political affairs. America is famous for our idiots! Cheers.

Sorry I was typing for a minute didn't realize we move on.


Well-Known Member
Dream Beaver. I don't know I'd have to say, uh..... Shit this is a tough one because there are so many to choose from, but I'll go with a young Catherine Zeta-Jones or a young Selma Hayek, she's got some big old tit tot tays.

Oh yeah, had time to think about it a little more and I'm now thinking: Tia Carrere from the Wayne's World days. F, yes.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Dream Beaver. I don't know I'd have to say, uh..... Shit this is a tough one because there are so many to choose from, but I'll go with a young Catherine Zeta-Jones or a young Selma Hayek, she's got some big old tit tot tays.

Oh yeah, had time to think about it a little more and I'm now thinking: Tia Carrere from the Wayne's World days. F, yes.
ROFL... Just wait till I hit some LVBK with DB pollen... DB is Dirty Hippy x Appy... So it'll be called Dirty Las Vegas Beaver then LOL... But just Dream Beaver? Milla Jovovich... Grrrrrrowwwrrrr


Well-Known Member
Bud shot of my cotton candy outdoor. maybe 3-4 more weeks left.
and a shot of my 3-4 weekk old Blue dream clone after my first crimping attempt.
and i think it looks damn good lol pretty excited. a buddy told me to crimp instead of top
and damn what better resullts the crimping has if you have the space.

keep it green peeps

