My favorites ways are the side pipe from Earl when on the move and my bubbler when I smoke with a glass wand in a kind of reverse bowl that has 3 holes in it . It was given to me by Matt Rize, it is the cleanest and tastiest way to smoke hash.
I also spliff mixing flowers, hash and a dash of tobacco, Moroccan style. Been trying to quit for a while but no success yet.
I can't see no other way to smoke

It seems to me like a tiny bit of tobacco gives the weed/hash that momentum, just like a surfer rides the wawe, cannabis tastes comes on top of the tobacco back ground. When some wines only reveals their complex aroma when tasted with food, i never felt like pure weed hash pipe/joint would allow me to taste all the complexity of the plant, but i've never grown with super soil who knows that might be the turning point...
No dumb question so here i come: i know we've been over dry sieving vs bubble bags already but other than quantity i really have a hard time understanding the benefits of water extraction.
We've said that oxidation isnt the main deal that a little bit of oxidation might even give you a better product than no oxidation at all. What bugs me is that almost every hash maker tells that drying out the trichome is key, that as soon as water touches them their pretty much corrupted etc...
If that's the case why would we use water in the first place? If we want trichomes to be ice cold why not putting them in the freezer for just the right amout of time - keeping it it just above 0°c.
One could do the dry sieving with the ice cold bags and put the bags back in the freezer as soon as the trim gets back to room temperature...
If quality is what we're after why not consider loosing some trichomes - my guess would be that by sticking with the "cream" it would keep us from using force and we'll have to leave a lot of trichomes to avoid beating the trims, then again just like in morocco mutliple grade could be collected or one could even run the trims in the bags after that first "cream" collection - if the trichome we collect are the most perfect, untouched, pure form of canabis?
I told you before but pressed, dried sifted hash are the best tasting form of cannabis i've ever smoked. They had little to do with the flower and that's one of the reason american are impress by your hash i believe. They dont have the acces to the type of hash we have in other part of the world and bubble hash doesnt taste like Hash. I'm sure your hash might be the first "real" hash they've smoked
