what are you running now ?


Well-Known Member
INTERNET!!!!!!!! YAY :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: i can make smileys!

i can also post pics!

heres that weird mutant EmDog.


shits weird!

heres a couple more shots.


Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Holy shit HGK that's a lot of light. 600 watters?? How many watts you running? I'm currently stocking up gear. I can't decide if I want to run 1200 watts or 1600 watts for my flowering room. You don't get paranoid running that many watts??


Well-Known Member
600w. and all legal my brother. i stay under my counts. i do get paranoid but around me kids are getting killed in crazy ways day by day. they got their hands full. soccer moms eating double ought at the gas pump.

i pay my bills keep my yard clean. make sure i got real patients. ive actually lost one to cancer. a young girl. got another girl who's fighting cancer right now too im working on getting all set up. i already got all my patients i can have but im still gonna help her out. i figure im the poster child for a DEA headache.


bud bootlegger
Holy shit HGK that's a lot of light. 600 watters?? How many watts you running? I'm currently stocking up gear. I can't decide if I want to run 1200 watts or 1600 watts for my flowering room. You don't get paranoid running that many watts??
lol, that's what i was thinking as well.. holy shit batman, super nice setup hgk.., jesus, i'd give my left nut, the big one, for a set up like that, maybe then i could get through some of this stock pile of beans i have.. :D


Well-Known Member
ya thats just a layer for netting. it gives middle support to the top too. its just a way super overkill way to do it so i didnt have to glue it.


Well-Known Member
my video shows a boatload too when i had em all crammed on top of each other at my other house. idk why i worry when theres guys out there running 60,000w set ups. i know legal guys that run 30,000

maybe its the og18 im smokin..... always gets me lookin for ninjas on the front lawn...


bud bootlegger
my video shows a boatload too when i had em all crammed on top of each other at my other house. idk why i worry when theres guys out there running 60,000w set ups. i know legal guys that run 30,000

maybe its the og18 im smokin..... always gets me lookin for ninjas on the front lawn...
just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you.. :D


Well-Known Member
hell i almost wish.... it'd be a vacation. im in debt so deep i cant even see the top any more... im up to my elbow in shitty diapers that i cant afford. i make my bills by about 10 bucks every month. and my care breaks about ever 3 months and costs several hundred just to put extra stress on the situation.

if they ever were gonna come after me i bet they'd take one look at my life and say shit..... this guy is already locked up...


bud bootlegger
^ just to clarify i knocked on a big ole oak desk and emphasized almost
lol, and i thought i was the only who did that.

just took the dog out and it's pouring.. almost walked back into the house with the umbrella still up and in my hand, about freaked out too, lol..


Well-Known Member
its all about luck man! idk how when why or where but i know its out there.

golf made me belive lol

i saw tiger woods at the buick open in grand blanc MI in 2004ish give or take a year. he hit one into the sand bad on a dogleg left.

just burried with woods infront of him and 215 yards to the green he took what looked to be a low iron maybe a 5 iron and just swung as hard as he could with his eyes closed.

sand just EXPLODED out of the bunker and the ball landed a couple inches from the cup. tiger looked like he was about to die. just cracking up. BIG ole grin.

from that point on i knew that there was something to luck lol.

sorry for the dumb golf story but if you played you will get it lol!

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Oh snap you like golf too! Gotta play ya on Tigerwoods one day. I'm thinking of doing 1200 watts for main flowering. 400 for veg/mother/cloning and then a seperate 400 watt for testing new beans, new crosses and freebies I get. Just might end up doing 1600 watts for my main flower zone.


Well-Known Member
some pics of the ladies to come
DSC_0566.jpg this unmarked bag is tragic. B.E. Smiths strain. Prolly my strain im the most anxious to run.


Well-Known Member
ive been looking into LED and CFL solutions as of late but thats just probably the late august blues.

and if i ever get another xbox for sure. my last one died finally after 7 or so rings. wet towel kept saving it!


Well-Known Member
1200 watt will get you some goodies tho. i started on 1000w like every nub swinging for the fences. bout died electric bill shock. got my shit together and treat a 600w like a 1000w. use lumatek 240 dialawatters.

i absolutely love the cost/result ratio with 600w. they really do the trick. i think if somehow you could suplement with a little LED in the mix you could get 1000w results at 740w or so.

way less heat too.....

anyone try this?


Well-Known Member
Wow i would like you guys all to look at something....

i posted the golf post as i was rolling a joint of Critical mass from CBD crew.

figured it would level off the og18...

check out the engrish skills on the next 3 posts lol

guess i got a good pheno :bigjoint: