My First grow


Well-Known Member
yeah water her. seems pretty conclusive that the leaf issues you are seeing is due to pH... just set the water's pH properly... in this case, that would mean about neutral i think.


Well-Known Member
And Your Ph... Ok Colors Are Hard To See With Our Chems Because Of There Dark Ness. Thats Why Ppl Here Use Those Dammm Elec. Meters To Ph Ec Ppm, I Ph What Goes In And I Dont Care What Comes Out,,, Im Controling The In.! With Drainage The Build Up Wont Happen,,, Just My Thoughts Watch Her Front Door And Get Drainage Out The Back


Well-Known Member
Or Soil Grower Ph Is 6. Stay More Nut. Like Bfq Says. Just My Thoughts Again... Man I Gota Quite Doing That.!!! Lol Db.:)


Well-Known Member
And Your Ph... Ok Colors Are Hard To See With Our Chems Because Of There Dark Ness. Thats Why Ppl Here Use Those Dammm Elec. Meters To Ph Ec Ppm, I Ph What Goes In And I Dont Care What Comes Out,,, Im Controling The In.! With Drainage The Build Up Wont Happen,,, Just My Thoughts Watch Her Front Door And Get Drainage Out The Back
yeah man, i dont think i have ever checked my soil's pH... just keep the intake stable and the output will be too... but it seems in retrospect that there was an obvious problem with the soil, so that is why i got the idea to check it, not the water.

it is funny, now that i think back, every time i have tried some "magic juice" mixture in my grows i have regretted it... was reading Al B Fuct's massive thread on SOG (again) and that just kept ringing out in my head every time he said it... i think i am going to go back to the basics on my grows as soon as i get some real space to work with and stop all the monkeying around.

i like my ScrOG, and for a small space grow of just a couple few plants, it seems the wisest approach to me, but SOG did kick ass when i had feet not inches to work with.

Hell, i am even starting to seriously lean towards seeing the joy of a good eb and flow system... course, that was helped when i realized that normally i am not really a soil grower.... using "soilless" mixes IS hydroponics... it is just a different root medium.

anyway, we all want our grows to be all they can be, but there is something to be said for having a good average setup.... consistency pays off.

where IS that bong? bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm going to see if i can ph my water real quick, its been sitting out for 2days, with the meter i got, dunno if it'll work or not, but then i'm going to just give her a 1/2 gallon plain water, and let the rest run through her......i'll be back tommorrow afternoon to check back up on her. so until then.


I ph'd the water and it came up to around 6.8, did the AJ, and it was about 6.4, analog. I then watered her with plain water, 1/2 gallon, and checked the Ph, said it was reading 6.8......and very hard to push into the soil, i think i'm starting to get a bit of root congestion. Temp was also reading 84F, a little high :( I'm off.
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Well-Known Member
hmmm, the juice is bringing the pH down a lot lower than i would expect... must be building up over time.

hope your trip goes well :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks, just home for fathers day.

I imagine the juice is collecting over time, but figured it would use what i gave it......guess not.

Water - 6.8 or so
AJ around a 6.4 seemed to be.


Well-Known Member
Back in town and just checked on her, wasn't able to add ice while i was gone so box peaked at 87, which is suprisingly low compaired to waht i was peaking 2wks ago. 95+F.

Anyway she dosent look too good imo.....though i was told by Db that she'll start looking like poop in the transitions.......but she just looks bad.....IMO. Just hurts. I just hope shes getting back to normal, i honestly don't know if i can work with anymore delays.......this is just rediculious though for the time frame, and i'm starting to question if i should just toss her, until i move and restart.......but thats 2+months lost for what i figured would only take 2-2.5months turn........I see no improvements so to say....leaves still curling, blotching, and very little flower to say.

But on a positive note, she's showing 3 leaf pairs on the top of 60% of her heads i'd i guess she is slowly progressing but just extreemly slow.....

First pic is top again.

Side of canopy.

More microshots of the leaf problems....



Well-Known Member
not only was what DB said correct, but it is not like this damage will go away.. she aint gonna just snap back and be what she was. also, plants are slow... no 24 hour flu for them ;)

do NOT just scrap her! each day you progress with this grow is that much more knowledge you have gained... speaking of, what have you learned so far?


Well-Known Member
Learned so far???? Everything about growing, i probobly havn't even planted a single seed of anything up to when i started her, so i'm always trying to learn something new, learning is the happy part of life, you can never not know enough about anything. More than i could probobly even explain. I do alot of research on my own about alot of different things, i just love learning.

But I just question myself alot, as to if things are right, and hoping i'm not doing anything wrong.

And been worrying about my time frame for awhile which is makeing me think about things, and wondering if i'll ever be done. Though i know it takes alot of time, just heat problems and all just threw me out the door really.

Will those spots fill back in on her leaves, or are they perminent?

I appologize for questioning things, its just my nature, and that i do appologize for that.


Well-Known Member
let's just say you will be thinning that canopy out a bit over the next few days ;)

learning rocks! and questions sure do help!

i was reading that monster thread (again) of Al B Fuct's on his SOG methodology and in there he makes some GREAT points about what new growers should do.... and oddly enough, they almost never do ;)

one of his points was before any growing is done, the op should be dialed in... now, you and i both know there aint a stoner around with that kind of patience, so we all nod about how wise that is and then combat Hellish temps in our first grow cause we threw some sprouts in, yo ;)

a more practical and easier to achieve point he made was new growers should not go to experimenting with "exotic" nutes... we should all start simple and get the basics down first of good N-P-K, lights, water and temperatures. being conservative will help us get through our first grows and show us what "normal" is... this way, the variables are kept simple and error correction is pretty basic.

also, we dont start using the common, "it lived, that MUST work!" logic that way.

while that thread is pretty highly specialized into both hydro and SOG without much deviation, there is some great info to be had there...

course, DB did say it short and sweet: dont grow her, participate in the grow.

and Al summed it up by saying basically, an experimenting new grower will spend a lot of time without buds.

my take on your move dilemma is simple: grow her until you are all out of time. if she is done then, woohoo! if not, you will at least have experience and knowledge and maybe even some early buds... early buds aint so bad... they beat no buds!

know what i do to prevent myself from doing something hasty? when in doubt, i procrastinate. :D gets me through life and fits plants SO well!

personally, i AM the biggest pest in my garden. always have been... back in the day it was easier to combat though... today, a mad scientist fuck up just hits my head stash, back then, it hit my income ;) i used to do nothing experimental and most things i did were firmly in the land of over kill. 9 ton central air keeps that temp where you want it ;)

anyway, enough babble, lights are on and i need to go see if another damn sativa went hermie on me or not.... fucking bag seed.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that spill bfq, alot of good words in there for a noob like myself.

AJ was doing great for the first 2-3wks as was molasses, then outta nowhere problems one after another.

I do take all results in a sense that down the road, i'll know next time. Keep it simple, less variables, less to go wrong. I think i just decided to try a few "out of the box" ideas because i felt my grow was going moderately very good until this happened.

I've been enjoying this the whole while, mabey spent 100 total on it all, fans everything which isnt too much, but getting something out in return is really what i'm looking for, just as is everyone here. Being self sufficient and keeping a stash is my plans really.....i could care less about parting it out etc......just knowing i developed "x" and it tastes like gold.......I love just knowing i can do if need be, jack of all trades, master of none. (sounds bad but yea lol)

As far as questions go, i always have the feeling i'm very wordy, and really pissing people off for a "slew" of questions all at that i hope i'm not doing.

But once again thanks so much for your input, couldn't do it without you all. :D

bfq, Db, and Monkee :D


Well-Known Member
just be glad you are a n00b, man.... i *know* how to do things right and did them for a couple few years... but now, i go into my grow and the common word i mutter is, "pathetic"... and really, i shouldn't be so hard on myself... i have managed to turn an easy bake oven into an op that runs between 74 and 84 degrees at the highest and lowest and have managed to keep myself in smoke for a couple months now, so this is a total win for me... but i sure aint getting any big fat colas and DEFINITELY not gonna impress High Times ;) all i really want to do is go back to how i used to do it and get some really nice buds... but spending a few thousand dollars "just" for head weed aint happening ;)

i think about maybe running a small SOG, but that so doesnt seem worth it to me. a SOG is a LOT of smaller plants in a little area.... a "closet" grow is a couple few plants... ScrOG makes more sense to me in this... but fuck what a pain in the ass!

anyway, i talk a lot too, so no worries :D

and $100 is a cheap classroom expense!


Well-Known Member
yeah ive been noticing for the next grow to make things more simple just wrote about that today actually

its funny when you see the people talking about growing... its so different then anyone would think, and it makes it feel so sinful thats its all very illegal

my only big concern these days is trying to get my plants 100% done by when i need it to be, taking longer then i expected

also debating when to start the new grow... and if ill do a journal... and what strains i want


Well-Known Member
Sniffle'... Are We Bonding??? Lol! Some Very Nice Words Typed... And Bfq, Better Not Stand For "big Phucking Quiter" Get A Journal Going Mahn!
Porn Is Porn!!! Ok I Have Seen Bad Porn, But Not Here.!!!

As Not To Babble "dido" "agreed" !!!

And To Mm' Your Journal Is Next.!!! Lol

Just Updated The Appl. Thread. Come Peek Ms', Mm', Bfq!


Well-Known Member
yeah man, Monkee... just cant make these unidentified strains and these experimental grows fit the time line of real strains in stable environments.... even when using a proper strain like you did, the experimental grow environments make it hard to schedule.

but regardless of how your grow is going and how it even turns out in the end, you are gaining some wisdom... yer starting to sound like DB and learning to relax ;)

when i first started, i was super lucky. i got handed a shopping list of stuff to buy and specs for a room then when i was ready i got handy a bunch of clones and then i got hands on schooled... i had a mentor right there to slap the shit out of me when i came at my plants with anything that wasn't specified and it kept me out of trouble.

now, all i have is my warped brain and a really silly idea of where to grow... oh, and no real budget... instant cluster fuck ;) did i mention the total pot luck of genetics? couple of these fuckers i have even looked at and gone, "is that pot?!?" LOL

my unasked for advice: start the next grow as soon as possible! if Metal wasnt moving i would be pestering him on when he was gonna germ his next seeds.... OH FUCK! i have seeds germinating! what an idiot i am!

will babble more later LOL


Well-Known Member
Sniffle'... Are We Bonding??? Lol! Some Very Nice Words Typed... And Bfq, Better Not Stand For "big Phucking Quiter" Get A Journal Going Mahn!
Porn Is Porn!!! Ok I Have Seen Bad Porn, But Not Here.!!!

As Not To Babble "dido" "agreed" !!!

And To Mm' Your Journal Is Next.!!! Lol

Just Updated The Appl. Thread. Come Peek Ms', Mm', Bfq!

nope, just big fucking q :twisted: (board wouldnt let me just have q)

journal is a tough call for me... i am ashamed of my work, my camera sucks and my paranoia is high... by the time i do show a journal, it will be something that wont make me want to just call it "pathetic" :roll:


Well-Known Member
journals take a lot more work then i thought, i just do it for the people who read it

still debating about them in the future, i love the support and its fun, but it takes 15-30 min a day to do


Well-Known Member
journals take a lot more work then i thought, i just do it for the people who read it

still debating about them in the future, i love the support and its fun, but it takes 15-30 min a day to do
yeah, but you are getting more than you think you are... for instance, i just forgot i had seeds cracking... the reason? cause i have gotten slack on my person log i keep and havent wrote anything in it for days... stoner that i am, i forgot all about them without notes.

i would put my text log online, but the whole idea of pictures of my plants makes me crazy... i am old school, we didnt take pictures that could be used against us. ;)

please dont take that as my giving you shit for taking the pictures... it is just me being old and leery... pot is a LOT more open nowadays and there is just NO way they could sweep in and bust anybody just over pictures.. back then though, cameras meant taking the pics to a stranger to get developed :o


whether you keep a journal here or a local log, keep a record and check it just like a Dr checks his charts, comes in handy. having one online means that a bunch of other slack stoners can all watch and help to a degree.


Well-Known Member
yeah, but you are getting more than you think you are... for instance, i just forgot i had seeds cracking... the reason? cause i have gotten slack on my person log i keep and havent wrote anything in it for days... stoner that i am, i forgot all about them without notes.

i would put my text log online, but the whole idea of pictures of my plants makes me crazy... i am old school, we didnt take pictures that could be used against us. ;)

please dont take that as my giving you shit for taking the pictures... it is just me being old and leery... pot is a LOT more open nowadays and there is just NO way they could sweep in and bust anybody just over pictures.. back then though, cameras meant taking the pics to a stranger to get developed :o


whether you keep a journal here or a local log, keep a record and check it just like a Dr checks his charts, comes in handy. having one online means that a bunch of other slack stoners can all watch and help to a degree.
sorry to keep this off of the journal topic, the plants are coming along amazingly and im worried about your time frame

i understand the fear of pictures but when they see me poorly growing 2 plants in a small tent i doubt anyone cares, but a big grow i wouldnt... also i never take picture of anything outside of the cab