Hans led + Inda-gro par 100== Messing with shit-free(vegan) ferts and airstones:)

Lush green Psua, they look promising! Day43 you said, I'll have to check what day are mines.. 12/12 from seed doesn't necessarily mean "small" does it?

Edit: did you top/fim by the way?
Best I could find Hy.


Two amish women were digging potatoes in the field one day.
Bessie pulled out two huge ones. she turned to Sara and said "Ya know Sara, these potatoes remind me of my Jakies balls."
"Why you mean that.. Jakies balls are that big?" asked Sara.
"No", replied Bessie, "but they are that dirty."

(Thank You Internet!)
Looking good Psuagro... :)

I hope pic 4 isnt your penis..... (for numerous reasons....) :-P

Actually it is!:shock:..................sick minds

^^^^^ hahaha I was going to make an Amish joke about that earlier. I just couldn't figure out a good punchline.

That's because your high all day................

Hey Chron, you might have to back off on the Redtube vids a bit bro!

No kidding chaz..............what are you up to these days anyway?

Lush green Psua, they look promising! Day43 you said, I'll have to check what day are mines.. 12/12 from seed doesn't necessarily mean "small" does it?

Edit: did you top/fim by the way?

What's up Jubi?...no their untouched my friend. Don't like doing anything to plants unless they misbehave, then some light training or worst case supercrop. Yeah 12/12 fs ain't bad so far. Definitely worth another shot after this.

Best I could find Hy.


Two amish women were digging potatoes in the field one day.
Bessie pulled out two huge ones. she turned to Sara and said "Ya know Sara, these potatoes remind me of my Jakies balls."
"Why you mean that.. Jakies balls are that big?" asked Sara.
"No", replied Bessie, "but they are that dirty."

(Thank You Internet!)

Funny.....................YES thank god for the internet or I wouldn't have found your froggy mom either!:P

The ol party cup is looking pretty healthy PSU.:hump:

Keep trying^^.......................BUT I won't get first place brother Jim:hump:

DAY 52 of 12/12 from seed under the Indagro par 100 & hans panel v1 (182 watts): sensi seeds NL bitches

001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg005.jpg006.jpg007.jpgThe vegan ferts have done an outstanding job so far and It's getting to the point where I usually like to drop the N and raise P&K %'s SLIGHTLY. I'm sticking with the vegan fert throughout (5-1.3-3) because I want to see myself if higher P fert is really necessary in flower or keeping all your leaves ON and green with higher N till finish results in a better out come. will see.

005.jpg..........till the end bitches.

008.jpg009.jpg.........be safe and happy growing riu
Everything looks great!

Are you familiar with how they process their fertilizers? I mean to ask, what do they do to it to arrive at its final form?

Otherwise, this may be your best show yet!
No kidding chaz..............what are you up to these days anyway?

Hey P! Thanks for asking. I'm waiting on an outdoor project to finish up than I'm back in SoCal for the winter. As usual one week turns to a month. But I'm digging it.

GAWD that little garden of yours is rocking bro! Hard to believe it unless you see it. You keep this up and hyroot is gonna rethink that CMH wood he's starting to sprout. LOL

Love and respect! Be Well!
Yo, those plants look great

have you added any Magnesium, or do you not need to?
I have both the fert you are using and the Down to Earth Vegan Mix. Doesn't seem like there is much Mg in either.

Im currently running the VeganMix, but its not quite powder--its quite coarse and has these black pellet things.
I'm going to run some through a coffee grinder and see if I can feed through water after that.. =D
Dressing the soil doesn't seem like the most effective feeding method... what do you guys think
Everything looks great!

Are you familiar with how they process their fertilizers? I mean to ask, what do they do to it to arrive at its final form?

Otherwise, this may be your best show yet!

No i'm not exactly familiar with the process. My guess is finely ground and passed through a sieve @ #100 mesh minimum(kelp pieces are larger). It is very soluble for an organic/vegan dry product, it is available in HI /CA@ whole foods?(website) if you wanna try it @ $10 bucks a container for 25 applications!! lol, it's pricey though. ILP's cheesedream will be hard to beat HILO cause of her veg period(30days) and vigor(roots where pooping out at 14 days in this 2gal!).

Hey P! Thanks for asking. I'm waiting on an outdoor project to finish up than I'm back in SoCal for the winter. As usual one week turns to a month. But I'm digging it.

GAWD that little garden of yours is rocking bro! Hard to believe it unless you see it. You keep this up and hyroot is gonna rethink that CMH wood he's starting to sprout. LOL

Love and respect! Be Well!

Ah working outdoors, good for you brother.............be safe

Yo, those plants look great

have you added any Magnesium, or do you not need to?
I have both the fert you are using and the Down to Earth Vegan Mix. Doesn't seem like there is much Mg in either.

Im currently running the VeganMix, but its not quite powder--its quite coarse and has these black pellet things.
I'm going to run some through a coffee grinder and see if I can feed through water after that.. =D
Dressing the soil doesn't seem like the most effective feeding method... what do you guys think

Good questions ^^ personally I think the only def that may come from this product is Mag! but I'm using philly tap water which has a tds of (200-250)which should contain enough cal/mag. If you live in the US check this zerowater website http://www.zerowater.com/ enter your zip and it will show local tests of consumers using a TDS pen for their tap.....it is quite helpful. Also remember my soil is reused and had a decent amount of pelleted horti lime in it from my last inferno run, lime takes months for it's full effectiveness to wear off. My next purchase is that vegan mix from Down to earth, way cheaper+ it has azomite in it. Yes! the finer you make it(solubility) the faster it gets absorbed....what do you think of it so far?, and those chunks are probably kelp meal.

Oh and another thing all my tap water runs through this http://www.amazon.com/Filtrete-Unde...1430104&sr=8-4&keywords=filtrete+water+filter takes out "most" of the baddies down too .05 micron. easy install and WILL NOT lower your TDS like an RO filter, it's basically a dechlorinator to keep the benie bacs happy:)

I subbed up interested in how well those airstones work out for you, and the hans panel is interesting too.

Nice to have you along............ah the airstones, it will be interesting when I pull out the roots at the end. see if it had any benefit at all.

Uh oh I'm seeing the start of defs on the party cup. :clap::hump:

HA...............your probably right!!:bigjoint:

How many tsp/gal of the organic Rx powder are you feeding per watering?

2 TBSP's per gallon...............maybe more on the party cup due to the cal issues
check the party cup thread.

Hey I found my crappy thread!!!.........lol. Anyways haven't updated as my aloe-friend Hyroot has mentioned it's all in the 3rd party cup thread and didn't want the pics to get redundant in here as well.

Changed the setup a little and will run the indagro par 100 w pontoons (117watts) and hans panel V1(65w) separately to maximize my little shitty space. Kinda interested to see if hans-panel still can keep up after 2+ years of use.

medium: recycled organic soil from last run and cut with all the perlite I have left. Will start using small lava rock after this for soil aeration. NO lime added.

Strain: Sensi seeds pure power plant fem (5 pack), got a great deal at OSSC ($50 shipped!) and had to bite at that price.

002.jpg005.jpg Hans side will get root's organic uprising foundation/bloom/guano and NO airstones

004.jpg006.jpg inda-gro side will get down to earth vegan mix and will use airstones.

Both sides will get the initial top dress around day 14. I will run 24/0 light schedule for the first 2 weeks due to the cold conditions and allow the roots to settle in before switching to 12/12.

003.jpg001.jpg.........after a day soak all 4 show taps and where placed in the soil with domes over them. Once they head north we start this shit.

be safe and happy growing RIU
Alright........ all the bitches broke through and dropped their shells.............so we start this crap

Hans led V1(65w) using roots organic uprising and no airstones: sensi seeds PPP fem

003.jpg004.jpg006.jpg one's a little stretchy but the fan will take care of that...........full blast on the panel

Indagro par 100 w pontoons(117w) using down to earth vegan ferts and airstones: also sensi seeds PPP fem

007.jpg008.jpg009.jpg.......one dropped it's shell late and is behind

001.jpg011.jpg010.jpg 24/0 light schedule until day 14 and switch to 12/12 and fertilize for the first time. Temps are good due to the lights being on non-stop.

I will be adding a cover crop(crimson clover) around the perimeter of the 2 gal pots to act as a early def indicator......will see how that works out:P

be safe and happy growing RIU
I like the cover crop idea never realky thought of having a color to match to *runs to home depot to grab all the green paint swatches in site* lol mine are looking like a seafoam green...
i cant wait to see how things are going to turn out here. ive always really liked the hans panel!:bigjoint:
Watch that crimson clover. It grows the tallest of all clover. Dutch white and red clover grow shorter. I decided on red clover because you can make a drinking tea with flowers. It fights cancer cells similar to cbd. I have a couple cancer patients that I deal with. I can give them the red clover flowers for free.

I had a few patches die. The surface of soil was too dry. Some looked dead. Then sprung back up after watering. They love the enzyme sst also.