So what you really mean is you can't do anything miraculous whatsoever.
No I cant do anything miraculous at all.
If I could do miracles then I would go around healing people, and feeding people from just about nothing and erecting homes for the homeless.
But if, hypothetically, I were the King of the world then I would do all the things that I say can be done. You have read some of My posts and you know what I say, I would do these things.
If I had an "endless" supply of money then I would invest in legitimate cures for people, I would build mansions for everyone, I would feed the hungry, entertain the bored, and basically supply everyone's needs and much more.
My goal would be to elevate the classes so that the poor would be rich and the middle class would be even more wealthy.
The main thing that I would do would be multiply the renewable resources to meet all the peoples needs.
I would try and be the best King ever!
EDIT- But who can do a single miracle anyways?
EDIT- In time there will be mansions UNDERGROUND, PYRAMID CITIES, UNDERWATER, FLOATING ON THE OCEAN, UNDER THE OCEAN FLOOR and in SPACE like space stations and on other planets that I would build. Oh yeah, there would be mansions on dry regular land too of course. And the farms would be epic to feed all the people for almost free.
All of these things will happen and much more once I am King of the world, whether I am dead or alive. I just need the right people to read what I have written and then "the end will come".
EDIT- If I could perform a single miracle then undoubtedly I would have posted it on Candidly, I would perform the things that I say I can do for My people. And that would be like a miracle in itself!