Icemud's Mineralized soil tent grow with Intelligent Gro LED's.

Hey Everyone, So I know I have caught a lot of flak on here with people saying this and that about the Intelligent Gro panels, but I have to say, the proof is in the grow, and so far my plants are looking great. But as I know, many growers want stats and specs of LED lights to "comfort" their minds when looking into LED lights, so I wanted to post the Umol readings for the Intelligent Gro 2 LED lights which will be available within the next 2 weeks.

I do want to state this, that yes, Intelligent Gro's panels are made by CTlite, however, they are not the same panels that you can buy on alibaba or any other site. Intelligent Gro basically uses the structural design of the CTlite panels, however diode patterns, wavelengths and spectrum are different, panel design is slightly different sizes as Intelligent gro wanted better coverage and footprint, internal changes to allow for better modular design have been made as well as other details which I don't know. Anyhow I wanted to point this out that the LED panels that Intelligent Gro sells, can NOT be purchased from any other retail environment or distributor and are exclusive to intelligent gro only.

Also I have been informed that the goal of Intelligent Gro is to eventually bring the assembly and manufacturing here to the states as a future goal.Currently Intelligent Gro is based in CT here in the USA.

With that being said, I just wanted to clarify some people opinions that say "your just a reseller" because it is not true. Yes Intelligent Gro is currently made in China, but the specs, design and layouts are heavily influenced by Intelligent gro, and the products are proprietary in design in these areas...

Anyhow, like I have mentioned earlier, I do not work for Intelligent Gro and I am not the company, but I do like their lights, the owner and the goals they want to impliment to bring better LED light panels to the growing commmunity...

So with the release of the Generation 2 panels.... Here are the PAR readings for all Intelligent gro 2 models at distances ranging from 1' to 5'. Also note that each module only hosts 4 white chips so the PAR readings are not inflated like you would get from a all white chip panel or panels that use primarly white.
Also note that the PAR readings are higher than many other well known panels on the market and much higher than HPS. Look at growershouse tests for a comparison.

As promised, here are the spectrum charts for the new Generation 2 Intelligent Gro panels that are going to be released within the next 2 weeks.

Full Intensity, all 3 channels ON at 100%

Bloom Channel at 100%

Veg Channel at 100%

Grow Channel at 100%

Veg and Bloom Channels at 100%

Grow and Bloom Channels at 100%

Grow and Veg Channels at 100%
Hey everyone!!! Quick update...Day 34 flowering.

So today I fed the girls, gave them a Earthjuice tea including bloom, grow, as well as some humic acid and general organics cal/mag.

I also gave them a foliar spray of bloomit, amaze and pgr,

Here are today's photos
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Day 36 Flowering and things are looking good. This morning I gave them a light foliar feeding of amaze, r/o water and carboload with some cold pressed seaweed. Other than that they keep getting frostier and fatter :)

Here are a few pics for today, with the lights off and on. DSC09645.JPG DSC09646.JPG DSC09648.JPG DSC09649.JPG DSC09650.JPG DSC09653.JPG DSC09654.JPG DSC09656.JPG
I know the rules here say don't post in others journals here, but I want to welcome anyone to post in my journal with these rules...

Keep it positive,
Questions are ok, comments are ok, suggestions are ok...negativity is not :)

Feel free to say what up and ask questions though..
Very respectable

I would have removed a bunch of the lower fan leafs that are blocking buds

Thanks Pet Flora... I typically do a defoliation about day 20, (light/medium) and then around day 50 another one to remove the fans that are shading the buds... How hard do you usually go with the defoliation?
i keep the top 2 sets then pretty much remove below that, if they are blocking buds. So, I keep the outside leafs

Keep in mind, I use hydro, so my girls do not need to store for a rainy day
i keep the top 2 sets then pretty much remove below that, if they are blocking buds. So, I keep the outside leafs

Keep in mind, I use hydro, so my girls do not need to store for a rainy day

Thanks PetFlora, Pretty much same thing I do around day 50. I remove everything from 5 nodes down (fan/shade leaves) and leave everything above 5 nodes from the tops. Appreciate you stopping by man!
Hey everyone, today would make day 37 of flowering and I just got a new digital camera, so playing around with it. I must say, much much better resolution than my last one which was like 10 years old.

Anyhow, just wanted to share some update photos...

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Hey everyone!! Day 39 of flowering...

The girls are getting close to needing a feeding soon (prob in 1-2 days) so I am getting my next nutrient batch ready. Since I want to cut down on so much water, and water more frequently but in less volume, I am only mixing up 2.5 gallons of nutrients instead of the usual 5 gallons.

I will be adding earthjuice grow and bloom, humboldt natural bloom 10P, 10% ca, and yucca extract. as well as a 1/2 dose of cal/mag.

Other than that the girls are looking amazing, the harlequin has a slight yellowing in the leaves which looks like N defficiency so I think this next feeding will help them out

Here are the photos for today, just some close ups of the buds.

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Hey everyone!!! Today is day 45 of flowering and I wanted to give a quick update of my grow. So far these Intelligent Gro LED's are really kicking some butt!! very frosty dense flowers, and if it wasn't for me locking up the soil, they actually would probably be even more full. I am working on correcting the soil issue, but overall, no complaints on how the buds look :)

Here are a few photos to enjoy!

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Wow, I can't believe I hardly have anyone even following my grow? oh well... Here is a unboxing, testing and review video I did for my all new Intelliigent Gro II lights I received yesterday.

Hope you guys enjoy! and feel free to comment in my journal, as long as its positive.


The girls are slowly swelling, I'm sure it would have been much faster if I wouldn't have locked out the soil, but I have to say, these are some of the most dense buds I have grow yet... I mean these things are part concrete! LOL and they smell amazing!!!

Here are the photos for today, Day 52 flowering!

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Wow, I can't believe I hardly have anyone even following my grow? oh well... Here is a unboxing, testing and review video I did for my all new Intelliigent Gro II lights I received yesterday.

Hope you guys enjoy! and feel free to comment in my journal, as long as its positive.

You have followers! Some of us just do it silently. 8)
You are about 25 days ahead of me and I use your grow to evaluate mine! Thank you for the time you are putting into your journal!!
You have followers! Some of us just do it silently. 8)
You are about 25 days ahead of me and I use your grow to evaluate mine! Thank you for the time you are putting into your journal!!

Hey Granaw!!! Welcome to my journal!!! So happy to hear that others are enjoying what I am doing :) Feel free to stop over anytime :)
Day 58 of flowering..

So the girls are all finally showing signs of growth, after almost 2 weeks of not much growth due to the soil lockout, but finally all of them are showing nice healthy white pistils.
Also it seems that the buds have been swelling up quite a bit this last few days so I hope from here on out I wont have any issues.

I had a batch of compost tea going (just my premixed soil and water bubbled with about 30ml of molasses). Instead of "soil drenching" that I have been doing by giving the girls tons of water, I decided to put the compost tea in my pressurized sprayer and just give about 1 cup of water to each plant. I think if I give them just a little water everyday instead of dumping 8-10 cups of water 1x per week, I think it will allow the soil to regain health as well as wont let the soil get too wet where problems occur.

I will not be foliar feeding these girls through the remainder of the cycle since the foliars sort of "replace" the need for stripping minerals from the soil, therefor the plants are not using the salt ions in the soil, hence the buildup of EC.

Other than just the light feeding, I have been shaking my poor mans CO2 jugs every day 1 to 2 times to get the bubbling enhanced in the jugs. Also about every week I dump out about 3/4 of the water, add fresh water and sugar and let them do their thing.
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Day 58 of flowering...
.. . . I have been shaking my poor mans CO2 jugs every day 1 to 2 times to get the bubbling enhanced in the jugs. Also about every week I dump out about 3/4 of the water, add fresh water and sugar and let them do their thing.

What is a poor man's CO2 jug? (Even though my profile says I am a new member, I've been here for several years. I had to open a new profile with new address. Just an FYI.) But I've never heard of a poor man's CO2 jug.

Where did you find your containers? Those are the perfect shape and size for my grow space (next time around, that is). Do you have 7 plants? I have 8 indoor and 4 outdoor, including 2 males that I keep isolated and use for cooking. I'm doing some experimenting this time around with techniques. It's amazing how similar our set-ups are, right down to the size of the plants, except I don't have a ventilation system (Don't need one where I'm located). I'm eager for your harvest! It's nice to see that I'm not the only indoor soil grower left! LOL