Hans led + Inda-gro par 100== Messing with shit-free(vegan) ferts and airstones:)


Well-Known Member
Oh where do I begin??lol(pics incoming)vvv......... let's just get this started instead of my long & usual stupid ramblings:)


main lighting: http://www.inda-gro.com/products.html inda-gro par 100 w pontoons
side lighting: http://www.bonsaihero.com/ledgrow.html I'm using ver. 1 AKA "the original" , funny to think that Hans is on his third revision in less than two years.

Pots: Root trapperII..... 2 gallon fabric containers

Strain: Sensi seeds NL fems........... last three left
002.jpg 24hr soak in diluted kelp and all three show taps.
Medium: Recycled Organic Soil (tilled), tore out all the crappy roots from my last inferno grow:fire:and let it sit outside for a month getting reinoculated by beni-bacs from the rain water(actually it's still very wet). Never liked reusing soil, but all the cool kids are doing it now with great results, so figured I'll give it a whirl. Added an ass-load of perlite to restructure it and that's it! not adding anything else except the "vegan" fert

Ferts/additives: I'll be using this animal product free line: http://organicsrx.com/products/ have no idea what to expect, personally I foresee some Nitrogen def coming my way:) I hear that the taste/smoke is sublime when using NO synthetics/animal products in your grow. Well pricing was around twenty shipped from amazon for the "kit". Thought it was a little high, but then I looked at the label!!
004.jpg005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg LOL 2-3 tablespoons per gallon @ every watering!!! WTF that's crazy, I will alternate feedings between the kelp and GOLD powder fert:P Still love my RO uprising line, this is just out of curiosity.

Intake/exhaust: Finally got my old dayton blower out of storage and no more summer sealed room.
014.jpg 250cfm(?) labels are gone, bought this bitch around 1996 from hydrofarm. Not loud on full, but I muffled it by cutting a 2inch exhaust hole instead of 4inch, thus restricting and safely lowering the cfms/noise. Intake is passive, so I removed the trim-seal on the bottom of the door allowing fresh/cool air in from the adjacent room. will turn this off when temps get cool and keep my CO2 ppms high.

Environmental meter: Still love this thing......Temp/RH/CO2 and smiley faces
008.jpg the dates wrong again!!?? or is it??bongsmilie

Aquarium pumps and airstones in soil??: I was completely blazed from this "yellow fever" shit selling around here a couple weeks ago, some of us where sitting around and talking about injecting O2 into the root zone to avoid hypoxic(saturated) soil zones in container growing. Yes fabric pots kinda help this, but not the center of the root mass== where most of nutrient uptake is. I've looked around the web and have seen a few growers try this "hybrid" system with mixed results(plantwarrior even sells some overpriced net pot gizmo).... the problem I saw that they never ran the pumps ONLY when the lights are on, they ran them all time! pushing the cold night/lights off air into the root zone, obviously stunting them. I will run the whisper pumps(old gear from my fishy days:)) on the light timers. Keeping the root zone warm and injecting it with O2, feeding the benibacs and supercharging the root mass better than fabricpots/airpots or plantwarrior crap. It should work or totally suck and do nothing........:mrgreen:

Damn maybe I shouldn't have given slinger this info ^^^ lol


Light Schedule: 12/12 from seed as I'm in the party cup competition.......

Alright, well the soaked seeds are in the soil and we start this crap when they head north.

010.jpg012.jpg013.jpg015.jpg won't start the pumps until the bitches have established themselves.......................be safe and happy growing RIU

All comments and criticisms are welcome as always..
Excellent P. Looking forward to your results with the O2. I just tore apart a BC plant I've been vegging for 2 months cause I can't figure out why my BC plants are soooo loose in my pots. Basically I found a little tiny rootball and lots of dried soil. Very annoying. Growth was complete shit for 2 months of vegging, even with the heat, and compared to my Critical Masses and Black Widow plants that have been vegging for less time. Maybe it's my pheno or a loss of vigor but what you're doing could really help me out. I just can't figure out why my BC roots never "explode". Plus I'm constantly inserting bamboo skewers before watering and watering slowly to try to get the mix evenly watered with little luck. Maybe what you're doing is what the doctor ordered. So Good Luck, Please Be Safe, Grow Some Monsters and I'll Take Mine Medium Rare ;).
Super cool psu, glad you were able to exhaust things- hope its not too loud for you. I have noticed that the hum of my pumps running (all of em at once) is more noticeable than my inline hydrofarm up to like... half speed.

You can snag up a grozone TV1 controller (just a fancy on/off controller with a sensor) for like 40 bucks on ebay and slow things down so you could cut that hole larger- get some more air moved with less work on the fan. Hell, the backpressure may be doing some good though...

So are you putting airstones on the end of your line or just feeding some lines down in there? Airstones would diffuse a lot better but when you water Im worried that soil is gonna dry on your stones..?

I still need to get me one of those fuckin meters... subbed up brother
Yawn....lookz like another newbie grower round these partz....i'll think about getting off my 'high horse' for this...and yes my horse likes cannabis....he actually only stands 10 hands tall.....yet he has hoofs.....wait where the fuck am i......? :-P
Aquarium pumps and airstones in soil??: I was completely blazed from this "yellow fever" shit selling around here a couple weeks ago, some of us where sitting around and talking about injecting O2 into the root zone to avoid hypoxic(saturated) soil zones in container growing. Yes fabric pots kinda help this, but not the center of the root mass== where most of nutrient uptake is. I've looked around the web and have seen a few growers try this "hybrid" system with mixed results(plantwarrior even sells some overpriced net pot gizmo).... the problem I saw that they never ran the pumps ONLY when the lights are on, they ran them all time! pushing the cold night/lights off air into the root zone, obviously stunting them. I will run the whisper pumps(old gear from my fishy days:)) on the light timers. Keeping the root zone warm and injecting it with O2, feeding the benibacs and supercharging the root mass better than fabricpots/airpots or plantwarrior crap. It should work or totally suck and do nothing........:mrgreen:

won't start the pumps until the bitches have established themselves.......................be safe and happy growing RIU

Now this is an interesting idea. I always appreciate a good experiment. Hope it works out for you. What is going to be your benchmark for success? You know I'm subbed up for this ride. Best of luck to you this round. Peace and thank god you finally got some air control.
Excellent P. Looking forward to your results with the O2. I just tore apart a BC plant I've been vegging for 2 months cause I can't figure out why my BC plants are soooo loose in my pots. Basically I found a little tiny rootball and lots of dried soil. Very annoying. Growth was complete shit for 2 months of vegging, even with the heat, and compared to my Critical Masses and Black Widow plants that have been vegging for less time. Maybe it's my pheno or a loss of vigor but what you're doing could really help me out. I just can't figure out why my BC roots never "explode". Plus I'm constantly inserting bamboo skewers before watering and watering slowly to try to get the mix evenly watered with little luck. Maybe what you're doing is what the doctor ordered. So Good Luck, Please Be Safe, Grow Some Monsters and I'll Take Mine Medium Rare ;).

Yeah I'll try to be safe...........if I go down.........your gonna come visit me?? right froggy? probably will scrub this grow later on just to be as stealthy as possible. GET YOUR CUP GOING............scared?:hump:

Super cool psu, glad you were able to exhaust things- hope its not too loud for you. I have noticed that the hum of my pumps running (all of em at once) is more noticeable than my inline hydrofarm up to like... half speed.

You can snag up a grozone TV1 controller (just a fancy on/off controller with a sensor) for like 40 bucks on ebay and slow things down so you could cut that hole larger- get some more air moved with less work on the fan. Hell, the backpressure may be doing some good though...

So are you putting airstones on the end of your line or just feeding some lines down in there? Airstones would diffuse a lot better but when you water Im worried that soil is gonna dry on your stones..?

I still need to get me one of those fuckin meters... subbed up brother

Did you read the title brother^^^^??;-) yes two airstones per 2gallon pot( T spliters), I loaded perlite around them, but we all know it shifts/floats to the top after heavy waterings...........IDK, I probably should have thought it out better:P \\

Gonna run the fan 24/7 until temps dip and turn it off.......don't need a gizmo for that yet. Get a co2 meter!, all the cool kids use them now:)

Yawn....lookz like another newbie grower round these partz....i'll think about getting off my 'high horse' for this...and yes my horse likes cannabis....he actually only stands 10 hands tall.....yet he has hoofs.....wait where the fuck am i......? :-P

Hey chroni! good to see you around bro...............we all know that I have NO idea what I'm doing indoors.........lets hope for a completion.

Now this is an interesting idea. I always appreciate a good experiment. Hope it works out for you. What is going to be your benchmark for success? You know I'm subbed up for this ride. Best of luck to you this round. Peace and thank god you finally got some air control.

Interesting IDEA is right but will it work??? ............yes thank god for my Dayton blower (built in OHIO 1996) and it still runs without a flaw, wish we could start building shit here in the USA(w american parts!) again==== Soon friend, at least we got some led panel makers doing the job.

Update........... we start this crap as 2/3 germed , Indagro-par 100 + hans led(182 total watts)

View attachment 2782252View attachment 2782253005.jpg006.jpg one is slacking off the others look ok. one dropped it's hat a little late and got damaged.............that's it

001.jpg007.jpg turned it to 12/12 and FULL blast on the lights.............be safe and happy growing RIU
Day 10 of 12/12 from seed under the Indagro-par 100 + hansled v1 (182 total watts): sensi seeds NL bitches

003.jpg005.jpg006.jpg009.jpg 007.jpg <<Germinating seeds still doesn't seem to be my fucking forte ..........IDK what's up, I'll give the bitch half a week and scratch her off the list...........other two look the way I want indoors, short and fat. The Hans panel is keeping them in check for now plus I'm blasting them with wall fan at full speed.

010.jpg First "mild" dose of the organicsrx was given with a slow pour over........smells nice and earthy BTW:)

001.jpg002.jpg004.jpg008.jpg Temps are manageable (high 80's) with the exhaust running non stop. Starting the aquariums pumps today and hoping for a resurrection................. go into the light bitch!

be safe and happy growing RIU
Very nice! Glad to see another quality grow.

I'm def interested in those vegan fertz. If I do switch to organic, it is going to be vegan organic for sure.
How many grows do you think one set of OrganixRx might last?

I've seen this as well, might be another option: Down To Earth Vegan Mix.

Also, I'm wondering if the plants will bend and grow toward the Hans panel over the inda.. will be interesting =D

You are paving the way again Psu!
Hey P, I eat organically as much as I can, but not happening when I eat out. Clearly for humans, and as well as cats and dogs, organic is significantly better, but my recollection from botany 40+ years ago, was that plants have no problem converting basic inorganic matter to food.

I get consistently high marks from knowledgeable smokers who partake in my herb using only the super simple to mix, one-step Hydroponic-Research VEG+ BLOOM

So please enlighten me
Very nice! Glad to see another quality grow.

I'm def interested in those vegan fertz. If I do switch to organic, it is going to be vegan organic for sure.
How many grows do you think one set of OrganixRx might last?

I've seen this as well, might be another option: Down To Earth Vegan Mix.

Also, I'm wondering if the plants will bend and grow toward the Hans panel over the inda.. will be interesting =D

You are paving the way again Psu!

Damn ^^ how did I miss that vegan fert! waaaaaaay cheaper and with a better ingredients list. I would not buy my fert again, seems to be the most expensive vegan line on the market with it's ridiculous application rates(excluding Bio Canna which is big $$$$$). Thanks for the link Multi and the girls are not leaning towards the Hans panel, they seem content.

Hey P, I eat organically as much as I can, but not happening when I eat out. Clearly for humans, and as well as cats and dogs, organic is significantly better, but my recollection from botany 40+ years ago, was that plants have no problem converting basic inorganic matter to food.

I get consistently high marks from knowledgeable smokers who partake in my herb using only the super simple to mix, one-step Hydroponic-Research VEG+ BLOOM

So please enlighten me

No enlightening Pet.......maybe a little:). Yes we've all been taught that organic/synthetic ferts the plants can't differentiate the NPK source. As we ourselves can't differentiate between getting our vitamins from a natural source or through synthetic multivitamins! <<see an issue with this thinking?? I do and have used synthetics in the field forever, never could taste the diff between flushed and unflushed synthetic grown buds. Organically grown buds do taste better to me(IMO) and are worth the slightly decreased yields and slow absorption rates/def recovery. The environmental impact alone is becoming increasingly apparent in the US AG industry! Farmer's complaints aside(insoluble N w corn/soy crops/low NPK # for the $$/etc), the changes need to happen and I believe consumers will also get over the increase in food costs to help reduce the MASSIVE runoff pollution it creates(#1 BTW). Growers can use whatever they want, it's a free country:)!!!!, I can't anymore after seeing the effects on perennials(core-burnout) and local river/stream ecological impacts that I created at my jobs. To each their own I guess.

DAY 20 of 12/12 from seed under the Indagro-par 100/Hans led ver 1(182watts): Sensi seeds NL bitches

View attachment 2808487006.jpgView attachment 2808489............moving along at a snails pace. IDK if I top the bitch and clone her or let it ride out. My yield #'s are gonna be crap with the party cup involvement and a 2 gallon girl. If anyone has successfully cloned and yielded decently under 12/12 please chime in!

008.jpg009.jpg010.jpg some ph issue locking out Cal in the 2Gallon bitch, but has self corrected and the new growth seems fine.

011.jpg002.jpg.........cooling down in the NE, so temps are good

be safe and happy growing RIU
Dang I didn't know this thread was here. Any hoo I will be watching and judging. No crispy treats this time ok.
Dang I didn't know this thread was here. Any hoo I will be watching and judging. No crispy treats this time ok.

Don't fucking jinx me grower!!!!!!...........lol hopefully we finish this little shit grow unscathed this time brother.

Day 32 of 12/12 from seed under the HANS led v1 & indagro par 100(w pontoons) 182w total: Sensi seeds NL bitches

003.jpg002.jpg004.jpg008.jpg005.jpg confirmed with the 12/12 master(greensanta) that cloning under 12/12 will yield shit. I have to say that the 2 gallon girl has grown extremely well and is at the perfect height and flowering point that I like under regular light schedules. Granted she had almost optimal conditions here for the last month. I think I will give 12/12 fs another try after this to confirm how great a system it is for small stealth growers(personal use). My little party cup bitch is suffering from under-waterings(too much perlite!!!fuck) and a cal def. The 2gal is chugging along nicely with this vegan fert for now.

001.jpg009.jpg006.jpg this hans panel has really helped keeping them short and bushy.....maybe it's a diff pheno but the coincidences are too great from last round(stretch heaven) with these same seeds. Maybe Indagro should look into adding/testing a couple 450-460nm blue leds to the pontoons to keep the stretch from (730NM) manageable. But this is all unscientific bs anyway, so who the fuck knows.

be safe and happy growing........enjoy your crappy GTA5!!! no one showed up to work on one of the best weeks to work outside(low temps)! except for the "legal" aliens:P sucked
Hey nice to know I have a better chance in winning now heeheeheehee.

no gtav. Still xboxless.

with the t5 I didn't use coral waves this time. Imo the IR does cause major stretch during 12/12. A week into flower and nodes are still staying close. After 2 weeks before. My NL hybrids would grow and stretch another 2 feet. With 2 - 6 inch gaps between nodes. Now after a week they grew maybe 6 or 7 inches taller with very little stretch. Less than inch and /or 2 between nodes. I will concur with your hypotheses.

fyi ima win
Damn that panel is keeping those lil gals tight! Im surprised that party cup one has not gotten pissed about the lack of room for roots. Just goes to show what they can take in good conditions.
Looking good P! We're gonna get through this one and and get to see the fruits of your labor. another subbed P thread! :weed:

Not to jack the thread but if any of the regulars wanna sample 2 oz bottle of ESC, IG has secured the license for this blend and I for one could not be happier. PM me and I'll make it happen.
Read about it @ http://www.inda-gro.com/msds.html
Hey Psu, i was just wondering how you find the inda-gro light. Is it worth the money or is it just a real fancy cfl:?: BTW there is nothing wrong with your party cup, she looks healthy as. :weed: I dont know what happened to mine, it just looks like the cutest little bonsai, not really expecting good yield but....you never know.
Hey nice to know I have a better chance in winning now heeheeheehee.

no gtav. Still xboxless.

with the t5 I didn't use coral waves this time. Imo the IR does cause major stretch during 12/12. A week into flower and nodes are still staying close. After 2 weeks before. My NL hybrids would grow and stretch another 2 feet. With 2 - 6 inch gaps between nodes. Now after a week they grew maybe 6 or 7 inches taller with very little stretch. Less than inch and /or 2 between nodes. I will concur with your hypotheses.

fyi ima win

You ain't winning:P.................I wouldn't mind second though! , well at least our old buddy Fran and you will be in the top ten guaranteed! lol, how many grower left like around 7??............ joking aside good luck hyroot, break out some cree bulbs !!!

Damn that panel is keeping those lil gals tight! Im surprised that party cup one has not gotten pissed about the lack of room for roots. Just goes to show what they can take in good conditions.

yep..............I'm surprised at the big differences in growth patterns from my last two grows from the same seed pack.......but the exhaust(way better temps)/hans panel addition are major factors in this. Keep up the good gardening nat..

Looking good P! We're gonna get through this one and and get to see the fruits of your labor. another subbed P thread! :weed:

Not to jack the thread but if any of the regulars wanna sample 2 oz bottle of ESC, IG has secured the license for this blend and I for one could not be happier. PM me and I'll make it happen.
Read about it @ http://www.inda-gro.com/msds.html

Daryl sent me a bottle way back and I never used it; does it expire?..............hmm maybe next round, but 35% reduction in ferts is hard to believe

Hey Psu, i was just wondering how you find the inda-gro light. Is it worth the money or is it just a real fancy cfl:?: BTW there is nothing wrong with your party cup, she looks healthy as. :weed: I dont know what happened to mine, it just looks like the cutest little bonsai, not really expecting good yield but....you never know.

Depends on your needs.....pro/cons to every light tech. It's silent/safe/"manageable" heat output/no bulb changes for around a decade/etc. With red supplementation(630-660nm) it can flower with the best of them IMO. The build quality is top notch without question hence the price.

we all know your girl turned out just fine you drama queen ;-)

im back!!!! lookin good sir

Hey nice to see you back !!! still using advanced led panels and soma beds??????????

Day 43 of 12/12 from seed under the indagro par 100 & hans panel v1 (182 watts): sensi seeds NL bitches

001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg007.jpg008.jpg just moving along without issues due to the nice environmental conditions so far. Both Getting watered daily cause of my very airy mix. That's it.

005.jpg010.jpg006.jpg...Hans panel is basically touching the bitches with no adverse signs or the girls leaning towards it.

be safe and happy growing riu
^^^^^ hahaha I was going to make an Amish joke about that earlier. I just couldn't figure out a good punchline.