All CFL Grow - Stealth


Active Member
I honestly wouldn't top it once its started flowering... but, desperate times call for desperate measures ur call man your plant will still grow that's for sure the lower nodes will deffinitly get bigger. You could tie it to the side and itll grow tops out of the nodes and you can tie those tops to the side and so on and so forth that may be a better idea unless you really wanna smoke that top man. Like I said your call but the smoke will be that much better if you let it go and not cut it.
Bro I think you are right. Maybe a part of me just want to smoke so bad it is going crazy :-) I am going to try and bend that sucker and tie is down maybe my will to do it was not as high as the will to smoke it but it will be a crap smoke unless I wait a bit longer so I am going to do it. :-) I will keep everyone posted and will also post some pics in a few days. 1Luv

ii dP ii

Man I feel you on the urge to cut a bit off though. I been looking at some of the buds on my girls and contemplating a tester... But I think with how small my harvest is already gonna be I may as well wait it out...


Active Member
Man I feel you on the urge to cut a bit off though. I been looking at some of the buds on my girls and contemplating a tester... But I think with how small my harvest is already gonna be I may as well wait it out...
lol Yea it is so tempting. :-) For me it is very bad though having not smoked for so long and I don't drink or do drugs I just puff weed so it is like I have lost a part of myself not smoking. :-) It is great growing though I missed that also and I am very glad I am growing again.


Active Member
Ok time to admit what I did last night. I squeezed her out of that tight space and after looking at all my options I decided to cut a bit off the top. I feel real bad about it but I did not have a choice, hopefully she is not stressed to much from it. I have hanged that bit up to dry so it does not go to waste. If anyone will be a judge if you can get stoned from 18 day flower weed it will be me since I have not smoked for 4 months. So I see it as a experiment also. I will keep you guys update when I toke it in roughly 14 days after drying and curing it a bit.


Active Member
low stress train next time!!!
no next time which is in about 7 to 8 weeks I will be putting my clones in earlier when they are smaller. :-) this one was too big when I put it in as I wanted to make sure that I could get decent clones that will take. As it was I got 5 out 5 clones to root and they are all doing great. My continuous grow has now started so my flowering plants will never be that big again. It will be 2 smaller plants in flower every 8 to 10 weeks. :-)


Active Member
I just smoked a bit of the head I had to cut due to space issues. It was dried for only one and half days and cured for a day. Put some rice with it in the glass jar. This head was cut after only 18 day of flowering so I expected to feel nothing. Well I just had some and man I am stoned out of my head! Any questions? :-)


Active Member
Had to replace my veg cab timer today. It just stayed on the other day, never switched off for night cycle so the plant was in daylight for 39 hour straight.


Active Member
Tonight I cut away some of the very lower branches with small buds on. Had to take the plant out to do that and man what a surprise. The top buds and secondary bud are huge and chunky. I had to be careful not to break the plant with the hectic weight at the top. Easy the biggest single plant I have grown and it is even bigger than anything I have ever grown under hps! Go CFL Go! :-)


Well-Known Member
Dude your making good progress. I just started my cfl grow I only got 2 40w 6500k and 1 40w 2700k just started two ladies from brick seeds and I have a picante pepper plant in there too that my cat ate all the leaves off of a couple months back and I made it grow back from a stick in the ground lol. I'm planning on ordering some Lucky Charms seeds from bohdi but im gunna wait to see what I get outa these bagseeds. I'm just excited this is the first place I've owed myself I've been jumping from apartment to apartment and now I can finally set up my own closet I used to have buddies that would let me grow at their house prior lol. Anyway man thanks for inspiring me to get off my ass and start doing something lol.


Active Member
Dude your making good progress. I just started my cfl grow I only got 2 40w 6500k and 1 40w 2700k just started two ladies from brick seeds and I have a picante pepper plant in there too that my cat ate all the leaves off of a couple months back and I made it grow back from a stick in the ground lol. I'm planning on ordering some Lucky Charms seeds from bohdi but im gunna wait to see what I get outa these bagseeds. I'm just excited this is the first place I've owed myself I've been jumping from apartment to apartment and now I can finally set up my own closet I used to have buddies that would let me grow at their house prior lol. Anyway man thanks for inspiring me to get off my ass and start doing something lol.
Thanks man :-) You will love growing again, to me it almost like having a pet, it is as if the plant talks to you telling you what it needs and in return she gives you a special gift. :-)


Active Member
good looking plants man its looking very nice and frosty. don't know if iv'e missed any information but is it stinking your flat out or do you have something to keep it under control?


Active Member
good looking plants man its looking very nice and frosty. don't know if iv'e missed any information but is it stinking your flat out or do you have something to keep it under control?
nah it is not too bad in terms of smell. You can smell it in the room though. I have a automatic air fresher going when I am not home just in case a rental agent decides to pop in. With that on you need to be smoker to smell it if that makes sense. Otherwise you will just think it is part of the air freshner. :-) It is made up as a linen room so it all blends in. :-)