It truly is. Even though i would like something organic.
Do you guys notice a difference in flavor or any other properties using DG vs. an organic or partially organic line like pure blend pro?
I have been running DWC with DG... my latest grow is coco hempys with pbp and lineup. I have switched to this method for 1. less work and 2. move towards organics for better flavor. I know a lot of people say organics tastes better, so I want to find out for myself. But what do my fellow DG growers think?
i just got my bottle of foliage pro. no one has really posted any success with it in coco. i want to try a run with it in coco. anyone want to chime in about it ?
I'll reply with a question. Did you read the label's elemental analysis? Do you understand what that analysis means to a plant?
You can grow bud with scott's and Jack's fertilizers and get good bud. It is just a matter of preference.
Well dont I feel like an ass hole, I always heard the growers ability to apply the correct nutes at the correct time and the ability they have to keep the environmental factors in check is what determines yield and quality. Iv been doing it completely bass ackwards and am ashamed
UB iv read most every thread you have ever started, cant say I disagree with you much about anything. Its all these other people that try to ride your coat tails that annoy the hell out of me. They read a thread you start or a post you make and instantly think they have your know how. The simple truth is any decent grower, not good just decent can make any nutrient line up work. Does AN intentionally leave stuff out of their formulas to make you buy addiditives, well of course they do, iv never heard any decent AN grower say different. Do you need every single additive they sell, no but you will need a few. Does DG work, absolutely. Can I run a hempy bucket and use GH with the lucas formula and cal/mag and produce great, absolutely. Can farmer joe run the shit spreader on the back 40 and grow better stuff than would ever come from ANY store bought fertilizer, damn right he can.
Like they say, "it works".
Regarding coat-tails, what really pisses me off is for someone to copy my work, strip the author's name (me) and post it as if it was there's. Happens all the time and I catch it doing a Google for something else. For example: