Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
Old Testament is mostly Hebrew and old stories, NOTHING CHRISTIAN.. People need more research comparing Christianity to Islam.

Old Testament is mostly Hebrew and old stories, NOTHING CHRISTIAN.. People need more research comparing Christianity to Islam.
when did anyone say Christianity?
crackest open, thine Olde Testament to any random page and there writ you shall find some sort of madness, and violence, thus spake the God of Abraham with his every breath.hahahah!! Dr. KYJelly
LOVE THIS GUY!Makes me laugh when I`m being all serious and shit.. Bravo!
Seriously, I wouldn't wipe my ass with the Qu'ran if turds were dangling from my arse hair.. I would hate to carry that shit with me.. Verses from the Qu'ran, i mean.![]()
ohh youre one of those "New Covenant" jeezans ehh?that was a reach around toward the guy speaking of Jeezens or w/e.Many people think anything Jesus = Catholic. My family is Baptist Christian, we hate the pope.
KY Jelly, if you think ANYTHING Christian is in the Old Testament, we now know who is laughing at you.
OT is a Christian term for Hebrew writing before the time of Christ. Like I said, you need more research.
Small correction. It is now a Quartet. Islam begot Mormon.crackest open, thine Olde Testament to any random page and there writ you shall find some sort of madness, and violence, thus spake the God of Abraham with his every breath.
Ye Olde testament is not separate from the Jew, Version Two bullshit of the Jeezans, it is part and parcel of the abrahamic assumption, that your side is right, and any other opinion is blasphemy.
if you are unaware of biblical violence, even in the "new testament" then you really havent been reading that shit.
moslems may be shit, but they are just one turd in the triumvirate of feces that is Abrahamism.
I thought Islam's Quran was the only "bible" that taught hate?that was a reach around toward the guy speaking of Jeezens or w/e.Many people think anything Jesus = Catholic. My family is Baptist Christian, we hate the pope.
I thought Islam was the only "bible" that taught hate?
Boy oh boy, you Westboro people are messed up.
islam didnt begat mormons, that was jeezans again.Small correction. It is now a Quartet. Islam begot Mormon.
Hold on. 4 War Cults, in sectarian split order, always against the previous. All made up, whole cloth, all 4.The Pope is an imposter used to inflict these horrible forms of judgement some of you have spoken relating to "Christianity" in the past. Inquisition, Monarch rule, ect, ideas of a flawed system of Catholicism. Tell me, where in the Old Testament does it speak of "Christ" in "Christianity"? tell me.
remember, he threw their shit on the floor and said it was trash.
Citation DEMANDED!The Pope is an imposter used to inflict these horrible forms of judgement some of you have spoken relating to "Christianity" in the past. Inquisition, Monarch rule, ect, ideas of a flawed system of Catholicism. Tell me, where in the Old Testament does it speak of "Christ" in "Christianity"? tell me.
remember, he threw their shit on the floor and said it was trash.
And still the Jews are Peaceful
You are missing the point. What part of ALL made up, did you not understand? I've gone back and back and back and forth, and spun the circle.I personally disregard some of the stories of Moses, I think he was an ass who acted as if it was God's only choice to allow him to do as he pleased. Let's not forget he kills mentally challenged people who pick up firewood on the Sabbath.
anyway, the books are not perfect, some are better than others. All of it is a note of humanities actions and how we have changed through the years. I cant see how a person can read the Qu and think it is the absolute resolution to our lives in this world unless they were restricted from their liberal rights' to learn. The Qu'ran does this well, especially for women.
We in the civilized world have created some freedom and liberty through peace, in which allows for some form of stability. It is this which brings us to this moment and sustains us.
Ky-jelly, you are quoting the New.![]()
so, no citation of Jeezus throwing the torah on the floor and saying it's trash ehh.I personally disregard some of the stories of Moses, I think he was an ass who acted as if it was God's only choice to allow him to do as he pleased. Let's not forget he kills mentally challenged people who pick up firewood on the Sabbath.
anyway, the books are not perfect, some are better than others. All of it is a note of humanities actions and how we have changed through the years. I cant see how a person can read the Qu and think it is the absolute resolution to our lives in this world unless they were restricted from their liberal rights' to learn. The Qu'ran does this well, especially for women.
We in the civilized world have created some freedom and liberty through peace, in which allows for some form of stability. It is this which brings us to this moment and sustains us.
Ky-jelly, you are quoting the New.![]()
so, no citation of Jeezus throwing the torah on the floor and saying it's trash ehh.
nice deflection.
Fixed that for yah.You are missing the point. What part of ALL made up, did you not understand? I've gone back and back and back and forth, and spun the circle.
All Made up. It began in China close to 3000 BC, with a guy that has no historical basis. Lau Tsu. All the concepts including Chirsto spring from that very early plea for Reason. Basically, the Tao asks, why can't we get along? The Tao Te Ting attempts set out an argument for that. We are all connected.
Why did he or they, (if there was more than one person,) need to do that? Well, it was a plea for Peace in what they call, the Troubles of War Lords.
Every single religion is linked to War Lord in some way, and it is all made up. There was no Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, perhaps, or maybe just lost.
Maybe in 3000 years those against the United Mormons of Kolob will never be able to find a trace of Joseph Smith.
so... no citation of Jeezus throwing "Their Shit" on the ground and calling it trash ehh?Matt 21:12/13 whatever..
12And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. 13And He said to them, "It is written, 'MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER'; but you are making it a ROBBERS' DEN."…
he was like, Bitch please.. Dont make me back-hand the fug outta you! Ho, collect yo shit and piss`off - as her pimp followed, Jesus said, here`s one for the road bitch! and punked the temple head-dong, all his bro`s were like, Damn! ..![]()
Fixed that for yah.
remember, we are in the "latter days" and after 1000 years of rule by Jeezus, the mormons will all be taken back to god's crib on the planet Kolob for a millenia long Hoedown, before they are each (dudes only) transformed into gods in their own right, with many many many "Heavenly Wives" (sorry ladies, you gots to stay in the Celestial Kitchen) to produce their new "Spirit Children" to populate their own personal "universes" in which they get to play "Heavenly Father" and, i assume, be as irrational, inscrutable, and perplexingly schizophrenic as the current "Heavenly Father" who appears to be, either a Sociopath, or a Blessed Lunatic considering the disinterest he expresses in the well-being of his "Children" down here on this mud-ball planet.
you keep diggin that hole.What the Fuk? Anyway, the Jews killed Christ with the help of the Roman pig-bitch Pilate. They would rather free a convicted murderer than to lift their eyes and see the truth - It`s Plato's allegory of the cave dwellers. Sometimes their 'God' is only to save their own lives. I feel the same way about Syria and so does the rest of the world. The Geneva convention and War Crimes act states it`s illegal to use WMD and there needs to be accountability. Although, who wants to put a bunch of Muslim extremists in power? The Muslims have been revolting against their governments for a long time. This is a multilateral coup to seize the Middle East.
..Obama - the Muslim, has spoken his words. The World has spoken it`s words, fuck the Muslim rebels..
btw, some of you are watching Zeitgeist. Ha! funny little tweeker kid..
you keep diggin that hole.
the geneva convention only applies to signatories, further the geneva convention was for the Rules of War and War Crimes, the chemical weapons treaty is different, and Syria is not a part of that treaty.
as such they are not bound by that treaty.
Which Syria was not a signatory to and therefore werent bound by its protocols.The CWC is the first disarmament agreement negotiated within a multilateral framework that provides for the elimination of an entire category of weapons of mass destruction under universally applied international control.
The UN has an obligation to investigate but most of the times they are too pussy to do anything. They DO have the legal right to invade Syria based on the use of Chemical WMD. - you really need to read more Dr. KY Jelly. All you can do is spread misinformation and say bad things about me. It`s actually quite amusing but I also feel required to spread the truth in absents of your intelligible mind.