Need Some Serious Advice About Strip Clubs

justugh has been through the stripper ringer for sure, seen the girls work over guys like him millions of times.. used to do promotions for a strip club in New Bedford... place got shot up... good times good times.

clayton i was always under the impression you where blind? you cant read any of this right?
Braille stripper. It's a hands-on job.
I'm actually getting a little nervous. My wife does the books and she balances the checkbook every week. If she didn't buy the boots, I'ma have some 'splainin to do when she asks where they are, because even if I say I ordered them online she will want to see them immediately. Ohhhh man, the chaos is part of the appeal. Torn between two lovers...

If my wife finds out, I'm definitely getting a burning bed (if she's feeling generous). If I stop posting, you will know shit hit the fan. like ur self piss me off!!!! how dare u not invite ur wife to join the fun selfish!
Ohhhh, no, no no. Wife is VERY monogomous type and will Bobbitt me if she finds out. Now all of the sudden I have a giant pit in my stomach, shaking, sweating. Anyone have a xanax?

I'm still going Saturday. Seems a once in a lifetime opportunity, and who knows how it plays out. She really, really likes me. Having played it out a thousand times in my head, I am kind of excited to fulfill her rape fantasy and smack her around a bit, probably choke her a little (surprise for her).
I do enjoy playing along clayton, but if you're serious, pinky swear serious, then tell your wife that you enjoy this type of role play and save that hard earned cash for something better like...alimony lol
Ohhhh, no, no no. Wife is VERY monogomous type and will Bobbitt me if she finds out. Now all of the sudden I have a giant pit in my stomach, shaking, sweating. Anyone have a xanax?.

Xanax? that's not gonna help. You need one of these when you go to sleep.
That's quite the situation you have Clayton. My advice would be to visit the strippers for 1 more week. Then kill them. Gotta get some fresh strippers in the club, strippers go bad fast. Then rinse and repeat.

Alright, I'll do it myself.


You folks know me too well.

PS She was setting me up for blackmail, and I had to kill her.

PPS The wife never found out

PPPS Wife bought the boots

Good job. :eyesmoke: