Its not paranoia!!!

No im not being funny actually. Im being quite serious. Unless your truely scared to go talk to them, I don't see why you would'nt. I certainly would.

Truly scrared to talk too them. No. Im just the kind of person that doesnt like to bullshit. Plus ive got lacklustre people skills at times. Like I said im quiet unless backed into a corner. It would just be awkward so I suppose you could say I am scared but from a socialigical stand point. Anyway apologies bro.
aaaaahhh first grow, ok that makes sense, yeah you are just trippin out, bet you look out you;re windoiw e very car door you hear, and everytime a door bangs you think you are being raided. If this is you're first grow and you are sure you have not told anyone then you are fine, for a moment there i thought you had been growing for some time, which means the people you sell to get suspicious and start telling friends. pack it in you're not cut out for this, if you arnt even flowering yet and you are this bad, imagine what your gonna be like when youv got a room thats actually worth a few k.

Two weeks into flower plus im gonna be selling wholesale to people who dont know where I live on the other side of the city. But I hear your argument.
Don't get me wrong bro, im the same way. I don't really like confrontation and im probably not the best people person at times either. But if i truely suspect people are scoping me out, Im going to confront them and introduce myself because then they know I see them. I can pretend im just saying hello. I mean you never really know they might just be a couple of guys who think you grow and are fellow stoners/growers themselves. But until you actually talk to them and get a feel for their true intentions your going to remain paranoid about the situation just as I would. Obviously I would'nt tell them I grow or anything but nothing wrong with saying "whats up guys hows it going" to see how they react.
also ofcourse they were not a mexican cartel, you live in the uk, mexicans couldnt smuggle a gram of coke here without the eastern europeans capping their asses.

LMFAO - I missed the bit where he said he was in the UK.
Two weeks into flower plus im gonna be selling wholesale to people who dont know where I live on the other side of the city. But I hear your argument.

What's the worst result of being robbed? You lose your stuff. You'd be pretty unlucky to not resist and still get a beating. As you're in the UK anything worse than that really isn't likely. So you basically have 6 weeks to front out the state you are currently experiencing. Your other option is to get some security in, lose some profit, not gain peace of mind - but possibly gain the ability to keep your product should the worst happen.

I respect your self awareness and honesty. Proper hope you don't get robbed and you get your grow sold and then can gain some peace of mind. Good luck fella.
Don't get me wrong bro, im the same way. I don't really like confrontation and im probably not the best people person at times either. But if i truely suspect people are scoping me out, Im going to confront them and introduce myself because then they know I see them. I can pretend im just saying hello. I mean you never really know they might just be a couple of guys who think you grow and are fellow stoners/growers themselves. But until you actually talk to them and get a feel for their true intentions your going to remain paranoid about the situation just as I would. Obviously I would'nt tell them I grow or anything but nothing wrong with saying "whats up guys hows it going" to see how they react.

I wish it was a couple but they could be fellow growers coz I cant see how an untrained eye/ear could tell. In all likely hood im good I live in a culdesac overlooked all the time. But we can only be optimistic at this point and obviously no ones gonna take on a mob for me. Ill be back in hopefully 8 weeks gladly proving most of you right.
What's the worst result of being robbed? You lose your stuff. You'd be pretty unlucky to not resist and still get a beating. As you're in the UK anything worse than that really isn't likely. So you basically have 6 weeks to front out the state you are currently experiencing. Your other option is to get some security in, lose some profit, not gain peace of mind - but possibly gain the ability to keep your product should the worst happen.

I respect your self awareness and honesty. Proper hope you don't get robbed and you get your grow sold and then can gain some peace of mind. Good luck fella.

Thankyou bro.
Don't get me wrong bro, im the same way. I don't really like confrontation and im probably not the best people person at times either. But if i truely suspect people are scoping me out, Im going to confront them and introduce myself because then they know I see them. I can pretend im just saying hello. I mean you never really know they might just be a couple of guys who think you grow and are fellow stoners/growers themselves. But until you actually talk to them and get a feel for their true intentions your going to remain paranoid about the situation just as I would. Obviously I would'nt tell them I grow or anything but nothing wrong with saying "whats up guys hows it going" to see how they react.

isn't that exactly what george zimmerman said he was going to do with trayvon martin, right before trayvon allegedly started beating the crap out of george zimmernam to the point that george zimmerman shot and killed trayvon?

you wanna see how they react? sounds like a plan..
isn't that exactly what george zimmerman said he was going to do with trayvon martin, right before trayvon allegedly started beating the crap out of george zimmernam to the point that george zimmerman shot and killed trayvon?

you wanna see how they react? sounds like a plan..

Lol...gonna have to google that.
Oh snap just got it. Was that that prick who shot that kid walking home. Feel bad for the lol...sounded like someone who owned facebook or something. Motherfucker didnt even get a man slaughter charge. Kid was 17.
If no one knows about your grow, you never have to worry about being busted...don't tell anyone and you'll never be paranoid...g/l
Right now I think the best thing I can do is nothing. Give them no reason to think im concealing anything i.e not boarding up widows etc. I can only prepare and wait. Im sure that's what that guy who wrote The Art Of War would do.
First of all, if it isn't paranoia, then it seems like these guys would've done something by now. How long have they been posting up outside of your house? Few weeks? "Gang banger" thugs don't have enough guile to properly case a place out. They'd give it a few days (maybe a week) to see if they can identify how many people are coming and going (to try and see how many peeps deep you be rolling wit'), unless they knew you/knew someone who knew you, in which case they wouldn't case the place they would just try and get that information somehow else.

But chances are (if they actually are casing you) that they are a bunch pf dumb-fuck low life's, and they would've already made the hit.

There is a such a thing as a HEALTHY paranoia. It can save your life. But don't let paranoia keep you from using a logical thought process to figure out what's going on. Take it from me, I've openedy door to a smack in the face from a wooden baseball bat, followed by me fighting off 5 dudes-- 2 of them had bats, 1 of them had a tire iron. I posted pictures before on another thread when I first started out.

Now, luckily for me I'm somewhat of a miracle man and I managed to keep them from getting a RED HEADED FUCKING CENT from me, and after they stopped attacking I chased them a half a mile down the road and ID'd the getaway car.

Right now 4 of the five are still in prison, and when they get out they owe me 13,000 I'm restitution money. It caused a lot of bullsgit for me; everyone in the community labeled me a "drug dealer" BC I was broken into and attacked by 5 black guys.

Even to this day, I'd rather have junkies scoping my place than cops. Like someone else said, worse case scenario they take your shit. You don't have to fight them, if you aren't willing to take an ass whooping then just scream "take it all just take it, I'm an actor don't mess up my face". Me personally, I'm from the south and if someone's gonna bust in my house to take something, the first fucking thing they're gonna have to take is my fucking life. Most of the time they aren't willing to do it, and sometimes honestly it can help a man out to take the occasional ass whooping. Helps him keep perspective.

At least thugs won't lock you up in a concrete box like a dog for a chunk of your lifetime.
First of all, if it isn't paranoia, then it seems like these guys would've done something by now. How long have they been posting up outside of your house? Few weeks? "Gang banger" thugs don't have enough guile to properly case a place out. They'd give it a few days (maybe a week) to see if they can identify how many people are coming and going (to try and see how many peeps deep you be rolling wit'), unless they knew you/knew someone who knew you, in which case they wouldn't case the place they would just try and get that information somehow else.

But chances are (if they actually are casing you) that they are a bunch pf dumb-fuck low life's, and they would've already made the hit.

There is a such a thing as a HEALTHY paranoia. It can save your life. But don't let paranoia keep you from using a logical thought process to figure out what's going on. Take it from me, I've openedy door to a smack in the face from a wooden baseball bat, followed by me fighting off 5 dudes-- 2 of them had bats, 1 of them had a tire iron. I posted pictures before on another thread when I first started out.

Now, luckily for me I'm somewhat of a miracle man and I managed to keep them from getting a RED HEADED FUCKING CENT from me, and after they stopped attacking I chased them a half a mile down the road and ID'd the getaway car.

Right now 4 of the five are still in prison, and when they get out they owe me 13,000 I'm restitution money. It caused a lot of bullsgit for me; everyone in the community labeled me a "drug dealer" BC I was broken into and attacked by 5 black guys.

Even to this day, I'd rather have junkies scoping my place than cops. Like someone else said, worse case scenario they take your shit. You don't have to fight them, if you aren't willing to take an ass whooping then just scream "take it all just take it, I'm an actor don't mess up my face". Me personally, I'm from the south and if someone's gonna bust in my house to take something, the first fucking thing they're gonna have to take is my fucking life. Most of the time they aren't willing to do it, and sometimes honestly it can help a man out to take the occasional ass whooping. Helps him keep perspective.

At least thugs won't lock you up in a concrete box like a dog for a chunk of your lifetime.

I totally concur with your ethos should they care to break entry. Its 4.53am right now im still on high alert. Thing is time will dull sny sensation. Im not as paranoid having had time to mull over comments made but I wouldn't be surprised. Alot I can do is keep myself strong and fit incase.
Oh and not saying this is the case, but have a little read of this page (and remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you)

i saw ninja's on multiple occasions
only way to explain it
dudes running around in the bushes blacked out
after a 6 month or so investigation multiple houses where busted at once
my friends where all tellin me to lay off crank i told them i had quit a long time before and wasnt going back to it
after some of our mutual friends where busted they realized that the "ninja's" weren't just my imagination

your freedom is more important

if you know the guys maybe there just wondering if your home

word of advice dont grow where you lay your head and you are less worried about LEO and jackers
That's the truth, I know what its like to be paranoid. And admittedly, smoking weed can sometimes with some people make them paranoid. Personally, I believe that some people can be actually diagnosed with like acute paranoid/ schizophrenic/ whatever anxiety disorder. And I think that the main reason people suffer from it is BC marijuana is illegal. Its just one more tally mark on the list of ways that people are suffering BC ignorant assholes won't legalize it.

But if you are one of the people who are really paranoid, I would definitely try and find another place to grow. And if that would probably cause more harm than good, then keep your plants at your place and stay somewhere else. But you'll still provably be paranoid with this one.
I'd be much worse if I wasn't here thats for sure. But I do have a predisposition towards thinking the worst. Its been quiet so hopefully everytings iirie.
Right now I think the best thing I can do is nothing. Give them no reason to think im concealing anything i.e not boarding up widows etc. I can only prepare and wait. Im sure that's what that guy who wrote The Art Of War would do.

Sun Tzu wrote 'The Art of War'. One of my favourite sayings generally attributed to Miyamoto Musashi but originating from Sun Tzu says "Keep your friends close,but keep your enemies closer" ;)