The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

My favorites ways are the side pipe from Earl when on the move and my bubbler when I smoke with a glass wand in a kind of reverse bowl that has 3 holes in it . It was given to me by Matt Rize, it is the cleanest and tastiest way to smoke hash.
I also spliff mixing flowers, hash and a dash of tobacco, Moroccan style. Been trying to quit for a while but no success yet.

I can't see no other way to smoke :)
It seems to me like a tiny bit of tobacco gives the weed/hash that momentum, just like a surfer rides the wawe, cannabis tastes comes on top of the tobacco back ground. When some wines only reveals their complex aroma when tasted with food, i never felt like pure weed hash pipe/joint would allow me to taste all the complexity of the plant, but i've never grown with super soil who knows that might be the turning point...

No dumb question so here i come: i know we've been over dry sieving vs bubble bags already but other than quantity i really have a hard time understanding the benefits of water extraction.

We've said that oxidation isnt the main deal that a little bit of oxidation might even give you a better product than no oxidation at all. What bugs me is that almost every hash maker tells that drying out the trichome is key, that as soon as water touches them their pretty much corrupted etc...

If that's the case why would we use water in the first place? If we want trichomes to be ice cold why not putting them in the freezer for just the right amout of time - keeping it it just above 0°c.
One could do the dry sieving with the ice cold bags and put the bags back in the freezer as soon as the trim gets back to room temperature...

If quality is what we're after why not consider loosing some trichomes - my guess would be that by sticking with the "cream" it would keep us from using force and we'll have to leave a lot of trichomes to avoid beating the trims, then again just like in morocco mutliple grade could be collected or one could even run the trims in the bags after that first "cream" collection - if the trichome we collect are the most perfect, untouched, pure form of canabis?

I told you before but pressed, dried sifted hash are the best tasting form of cannabis i've ever smoked. They had little to do with the flower and that's one of the reason american are impress by your hash i believe. They dont have the acces to the type of hash we have in other part of the world and bubble hash doesnt taste like Hash. I'm sure your hash might be the first "real" hash they've smoked :)

Water does not "corrupt" the trichomes but they add a tricky element: drying. Putting the material to process in the freezer before sieving is not the same than "ice water sieving". If you freeze greens that are made of 75% of water, all that water becomes ice and expand to the breaking point of the leaves cells and that would release a lot of chlorophyl and small leaves matter. As you all know I have no scientific background and cannot give you the reason sometimes for what I do and this is another one of those but do the experiment see in that case it would be smell.
When you put dry trims in water you will experience most of the time a huge change after they have been in the water for a few minutes, the smell come out with a revenge. I do not yet know the WHY behind but most of you must have had the experience I am talking about.
I wish I could share some of my Ice Water Hash with you my friend, it has everything to do with the flowers, it could change your mind on the subject. On the other hand I cannot wait to get to dry sieving again to do some comparative lab test.
The Hashish I am making here has nothing to do with the dry sieving I have done in producing countries. The genetic is a big part of it but the way I play around with humidity and pressing/curing is also a "game changing tool"
A close look at TGA trichomes

Not sure of the strain we will have to ask TC

Looks like a big ball of bacon...Mmmmmm....bacon.:weed:
hey frenchy do you know whats with these extra import charges(im in canada) I want to order a t shirt but for $60 its a really nice shirt and everything and I probably will buy one but you should try to figure out a way to sell them not through ebay, you could open your own pay pal account and sell them that way it would be cheaper for everyone that way
hey frenchy do you know whats with these extra import charges(im in canada) I want to order a t shirt but for $60 its a really nice shirt and everything and I probably will buy one but you should try to figure out a way to sell them not through ebay, you could open your own pay pal account and sell them that way it would be cheaper for everyone that way
Sorry about that my friend, did not know about extra import tax. Email me, will do something about it
Thank you Frenchy I wasn't trying to complain or anything like that I just thought that was a little pricy for a t shirt but like I said I would end up buying one anyway, Its obviously only something Canadians have to pay on anything over $30 Canadian
So Frenchy, my first pressing experience didn't go very well, i lost a lot that stuck to the plastic, (like a half gram easy). I followed all the steps on your video, when i stated using the hot water bottle, some of the product stated sticking to the plastic and not the mass of hash. the more I rolled the hot water bottle on it the more the edges seem like the were melting. It seemed like the hash was going to melt right through the plastic. So im a little apprehensive to try again or to do more. What happened? How should I handle this?
Does decarboxylated hash get you high when eaten raw? I have had a couple different experience eating raw hash, the first trime I tried it was with ~0.5 of pressed woody kush bubble and it got me so f-ing high i couldnt believe it, I was completely socially inept and giggling at inappropriate times, it completley took me over and my tolerance is through the roof. After this experience I tried it a couple more times with lower grades of unpressed hash and didnt feel much effect except for the next morning feeling groggy, stoned, and irritable. Mainly what I want to know is that since TCHA when decarbed becomes active THC, does this account for the difference?
im amazed by how humble and patient he is............ he did seem to get a little upset about his water not being hot enough tho........

...Frenchman.jpeg...#1 job of the hash makers assistant is.....HOT FUCKING WATER BOTTLES! !!!...NOW!!
Arggghhhh, was it up with fuckin morons and hash making, the holier than holier self appointed god used to argue the same shit to me about pressed hash, spouting his rhetoric 'I went to college' blah blah blah, fact is pressed hash done properly is better in my opinion than grated and left, I'm from Europe where pressed hash is common, shit 15 years ago u couldn't even find weed, it was just hash, red seal, gold seal, Lebanese, etc.

funny how all hash makin countries press there hash, but now it seems just going to college will teach u how to make hash properly, shit, I must have skipped class that day at school!
whats up frenchy getting ready to harvest some flowers in two weeks and will be repeating your upcoming
experiment of fesh, fresh frozen, and dry material and was curious what would be the best micron for the
dry sieve? thanks and heres some pics of the material ill be working with soon. sorry im no photographer!

So Frenchy, my first pressing experience didn't go very well, i lost a lot that stuck to the plastic, (like a half gram easy). I followed all the steps on your video, when i stated using the hot water bottle, some of the product stated sticking to the plastic and not the mass of hash. the more I rolled the hot water bottle on it the more the edges seem like the were melting. It seemed like the hash was going to melt right through the plastic. So im a little apprehensive to try again or to do more. What happened? How should I handle this?
This will happen under 2 conditions:
1) Low quality trichomes and/or too much vegetal material with the trichomes
2) Humidity has been "mixed" somewhere along the process and your trichomes must have a waxy kind of texture in that case but it should not have change your smell, taste and potency
Sorry for the bad news my friend
Does decarboxylated hash get you high when eaten raw? I have had a couple different experience eating raw hash, the first trime I tried it was with ~0.5 of pressed woody kush bubble and it got me so f-ing high i couldnt believe it, I was completely socially inept and giggling at inappropriate times, it completley took me over and my tolerance is through the roof. After this experience I tried it a couple more times with lower grades of unpressed hash and didnt feel much effect except for the next morning feeling groggy, stoned, and irritable. Mainly what I want to know is that since TCHA when decarbed becomes active THC, does this account for the difference?
I am not sure what do you mean by "raw" hash but the liver transform the THC in a totally different way
  • Δ9-THC, is converted to the more psychoactive 11-hydroxy-THC

than when you absorb the THC through the blood system (smoking, tincture, et.)
You do not need to decarb when it is for edibles. The difference you have felt come from quality of hash, also the time you take it, what you ate and a lot of details can change the experience drastically.
Take your hash in the morning with your coffee it will make your day>>>>>>>>