No flush - white ash.


Well-Known Member
Lastly, Farmer's do flush. All farmer's typically only fertilize their crops once, all throughout America. Farmer's plant crop in may go out in june and spray insecticide/herbicide/fertilizers, Once and maybe a second time early july, and then no more fertilizers, only water. So yes farmer's do flush. I also flush my vegetable garden by not fertilizing the last couple weeks before ripeness.

I cannot be the only other guy here that has purposely not flushed one out of the crop to side by side!

And I believe that is where flushing came from, scientific research. It is an old, old topic, probably have to go back some years to find data, but I'm quite positive corporations like folgers, dole, and del monte have done hundreds of studies in this regard.

Ps. I'm not taking sides and I hope everyone the best, we all have the right to disagree and no need to be negative. Peace and good vibes.


New Member
you can't make up your mind, either you flush and the plant uses up stored nutes, or it poops them out the roots, which is it? If you at least said something halfway intelligent,Like, I flush and check the sugar levels with a brix meter until it's at a certain level, then i might get off the bandwagon. but your just arguing for the sake of arguing.
I have proposed plenty of arguments and logical ones at that. You estevez have clutched at straws to "disprove" and discredit me. You offer nothing to back what your sayin- except you live in So,Cal brah.......

Am I bound for it to be one or the other? The roots exude matter and absorb liquids. It's not a one way thing as your trying lie about........ You are clutching at straws. Go do another line of your painkillers and back to whatever the fuck it is Charlie Sheen does on a Sunday.

I don't have a BRIX meter...... That's why I didn't say what you proposed. Notice how I need to say something YOU propose in order for me to seem intelligent to you.....??? Isn't that a mind fuck??


bud bootlegger
Lastly, Farmer's do flush. All farmer's typically only fertilize their crops ONCE, all throughout America. Farmer's plant crop in may go out in june and spray insecticide/herbicide/fertilizers, Once and maybe a second time early july, and then no more fertilizers, ONLY water. So yes farmer's do flush. I also flush my vegetable garden by not fertilizing the last couple weeks before ripeness.

I cannot be the only other guy here that has purposely not flushed one out of the crop to side by side!

And I believe that is where flushing came from, scientific research. It is an old, old topic, probably have to go back some years to find data, but I'm quite positive corporations like folgers, dole, and del monte have done hundreds of studies in this regard.
see, this is where i disagree.. to me, when someone says flushing, it doesn't mean using straight water the last week or so of flowering, it means that they're dumping say what is the general rule of thumb people use, that 3x's the amount of soil in water?? that's what i refer to when i say flushing is retarded.. using water only is not flushing imo, it's simply not feeding, two very different things, again, imvho..

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
see, this is where i disagree.. to me, when someone says flushing, it doesn't mean using straight water the last week or so of flowering, it means that they're dumping say what is the general rule of thumb people use, that 3x's the amount of soil in water?? that's what i refer to when i say flushing is retarded.. using water only is not flushing imo, it's simply not feeding, two very different things, again, imvho..
exactly, what farmers do is called leeching


Well-Known Member
It's about debunking and chalenging flawed growing concepts and bad teaching...... To state no need to flush on a site used as reference by thousands of new growers is boldly reckless, its important this gets challenged. It's not his thread as in his grow journal. I wouldn't do that. Although several who have participated today in this thread regularly do impose and opine on others journals....... This is in general growing not organics or hydro. It seems to me to be fair game for discussion and debate

As you can see I have been a solo voice against a chorus of many. Don't feel too much sympathy for Bigby.... his opinion has been well supported and he has been as rude as any other in this thread. His conduct should hardly invoke your loyalties. I certainly feel sorry for no one here arguing...... it means you have a home and a laptop and a marijuana grow.......hardly the situation to inspire sympathy.
I am not defending or disregarding any one. But in all fairness, like I have previously stated the guy only reported his findings. Just like the rest of us,"new growers"you take all of the information and choose what is logical for you. I appreciate your opinion as well as Bigby's. The fact of the matter is you cannot convert someone who believes in what they do, just as they will not change your mind. I believe the term is a "Stalemate", so back to my previous query what benefit do you have by preaching to the opposite choir?


New Member
I believe your Avatar states "Lets Get Free" but you are poaching someone's freedom.
Your beliefs are yours and of others of the like mind. To take away someone elses is pure
tyranny and revoking the "FREEDOM" to choose.
This is mad man ramblings....... wtf dude? Bigby began calling capitalist earlier and now you say I am "poaching someone's freedom"...... Are you guys just reading whatever you want? Can you explain how I could be REVOKING THE FREEDOM I CHOOSE? This is babble...... I'm not taking away beliefs...... What does that mean?

I think you're a little too deeply offended by me in general and now you're imposing what you consider bad characteristics and behaiviors upon me.


Well-Known Member
see, this is where i disagree.. to me, when someone says flushing, it doesn't mean using straight water the last week or so of flowering, it means that they're dumping say what is the general rule of thumb people use, that 3x's the amount of soil in water?? that's what i refer to when i say flushing is retarded.. using water only is not flushing imo, it's simply not feeding, two very different things, again, imvho..
I gotcha. Yeah I never leach the soil. So I get where your coming from.Cool Cool.


Well-Known Member
This is mad man ramblings....... wtf dude? Bigby began calling capitalist earlier and now you say I am "poaching someone's freedom"...... Are you guys just reading whatever you want? Can you explain how I could be REVOKING THE FREEDOM I CHOOSE? This is babble...... I'm not taking away beliefs...... What does that mean?

I think you're a little too deeply offended by me in general and now you're imposing what you consider bad characteristics and behaiviors upon me.
Oh fuck dude, read the fucking post you are poaching his freedom on an open community, if you can't understand that,English is not your first language. I tried to be civil with you and you don't respond well to that either.
well my patience is done. I don't anger easily but you are a opinionated prick, that came uninvited to a thread just to cause a fight. Go find some business, and another grow community while your at it. RIU doesn't need a fucking douche bag like you spouting fucking propaganda because you think it's right. Jumping into threads you have no business in, in the first place. You came here to pick a fight and now FUCK OFF.


Well-Known Member
For sure, no need to attack people for not flushing same as no need to attack someone for flushing. It is preference, and adults should be able to disagree with one another with out negativity or over dramatized remarks. Disagree but just be civil about it. Like sohigh's is getting at, if people want to do something let them do it in peace. State why you feel the way you feel about something and leave it at that, back and forth is good when it gets you somewhere, not when it ends in your momma jokes or a dick measuring contest.

I'm sure everyone here is cool so let's keep it that way. If dude wants to argue just ignore him and let the conversation move on! Cheers.

Back on topic, about to mix some soil in the purpose of only needed to water the entire time, compare to the hydro. It will be no easy task for the soil to even compete with the speed vigor of dro, but once you've mastered dro it is time to get back to the basic. Pure organics. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
For sure, no need to attack people for not flushing same as no need to attack someone for flushing. It is preference, and adults should be able to disagree with one another with out negativity or over dramatized remarks. Disagree but just be civil about it. Like sohigh's is getting at, if people want to do something let them do it in peace. State why you feel the way you feel about something and leave it at that, back and forth is good when it gets you somewhere, not when it ends in your momma jokes or a dick measuring contest.

I'm sure everyone here is cool so let's keep it that way. If dude wants to argue just ignore him and let the conversation move on! Cheers.

Back on topic, about to mix some soil in the purpose of only needed to water the entire time, compare to the hydro. It will be no easy task for the soil to even compete with the speed vigor of dro, but once you've mastered dro it is time to get back to the basic. Pure organics. Cheers.
Well said my friend.Respect...


New Member
For sure, no need to attack people for not flushing same as no need to attack someone for flushing. It is preference, and adults should be able to disagree with one another with out negativity or over dramatized remarks. Disagree but just be civil about it. Like sohigh's is getting at, if people want to do something let them do it in peace. State why you feel the way you feel about something and leave it at that, back and forth is good when it gets you somewhere, not when it ends in your momma jokes or a dick measuring contest.

I'm sure everyone here is cool so let's keep it that way. If dude wants to argue just ignore him and let the conversation move on! Cheers.

Back on topic, about to mix some soil in the purpose of only needed to water the entire time, compare to the hydro. It will be no easy task for the soil to even compete with the speed vigor of dro, but once you've mastered dro it is time to get back to the basic. Pure organics. Cheers.
All I'm saying is these latest and newest "best practices" get lazier and lazier and not many come with any signs of real proof....... And I'm not sure everyone is cool....... But I'm really fucking cool. I grow weed WITHOUT permission from my parents or a license from my pretend govt.


New Member
Oh fuck dude, read the fucking post you are poaching his freedom on an open community, if you can't understand that,English is not your first language. I tried to be civil with you and you don't respond well to that either.
well my patience is done. I don't anger easily but you are a opinionated prick, that came uninvited to a thread just to cause a fight. Go find some business, and another grow community while your at it. RIU doesn't need a fucking douche bag like you spouting fucking propaganda because you think it's right. Jumping into threads you have no business in, in the first place. You came here to pick a fight and now FUCK OFF.
More coherent than the last post.

I like how now it's turned to telling me to leave, like these others have anymore right. Am I in your seat? Who decides who can post where? Apparently sohighifly does! Next time how would I go about checking if I can post somewhere..... shall I pm you?

If you don't like what I say just read over it and move on........... Your entire point, if indeed you have one, can be redirected at yourself. I have not imposed upon anyone's freedom. Bigby can say what he wants, you can, I can....... we all can. You are now telling ME what I can and can't say. How interesting....... Please give up your outrage. I'm not as mad/angry as you think I am. I offered to donate money to a charity of Bigby's choosing if he performed the experiment I proposed and found findings contrary to my findings. He declined and called me a cunt. Now you're telling me what I can say and where I can say it. Coolio. I'm definitely a dick.

Just for the record. Nobody asked for a peacemaker. Whilst Bigby disagrees with me and I with he we both are men and can lay claim to our own rights. Did Bigby write you and request an intervention? Nope of course not. You entered as the well meaning policeman and have ended as wannabe dictator........ Classic.


New Member
see, this is where i disagree.. to me, when someone says flushing, it doesn't mean using straight water the last week or so of flowering, it means that they're dumping say what is the general rule of thumb people use, that 3x's the amount of soil in water?? that's what i refer to when i say flushing is retarded.. using water only is not flushing imo, it's simply not feeding, two very different things, again, imvho..

Yep, one word, "flushing", is used for two different acts.

#1: Flushing to fix root zone issues:

This is the flushing where people pour lots of water through their medium all at once. People usually say "3x" or even "5x" your pot size.

This is a ONE TIME FIX used to fix root zone issues, such as burn due to extreme salt buildup, pH issues, and pretty much anything else that needs fixing in the root zone.

Then you have

#2: "Flushing" (quotes for a reason) for the last two weeks "to make ash burn white and get rid of nute tastes!!!!11":

This is the flushing that stoner logic/science ("da plant takes up da taste of da nutes bros, i swears!") has led to the confusion of a mass amount of people, where they water their plants with only water for the last two weeks.

This has been exacerbated by people telling noobs about #1 above and then those noobs telling other noobs about it wrongly, so on and so forth.

But mainly, this is a thing because we all, obviously and hopefully, get stoned.

And stoned logic leads to many derps.

#1 IS a legitimate practice and DOES have it's uses.

#2, not so much...


New Member
I agree and smell. It was a good idea at the time didnt use very organic feed and was getting the black ash nasties. Helped with the overall newbness i perpetrated.


New Member
I didnt notice a boost in potency like i read about. Seemed strongest uncured right off the source. Which goes against my love of cured buds.


Well-Known Member
Yep, one word, "flushing", is used for two different acts.

#1: Flushing to fix root zone issues:

This is the flushing where people pour lots of water through their medium all at once. People usually say "3x" or even "5x" your pot size.

This is a ONE TIME FIX used to fix root zone issues, such as burn due to extreme salt buildup, pH issues, and pretty much anything else that needs fixing in the root zone.

Then you have

#2: "Flushing" (quotes for a reason) for the last two weeks "to make ash burn white and get rid of nute tastes!!!!11":

This is the flushing that stoner logic/science ("da plant takes up da taste of da nutes bros, i swears!") has led to the confusion of a mass amount of people, where they water their plants with only water for the last two weeks.

This has been exacerbated by people telling noobs about #1 above and then those noobs telling other noobs about it wrongly, so on and so forth.

But mainly, this is a thing because we all, obviously and hopefully, get stoned.

And stoned logic leads to many derps.

#1 IS a legitimate practice and DOES have it's uses.

#2, not so much...
I can say that All the information I have read in regards to flushing has came from: Jorges Cervantes, Ed Rosenthal, Kyle Kushman from Hightimes, and many other leading authorities in mari jane. All recommended flushing or water only for the last two weeks.

So your premise of stoners misleading stoners with unfounded rumors is a bit much.


bud bootlegger
I can say that All the information I have read in regards to flushing has came from: Jorges Cervantes, Ed Rosenthal, Kyle Kushman from Hightimes, and many other leading authorities in mari jane. All recommended flushing or water only for the last two weeks.

So your premise of stoners misleading stoners with unfounded rumors is a bit much.
that's because jorge cervante's has never grown a single plant imo.. he just got his cred from working with high times for years, and uses that as an in to access other growers and he just repeats what he's told..
i don't know how much ed rosenthal really knows either tbh, but i can't nor will i say anything bad about kyle kushman, at least i respect one of the 3..