Oops Conservative Pundits guilty of race baiting

Well I wonder where George Zimmerman would be right now if he had a public defender?
I wonder what the percentage of blacks in prison in, had public defenders as well.
I also wonder if there is a correlation between poverty, blacks, public defenders and prison as well

Seeing as how he should not have been charged in the first place, he should not have needed a public, or private defender.
and we all know how impartial and colorblind our justice system is!

Our justice system is pretty color blind, the only color that really matters is money. If you're poor, you're fucked. I had a friend who had the public defender, the prosecutor offered my friend the maximum sentence, the public defender came back and recommended that my friend accept the prosecutors offer. It isn't that the public defender is racist or whatever, its that they don't get paid shit to help you. In my state they are paid $40 an hour for out of court work, and $50 when they are in court. And each charge has a maximum amount of hours that they are allowed to bill... For instance, suppose in a DUI charge the state allows the public defender to bill 10 hours. The most amount of time you can expect your public defender to spend on your case is 10 hours. Meantime, the prosecutor will and can spend as much time as they need or want to fuck you.
in Baltimore strippin a dude BUCK NEKKID in a gang robbery is "gettin relieved of your property"

aww yeah! east coast class and style.

He is paying for the sins of his forefathers and soon this will be the norm. White people knocked out all over the US.
Our justice system is pretty color blind, the only color that really matters is money. If you're poor, you're fucked.

it's a good thing one race doesn't *have higher rates of poverty (two or three times as much) due to centuries of unequal access to opportunity then!
Our justice system is pretty color blind, the only color that really matters is money. If you're poor, you're fucked. I had a friend who had the public defender, the prosecutor offered my friend the maximum sentence, the public defender came back and recommended that my friend accept the prosecutors offer. It isn't that the public defender is racist or whatever, its that they don't get paid shit to help you. In my state they are paid $40 an hour for out of court work, and $50 when they are in court. And each charge has a maximum amount of hours that they are allowed to bill... For instance, suppose in a DUI charge the state allows the public defender to bill 10 hours. The most amount of time you can expect your public defender to spend on your case is 10 hours. Meantime, the prosecutor will and can spend as much time as they need or want to fuck you.

Public defenders work hand in hand with the DA. Its a quid pro quo arrangement. And yes they dont get paid shit, they dont give a fuck about you either
Public defenders work hand in hand with the DA. Its a quid pro quo arrangement. And yes they dont get paid shit, they dont give a fuck about you either

yeah, THATS why blacks go to prison... the legal system is unfair.

it's a good thing one race doesn't *have higher rates of poverty (two or three times as much) due to centuries of unequal access to opportunity then!

Ohh no! wait! THATS why blacks go to prison, cuz EVERYTHING is unfair.

meanwhile, in the land of rationality and functioning brain cells:

people who commit crimes, get caught and go to prison.

the justice dept's own stats show that when the race of a perp is known, that race is overwhelmingly BLACK for nearly every every type of crime except stabbing a stranger with a knife (mexican/hispanic) running a ponzi scheme (white) or ruining the grading curve in your trig 3 final (asians) it is so unpleasant that the DOJ no longer publishes the perp race stats, instead focusing on victim race stats, cuz that really tells you who is committing crimes right...

but the fbi still publishes the facts:

bear in mind negroes are ~11% of the population and commit 49.7% of the homicides, 32.9% of the forcible rapes, 55.6% of robberies,33.6% of aggravated assaults, etc etc etc.

11% of the population, yep. 11%
I have a question. How are juries in the US drawn? Is is from voters? Cell phones? Dragging people in from the street? It would make some sense if minorities are being sent to prison after they are facing all-white juries drawn from something like voting pools. Then again I am an uneducated Colombiano who knows nothing about the US. Surely the court system in the US doesn't work this way.
yeah, THATS why blacks go to prison... the legal system is unfair.

Ohh no! wait! THATS why blacks go to prison, cuz EVERYTHING is unfair.

meanwhile, in the land of rationality and functioning brain cells:

people who commit crimes, get caught and go to prison.

the justice dept's own stats show that when the race of a perp is known, that race is overwhelmingly BLACK for nearly every every type of crime except stabbing a stranger with a knife (mexican/hispanic) running a ponzi scheme (white) or ruining the grading curve in your trig 3 final (asians) it is so unpleasant that the DOJ no longer publishes the perp race stats, instead focusing on victim race stats, cuz that really tells you who is committing crimes right...

but the fbi still publishes the facts:

bear in mind negroes are ~11% of the population and commit 49.7% of the homicides, 32.9% of the forcible rapes, 55.6% of robberies,33.6% of aggravated assaults, etc etc etc.

11% of the population, yep. 11%

maybe you can dig real deep into your magic bag of racism and find a way to explain why blacks and whites have similar rates of cannabis use, yet blacks are four times more likely to be arrested for it.

dig a little deeper into your bag of "everything is fair and blacks are just stupid" and explain to me why blacks are more likely to face tougher sentences for the same crimes.

you're a horrific racist, and the worst part is that you should be intelligent enough to not be such a racist.

i guess taking some online creative writing courses does not a genius make.
umm im white and i get arrested for my brown friends weed......

i also get pulled over for suspicious driving

i also get my car searched for the "connotation of driving"

i got several of my things destroyed, stolen and "misappropriated" by cops

i got pulled over for "you were lookin like you were goin up that hill pretty fast"

what is the moral of the story? dont date black girls, dont hang out with brown guys and always make sure to have liquor they can "take in to custody" so they dont take you.
Hey Look Some black guy killed 26 women and children at Sandy Hook elementary school

Hey Look Some black guy shot up a movie theater in Aurora Colorado

This makes no sense. Please explain how the sandy and theater shootings were racially motivated?
maybe you can dig real deep into your magic bag of racism and find a way to explain why blacks and whites have similar rates of cannabis use, yet blacks are four times more likely to be arrested for it.
yeah lets just not even examine SERIOUS CRIMES, and instead derail the issue to "blacks get busted for weed more often."

the fact is, as i told you before, CULTURAL. when a group of white teens decide tog go get faced, they do it in somebody's basement, in the woods, up on the roof, or in Moose's van, while a similar group of blacks wil inevitably smoke weed "In Da Streetz". who else plies their trade "In Da Streetz"? thats right pinhead, COPS. blacks get busted for weed more often because they smoke weed in public, well traveled places, where they will either encounter a wild policeman foraging for his blotter stats, or will have a policeman called to their location by some squares.

dig a little deeper into your bag of "everything is fair and blacks are just stupid" and explain to me why blacks are more likely to face tougher sentences for the same crimes.

multiple offenders, people with exztensive records, and persons with a "Stop Snitchin" T-shirt on, often discover the courts are less forgiving of a minor lapse in judgement.

you're a horrific racist, and the worst part is that you should be intelligent enough to not be such a racist.

i guess taking some online creative writing courses does not a genius make.

im a realist, not a racist. there is NOTHING in black people's genetic code that makes them more predisposed to crime, (and stupid crime at that...) but "Black Culture" is designed to produce two bit hoods, idiot street gang members, and dumbass rapper/robbers who get shot down in the street, or die from the GRIDS in prison (sorry Mac Dre, but dicks in your mouth is bad for your health.)
umm im white and i get arrested for my brown friends weed......

i also get pulled over for suspicious driving

i also get my car searched for the "connotation of driving"

i got several of my things destroyed, stolen and "misappropriated" by cops

i got pulled over for "you were lookin like you were goin up that hill pretty fast"

what is the moral of the story? dont date black girls, dont hang out with brown guys and always make sure to have liquor they can "take in to custody" so they dont take you.

liquor? i thought canadian cops preferred Kraft Dinner and gravy fries...
yeah lets just not even examine SERIOUS CRIMES, and instead derail the issue to "blacks get busted for weed more often."

the fact is, as i told you before, CULTURAL. when a group of white teens decide tog go get faced, they do it in somebody's basement, in the woods, up on the roof, or in Moose's van, while a similar group of blacks wil inevitably smoke weed "In Da Streetz". who else plies their trade "In Da Streetz"? thats right pinhead, COPS. blacks get busted for weed more often because they smoke weed in public, well traveled places, where they will either encounter a wild policeman foraging for his blotter stats, or will have a policeman called to their location by some squares.

multiple offenders, people with exztensive records, and persons with a "Stop Snitchin" T-shirt on, often discover the courts are less forgiving of a minor lapse in judgement.

im a realist, not a racist. there is NOTHING in black people's genetic code that makes them more predisposed to crime, (and stupid crime at that...) but "Black Culture" is designed to produce two bit hoods, idiot street gang members, and dumbass rapper/robbers who get shot down in the street, or die from the GRIDS in prison (sorry Mac Dre, but dicks in your mouth is bad for your health.)

saying that black people just need to act more white is pretty damn racist, kkkynes.
I have a question. How are juries in the US drawn? Is is from voters? Cell phones? Dragging people in from the street? It would make some sense if minorities are being sent to prison after they are facing all-white juries drawn from something like voting pools. Then again I am an uneducated Colombiano who knows nothing about the US. Surely the court system in the US doesn't work this way.

jury members are selected from the voter registration rolls, but to participate on a jury you may not have a felony in your past, nor a record of drug convictions, you cannot be on public assistance, and you have to show up on time for the jury selection process, this results in VERY FEW black candidates for juries, except for highly religious older black women, and they take as dim a view of hoodrats as George Zimmerman does.
saying that black people just need to act more white is pretty damn racist, kkkynes.

ORLY, thats what i said? they have to "act more white"?

so you equate NOT GETTING BUSTED FOR ARMED ROBBERY with whiteness, thus the obvious corrollary, getting busted for armed robbery IS associated with blackness.

check your mirror BucKKKY, it's obvious who the racist is.

expecting someone to adhere to generally accepted norms like NOT COMMITTING ARMED ROBBERY regardless of their race or creed is actually the opposite of racism, giving some groups a free pass for behavior widely considered anti-social, or criminal is racist in the extreme.

you have a million excuses why illegals should cross the border, why they should be exempt from the laws i have to abide by, and why they can drive down wages across the board, while increasing unemployment for actual americans, but anybody (besides yourself) who is unemployed is just lazy shiftless and wicked (unless they are black...)

you have a million "reasons" why blacks should be allowed to flout the laws we can all agree are good, like, say... not shooting babies in the face, while just the unsupported allegation of a crime against a colored person is proof positive that the crime occurred, the white people accused did in fact do it, and they should fry, before the evidence has even been seen by the DA. (remember the Duke Lacrosse team...)

YOU are the racist BucKKKY. and you should be ashamed.
why don't black people just move to more rural location where there are woods and basements and rooftops around?

stupid black people!
ORLY, thats what i said? they have to "act more white"?

so you equate NOT GETTING BUSTED FOR ARMED ROBBERY with whiteness, thus the obvious corrollary, getting busted for armed robbery IS associated with blackness.

check your mirror BucKKKY, it's obvious who the racist is.

expecting someone to adhere to generally accepted norms like NOT COMMITTING ARMED ROBBERY regardless of their race or creed is actually the opposite of racism, giving some groups a free pass for behavior widely considered anti-social, or criminal is racist in the extreme.

you have a million excuses why illegals should cross the border, why they should be exempt from the laws i have to abide by, and why they can drive down wages across the board, while increasing unemployment for actual americans, but anybody (besides yourself) who is unemployed is just lazy shiftless and wicked (unless they are black...)

you have a million "reasons" why blacks should be allowed to flout the laws we can all agree are good, like, say... not shooting babies in the face, while just the unsupported allegation of a crime against a colored person is proof positive that the crime occurred, the white people accused did in fact do it, and they should fry, before the evidence has even been seen by the DA. (remember the Duke Lacrosse team...)

YOU are the racist BucKKKY. and you should be ashamed.

you got some basic facts wrong there, idiot.

but of course, i'm the racist.

hell, it's not like poor people of any stripe are more inclined to crime, it's just black people. those hoodrats hanging out in "da streetz".

oh, and let's not miss an opportunity to take a swipe at illegal immigrants who come here to work while excusing the less dark farmers who hire them.

but of course, i'm the racist.

stupid black people just never heard of the woods, i suppose.