Dynagro is under-rated as fuck

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Do you guys notice a difference in flavor or any other properties using DG vs. an organic or partially organic line like pure blend pro?

I have been running DWC with DG... my latest grow is coco hempys with pbp and lineup. I have switched to this method for 1. less work and 2. move towards organics for better flavor. I know a lot of people say organics tastes better, so I want to find out for myself. But what do my fellow DG growers think?

That was one of the things I was worried about. I honestly feel like my strains have MORE flavor with DG. Maybe it's because for the first time they had NO noticeable deficiencies. Not sure. But I wont be switchin from dyna gro for a long time. Total convert from botanicare.
fertilizers like jacks and dyna-gro are just so incredibly pure that the only flavor you get are the ones produced naturally by the plant. you will never find a better fertilizer.
i just got my bottle of foliage pro. no one has really posted any success with it in coco. i want to try a run with it in coco. anyone want to chime in about it ?
i just got my bottle of foliage pro. no one has really posted any success with it in coco. i want to try a run with it in coco. anyone want to chime in about it ?

I'll reply with a question. Did you read the label's elemental analysis? Do you understand what that analysis means to a plant?
I'll reply with a question. Did you read the label's elemental analysis? Do you understand what that analysis means to a plant?

I wouldn't recommend coco and DynaGro for a noob. Trust me that a Peat based mix containing dolomitic lime is much easier. I need to use tap water or calmag plus with dynagro in coco AND it has to be PH adjusted to around 6.

Start your base at 2ml/ gallon veg and 4 ml/gallon flower and then pay attention to your leaves. I will warn that it's easy to overdo Foliage Pro and if it starts to produce gigantic leaves (if that's not normal) then you are overdoing it. Clawing means you're over applying N, yellow means you're under applying it. Flat green healthy leaves are the goal. I have some strains that claw at 4 ml/ gallon and my big sativa hybrids yellow at 4 ml/gallon so you have to observe your plants and use common sense deductions.
That post wasn't directed at Uncle Ben! I may know a lot about horticulture, but my computer and photography skills suck. I wanted 711s quote in there as well.
i am deffinately not a noob. i have been growing for 10 plus years and right now i am consistently pulling .9 gpw off led panels. at the moment i am using soil and cheap ass time released prills mixed into the soil. couldnt be any easier and the quality is great. i am not a scientific person at all so nothing makes any sense to me when i read a label. i have learned how to read my plants and have mastered watering them. i try to follow advice of methods that work for people without having to spend a fortune on a plant. thats why this thread intrigues me. i have seen some amazing grows in coco and want to try something different. i cant seem to break the .9 gpw barrier so its time to try a different way of growing. i am going to do a few plants in soil with foliage pro and a few in coco. my concern was the calcium issues that coco is notorius for having. i acctually called dyna grow about growing in coco and they said to add magpro to resolve any calcium issues. mag pro has no calcium in it so it made no sense to me. i am kind of like a race car driver that only knows a little about the engine. i know how to drive real fast without having to know everything about the engine and suspension. thats how i grow. there are products out there that give amazing results without me having to be an expert. i provide a nice airconditioned sealed room, with abundant co2, consistant temps, proper humidity, excellent watering, keep the leaves green, and lots of love. the results are amazing. just looking to tap it out even more
I don't use magpro because it doesn't have cal. I like botanicare cal/mag and growing in coco hempys.... I use cal/mag even in tap water dwc with dg... so adding it to coco was no different to me.
Threads like this make me laugh. All fertilizers will produce just fine, if used correctly. It is the grower and his/her abilities that determine outcome.

If one fertilizer brand was truly superior, I think everyone would be using that one brand, right? Or the other brands would go out of business.

You can grow bud with scott's and Jack's fertilizers and get good bud. It is just a matter of preference.
You can grow bud with scott's and Jack's fertilizers and get good bud. It is just a matter of preference.

True. I have about 12 different brands and NPK values from different manufacturers anywhere from 1 liter or 1 lb. boxes to 50 lbs. sacks. They are all about the same regarding salts. As long as I can trust their guaranteed analysis as stated on the label, I will use them to my bidding.
I'm gonna have to disagree. Basically all the companies that sell "Cannabis Nutrients" have shitty manufacturing processes. Their products are full of impurities and they are not even using correct nutrient ratios. They lack the knowledge and experience that companies like JR Peters / Dyna-Gro have and are not even close to competing in purity / quality.

There is not one single "Cannabis Nutrient" that will beat Dyna-Gro in yield, or quality bud.
Well dont I feel like an ass hole, I always heard the growers ability to apply the correct nutes at the correct time and the ability they have to keep the environmental factors in check is what determines yield and quality. Iv been doing it completely bass ackwards and am ashamed
Well dont I feel like an ass hole, I always heard the growers ability to apply the correct nutes at the correct time and the ability they have to keep the environmental factors in check is what determines yield and quality. Iv been doing it completely bass ackwards and am ashamed

Part of the learning process is unlearning what you learned here.

Regarding quality and purity of salts I've found the best to be Jack's, Dyna-Gro, and Plantex (Canadian).
UB iv read most every thread you have ever started, cant say I disagree with you much about anything. Its all these other people that try to ride your coat tails that annoy the hell out of me. They read a thread you start or a post you make and instantly think they have your know how. The simple truth is any decent grower, not good just decent can make any nutrient line up work. Does AN intentionally leave stuff out of their formulas to make you buy addiditives, well of course they do, iv never heard any decent AN grower say different. Do you need every single additive they sell, no but you will need a few. Does DG work, absolutely. Can I run a hempy bucket and use GH with the lucas formula and cal/mag and produce great, absolutely. Can farmer joe run the shit spreader on the back 40 and grow better stuff than would ever come from ANY store bought fertilizer, damn right he can.
UB iv read most every thread you have ever started, cant say I disagree with you much about anything. Its all these other people that try to ride your coat tails that annoy the hell out of me. They read a thread you start or a post you make and instantly think they have your know how. The simple truth is any decent grower, not good just decent can make any nutrient line up work. Does AN intentionally leave stuff out of their formulas to make you buy addiditives, well of course they do, iv never heard any decent AN grower say different. Do you need every single additive they sell, no but you will need a few. Does DG work, absolutely. Can I run a hempy bucket and use GH with the lucas formula and cal/mag and produce great, absolutely. Can farmer joe run the shit spreader on the back 40 and grow better stuff than would ever come from ANY store bought fertilizer, damn right he can.

Like they say, "it works". :)

Regarding coat-tails, what really pisses me off is for someone to copy my work, strip the author's name (me) and post it as if it was there's. Happens all the time and I catch it doing a Google for something else. For example:
Funniest part is the post half way down the page after your post on that link, where the other guy tells you good write up and you should thank the poster for putting it up, that took balls. Those are the exact kind of people I am referring to, UB says its good so im going to tell everyone its my method and post on every thread mentioning H&G, AN, GH. DM, canna, FF that theyre dumb. Theyre like fucking herpies, or jehovas witnesses.
Like they say, "it works". :)

Regarding coat-tails, what really pisses me off is for someone to copy my work, strip the author's name (me) and post it as if it was there's. Happens all the time and I catch it doing a Google for something else. For example:

that is absolutely ridiculous that they didnt see any harm in what that guy did. re-posting is fine but give credit to the original writer! they kept bringing up "public domain" and "spreading knowledge"... that has nothing to do with what was wrong!

a simple
" - Uncle Ben"
would have made all the difference

then the guy doesnt apologize but gets all asshole about it.
i was even surprised that the moderator let it fly

some people on forums amaze me
I was talking with a friend last night. I told him I get a great deal on Sunshine4 and switched from Promix HP. He asked about the mycorrhiza and I said I didn't see any difference. He asked if any of that shit (additives)made a difference and I said it didn't. I'm going to try Foliage Pro only with a touch of Protekt to keep PH closer to 6 than 5. I actually practice real horticulture and somehow I got sucked into the high P, organic additives for "amino acids and vitamins", mycorrhiza and other BS vortex.
Just save yourselves the hassle and money and use one fertilizer and focus on other things. It's so easy to feed a plant and somehow for cannabis growers its turned into a Rube Goldberg like system.
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