Need Some Serious Advice About Strip Clubs

Lol I'm so going to the rippers to learn a few moves... must keep my man well entertained. .a smart lady finds ways to make her man crave her... not some high school drop out whos played the " I'm paying my way through school card" until she's 34 and wore out... lol

But, I know someone who started stripping to pay her way through school, and after ten years stripping, she owns a house, a condo on the beach, 3 new cars, and still had over 500k in the bank. At that point, yeah, she said "fuck school"
Lol I'm so going to the rippers to learn a few moves... must keep my man well entertained. .a smart lady finds ways to make her man crave her... not some high school drop out whos played the " I'm paying my way through school card" until she's 34 and wore out... lol

ROLFMAO!! I've never actually heard someone confess to learning ripping ;) hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! oh gawd that was good! (now I must run far and fast because I bet April could beat the holy dogshit outta me LOL).

OH and sunni? EPIC! just sayin'
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to sunni again.
Been down this road myself.
Nice, place to visit.
Look but don't touch. If you do touch , don't bring home the receipt... Yah, know what i mean?:shock:
So, I called the bank today and there were some fairly bigcharges. One of them was $400 forboots. At first I kind of got reallymad, but then I realized it could have been my wife. She buys stuff like that from time to time,but if it wasn’t, I need to come up with some nice boots with cash so shethinks I bought them for her.

I went back to the club tonight to make sure I was rightabout us being real. It seemed kind ofweird for a while, but that’s probably because I was so self-conscious about everything,especially after your posts and the big charges, and using my real name, on mydebit card. When I got there she smiledreally big at me from the stage, like I was the only person in there importantto her. I watched her smile at someother guys at the stage but I could tell it wasn’t genuine.

Long story short, she came over after her songs and asked meif I wanted to go somewhere private. Wewent to the lap dance area, but I told her, to go to the back of the place(where I could see people coming like you said, but I didn’t tell her that). She said I looked a little tense and askedhow my day was. She was pretty sincereso I relaxed and after a couple of songs I let her pull it out. I wanted to make sure I got off before askingabout my credit card. I thought about it and decided I couldn’t askher, it would be like I didn’t trust her, and I’m sure trust is real importantin her line of work. She was wearingsome really nice new boots, but I’m sure that goes with the job.

In all it was a good night and we had some good laughs. She stares at me a lot. She said I didn’t have to pay her for thedances, but she asked me to give her money for her cell phone bill because shewas short. She is trying to go to schoolto be a doctor. I’m telling you, shereally likes me and it feels good.
only been to a strip club 3 times and even now i just dont get it....dont get it


i pay to get in
i pay for food and drinks
i pay girls to dance on stage
i pay girls to dance on me
i pay for booth dance
the drinks suck
the hotwings suck
the girls are eh
dont wanna take a stripper home
im all worked up now
i go home with a boner and light pockets

wheres the pro here? and why do dudes pay chicks to do shit alot of chicks wanna do and will do for absolutely nothing
........snip..... She is trying to go to schoolto be a doctor. I’m telling you, shereally likes me and it feels good.

Yup.. sounds about right to me. I think you should put her through med school and marry her. After all if one career path doesn't work out she'll always have another LOL! Solid retirement planning, eh?
only been to a strip club 3 times and even now i just dont get it....dont get it


i pay to get in
i pay for food and drinks
i pay girls to dance on stage
i pay girls to dance on me
i pay for booth dance
the drinks suck
the hotwings suck
the girls are eh
dont wanna take a stripper home
im all worked up now
i go home with a boner and light pockets

wheres the pro here? and why do dudes pay chicks to do shit alot of chicks wanna do and will do for absolutely nothing

Wait ... the girls don't suck?
wheres the pro here? and why do dudes pay chicks to do shit alot of chicks wanna do and will do for absolutely nothing

Where are the girls who WANT to do this for absolutely nothing, right after meeting you? These girls figured out early that they WANT to do these things, AND they can get paid. I think it works out for all. I had a friend when I was young that would go out o clubs and say "hi, instead of me buying you flowers, taking you to dinner, and to a movie, can I just give you $50 bucks and we go straight back to my place?" Seemed pretty logical to me. It never worked and he had to bring several shirts when we went out.
Before I read this thread. I want to share a story... I went to a strip club when I was younger, and the dancer bled on my jeans.... I can't believe I forgot her name :(
Where are the girls who WANT to do this for absolutely nothing, right after meeting you? These girls figured out early that they WANT to do these things, AND they can get paid. I think it works out for all. I had a friend when I was young that would go out o clubs and say "hi, instead of me buying you flowers, taking you to dinner, and to a movie, can I just give you $50 bucks and we go straight back to my place?" Seemed pretty logical to me. It never worked and he had to bring several shirts when we went out.

thaats payin for pussy and thats a no no. for real, i dont consider myself to be the flyest lookin, i have no kinda game and never really have but there no words for how easy it is for me to get a chick naked. i only have 1 female friend i havent seen butt ass naked numerous times. trust me theyre all over the place and i kid u not, do not ever underestimate the power of the word dare
Before I read this thread. I want to share a story... I went to a strip club when I was younger, and the dancer bled on my jeans.... I can't believe I forgot her name :(


any of those bring it back?
It cost about 800 to 1000 bucks on average to get a stripper to even think about fucking you at the popular place in Skanchortown.Lots of fisherman and oil workers that come to town with pocket fulls of money
So fuck it 400 bucks for boots,that ain't bad