Chemical weapons used by Syria


Well-Known Member
Ok so let's just move on, let's assume you are convincing people of what you are pushing.

Therefore what?

What is your point?

We show who are the idiots, self appointed. We show that Religions spring from War Cults and/or vice versa, all the time.

We show that Sunni Jihad is not a religion but Conquest doctrine. We show that the first Arming of the USA, for Blue Water Navy operations to protect the Med. was the direct result of Sunni Tradition of Jihad and Tribute we refuse to pay.

Rather than Tribute we support Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, and Libya with Military Aid and technology. We are still fighting Gestapo. And that is just in the Med.

So, it matters not to me if you get the point or not. Also, meaningless is this idea that I'm debated or trying to peddlle to anyone for anything. It is called fact based discussion. And you don't know how. And for that matter, you have provided nothing yourself, and I got your twisted view of forum a long time ago.

And also said before the Irish are very green in self rule. Doesn't mean anything. They gave the movement order already to man the Golan against the Tank breakout.

So, ABC, only, see that first sentence.


Well-Known Member
OK, so Sunni Islam is evil.

Now what?
You are twisted and mean spirited Sophist. No one said evil but you. It's not evil, you dullard.

Now what? The vast stupidity in that question, is noteworthy. We fight.

We continue to fight. What? Did you think it could be fixed? Just suppress the Jihad as best we can, while honoring there is a Religion under there that can someday, reject Global Domination.

Keep asking your Sunni friends. My Pashtun friend, aSunni, struggles with Ramadan every year. But, he does it.

And he will be candid with me and say, that if pushed, no Muslim can deny the core tenet, the Tradition, is to spread Islam to the world, "someday," by force when necessary.

He cannot renounce it himself. He says, that is to reject Islam and he was raised in it. I ask what about the USA and religious freedom and the fact he is an FBI analyst? Shrug....."That is a tough one....but if God wills it?"

He looks at me with sincerity and we both shrug....he is my friend.


Well-Known Member
No, yourself is trolling. Asking question. I answer. You don't read it. You purposely ignore all this stuff and and ask ME if Jihad will go on forever.

You don't grasp the irony, really? I think you do. That is trolling. It is distinct from discussion. So, you can neither, troll nor have discussion with one's self.

Yes, Jihad forever, unitl the Sunni knock it off with these ancient grievance excuses.


Well-Known Member
Don't be so mean, all he knows is "war cults" and "self rule", asking him to expand upon them is an exercise in futility.
It is an exercise in Trolling. Might work for others but, I type quickly, and I'm not addressing anybody in particular, regardless of the brand of ego or level of mentality, sentimentality or future foolishness.


Well-Known Member
That French journalist captured by the jihadists said he overheard the rebels implying they did it. Idk man. Either way assads killing his own people right


New Member
The best thing to do is keep all of them fighting amongst themselves both sides
should always have enough weapons to keep it even enough to control there population and economy
appropriately whether it be gas or conventional weaponry. It worked with Iran and Iraq for years.


Well-Known Member
That French journalist captured by the jihadists said he overheard the rebels implying they did it. Idk man. Either way assads killing his own people right
I guess that depends on what "his people" means.
If someone wanted to slit your throat, would you consider them "your people"?
At the same time are the "freedom fighters" who kill civilians doing it to "their people"?
It's a war... pick a side and spill blood... That seems to be all they are doing (when they aren't making horrible videos with over-driven soundtracks replete with "Takbir, allahu-akbar" nonsense).

There is no push for diplomatic resolution by any side (there are more than two). Although Assad has said he is ready to settle this through diplomatic means, the FSA (who are supposed to be the "new" gov't in lieu of Assad) don't even have the sense to assemble any political representatives outside of that jackass in Turkey. And HE has stated they will not "negotiate" or use "diplomacy" at all (up until last week... I don't know if he's changed his mind since then... probably not).

Complete lunatics, the whole lot. This debacle is going to just whittle away into a war of attrition...
Syria is already a veritable moonscape, yet they still managed to export $250 million of Olive Oil last year ! It's amazing they can actually function somewhat under the circumstances.
Meanwhile, the jihadi dorks get paid ~$100 per month, with a bonus of ~$18 for every SAA (or whoever) they kill...
Life is cheap over there...

And how did this all start? With some graffiti and a crookedly vindictive chief of police?


Well-Known Member
I'm still trying to figure out what the Israelis bombed last year in Syria
What about the bombing runs the Israeli air force have carried out this year? They are probably related.
It seems they are doing "preventative strikes" to keep Hizballah from getting "surplus" weapons (especially advanced missiles).

At least, that's the plausible synopsis I've been able to suss out from the interwebz...