Need Some Serious Advice About Strip Clubs

I’ve been going to this strip club for a couple of weeks and shit is getting real. I had never been to a strip club before so it was a little weird at first, but after the third girl jerked me off in the lap dance area I think I am addicted. At first I was shy, but now it doesn’t faze me anymore. Last night the girl made me sit on my hands while she danced and then pulled it out to work it. This dude was sitting two seats over getting a dance but no handy. He was staring at me like he hated me, so I asked if he wanted to help, because there was room for a third hand. He didn’t, but the girl dancing for him did. After another song, the second girl went back to the dressing room and came out with a velvet glove. Holy Shit, my friends! After ruining her glove, and shooting the first girl in the eye, I just left. I didn’t even pay. As I walked out, the girls asked me to come back tomorrow.

Do you guys think I should go back? I love my wife and would never leave her, but these girls are fun, and the music is good and loud. The bartender makes stiff drinks. Surely this is what heaven is like.

C'mon, Beardo. Where you at?

Oh boy I am so disappointed in you Clayton, Granny is very upset and concerned no good will come of this keep it in your trousers, you will ruin your life and destroy your wife mark my words my friend. :cry:
Watch how u speak to other members justugh dont be so quick to judge folks

hon the guy is cuaght in a trap

i am sorry to be blunt but i am hoping it snaps in him and he wakes up before he is wrecked ..................i know this game i ran this game on ppl in the day this is my act of redeeming karma
hon the guy is cuaght in a trap

i am sorry to be blunt but i am hoping it snaps in him and he wakes up before he is wrecked ..................i know this game i ran this game on ppl in the day this is my act of redeeming karma
jesus man. this thread is pure fiction:dunce:
the honest to god fact

no...................u know how many times i have seen this same story repeat just bouncing for a few years ..................some dumb ass walk in and falls for the the time they are able to think strait again everything is gone then i had to take them out of the place by dragging them on the face

false or true ...................not worth taken the chance after the 3rd body in the lot i quit

i have my limits
the honest to god fact

no...................u know how many times i have seen this same story repeat just bouncing for a few years ..................some dumb ass walk in and falls for the the time they are able to think strait again everything is gone then i had to take them out of the place by dragging them on the face

false or true ...................not worth taken the chance after the 3rd body in the lot i quit

i have my limits

This whole thread
Is sailing
Above your head
hon the guy is cuaght in a trap

i am sorry to be blunt but i am hoping it snaps in him and he wakes up before he is wrecked ..................i know this game i ran this game on ppl in the day this is my act of redeeming karma

Ma dude, I thank you for your concern. I do, but in my 40 plus years I have never felt anything so right. Your advice has been heeded. I wish some of it had come a little sooner, but I don't think they are going to use my real name to hurt me. They really are nice girls, especially the one I have been talking with most. There is a connection. She tells me I am special, and trust me, she sees alot of guys cum through there.

Tonight we talked about this weekend. I'm going to her home. She invited me ot her home. I don;t know how I feel about smacking her around, but if she really likes it, I want to make her happy.


hahaha ok welcome to the world of party those girls will do almost any damn thing u want them too u or themself for the right amount of money

by the sound of it u gone a few times your credit card is on file ............u paided trust me ...........and alot more then u think u did (the honest to gods truth is to call the card ppl and tell them as of today this card can take no more bills on it i like a new card issued ) give it 48 hours from the time u left DO NOT GO BACK ..........the bill is going to be very large this is to save u and the marrige

Party Slut are fun but they are looking for a sugar daddy to get money and fuck issuse they have out of them (billions of stories/complexes)............u need freak and kink tell your wife babe lets try some new stuff ...........head to a free porn site pic something that u both want to try and go to town (odds are she is a freak and a kink anyways women are twisted with sex ) ............................BY NO MEANS EVER TELL HER U WERE AT THE CLUB AND LET OURS MAKE U BUST A NUT (that memoery falls under vegas rules locked in a vault never to come out untill death bed )

your not addicted your just hooked ......................i am trying to help u save your ass and bank knowagle of this life is i ran a county for 7 years i was the mother fucker that knew it all who had what .........what party and group was where ........and one of the biggest party spots was my home i did not leave

i had the distract court judge daughter do a line of coke off my dick and then suck me off .......................i knew several bitches that would fuck u for gas money to fuck someone else ........... i had 3 fucking girl just bust out a lez triangle show for me after 45 mins of that they wanted a dick and i had it

i am sorry man but u are married party sluts are just eye candy now .......unless u and your wife have a agreement then that is a whole other story (if u try it u have to understand u get to plow anouther feild someone will plow hers get lucky might go bi nothing to worry about and might get to jion in)

BUT DO NOT GO BACK TO THE STRIP CLUB ..............u will be broke with in 3 months it is how the place works ...........worst u get cuaght up with one of them that is looking to cash out and settle down ................bitches be tricky they been in the game and know how to read ppl after that it is just up to what they are willing to do to get to the ends

this is the game .............u have money i know tricks to take that money and by the time your brain gets blood back all your money is now their money ..........pimping is easy if u got the skills and done party life but someone new u are fresh meat to be picked clean

if u do not listen to this and go head long into it like a moron
1 never fuck them in the pussy...... asshole mouth only (no child support)
2 be ready to lose what u have and start over once u learn the game
3 get a second phone .....prepaied and party sluts only get that number
4 change your name never tell them your real name
5 always be ready to fight and looking for the con/jump from behide
6 u always get a booth in the back (u see them before they see u deal)

good luck and do not be a jack ass your older and the game is something u have to learn several years before u can make anykind of life ............the ones that fail are in jail dead or sleeping on the street/shelters
hon the guy is cuaght in a trap

i am sorry to be blunt but i am hoping it snaps in him and he wakes up before he is wrecked ..................i know this game i ran this game on ppl in the day this is my act of redeeming karma

At this point, it's one of three scenarios:

You're committed. You realized you were trolled, and trying to save face, having admitted your aberrant, sordid behavior, you're going to try to play it off, as though it's still real.
You should have a Court appointed guardian, because you really DO believe it.
You think you can out-troll Clayton, in his own thread... If this is the case, see above (in re. court appointed guardian.)