That's a lot of Jesus'.There are 3.4 Jesus' per square mile these days..
Do YOU believe the Bible? And this is a serious question.The general standard would be the ability to do something supernatural; if the bible is to be believed.
I, Christ George, win by default because no one else showed up and Jesus has been dead for about 2,000 years.I vote for a Christ Cage Match between everyone who says they are Christ.
My money is on Crazy Bum Jesus.
If you your reading comprehension was at a fifth grade level or above, you would have understood that his post said 'everyone claiming to be christ'. This subject has come up before: there are many crazy people in the world claiming to be christ, Heis posted an article about three men claiming to be christ put together in an asylum, I've posted others claiming to be christ like these freaks -I, Christ George, win by default because no one else showed up and Jesus has been dead for about 2,000 years.
Where is your Jesus?
you actually made me spit my beer out , i think people might be more impressed if your initials were ' o m g ' then you wouldn't have to say the comical ' what are my initials backwards' bit ,My Name is George Manuel Oliveira and My initials are G.M.O. What's GMO backwards? Its OMG!
Ida Maria- Oh My God.
Maybe, but I never knew that My initials were OMG backwards until I turned 23 years old in 2008. Before that, I never thought there was anything special about My Name. My whole life I just knew that My initials were GMO until actually made me spit my beer out , i think people might be more impressed if your initials were ' o m g ' then you wouldn't have to say the comical ' what are my initials backwards' bit ,
i actually know someone called Oliver Martin Gerrard , and he believes he is Jesus , like you , because his initials say 'oh my god' , hes got one over you .
I know you love Jay Z so I will play one for you that you might like and it has to do with the return of God.[video=youtube_share;6AIdXisPqHc][/video]
Magna Carta Holy Grail - Jay-Z (Hova)
I know you love Jay Z so I will play one for you that you might like and it has to do with the return of God.
Jay Z- Run This Town
"Microphone fiend, it's the return of the God, peace God!"