Its not paranoia!!!


Active Member
Hey bro's

I think some peeps are trying to case out my house. I dunno what they do exactly. One sells weed but none of them work. I notice that they're always in cars to the rear or where I live just jamming. I seen them looking up from time to time but I thought it was just me blowing things out of proportion. But a couple of weeks ago I happened to go to my kitchen at like 3 in the morning and looked out the window. Saw one of them walking to a car and before he got to it he looked straight up at my window as if looking for a closer look at something. Admittedly he then got something from that car and went to another car then drove off. But theres plenty of places to park and they're always seem to be somewhere they can see my place. Once they had this people carrier with blacked out windows out side during the heatwave till 2-3 in the morning on multiple occasions again just jamming. Hadn't seen them for a week but today noticed them parked outside in a black mondeo. Didn't see them look up and thought nothing of it. This evening however they pulled up just out of view but I heard their car skid to a halt. Then I saw one of their little fucking minions walk to a tree apparently to take a piss and was more focused on my window. He couldn't see me looking as the light was off but im almost certain it wasnt coincidence. Now im fucking pissed, the only way they could know is from fan noise but the thought of people even thinking about encroaching of whats mine makes me want to gouge someones eyeballs out with my thumbs. My girlfriends here. I love her and I dont even want her to have to deal with the trauma. As a grower I dont wanna have to do anything that will attract attention so a pray they're not that stupid coz on the principality of masculinity I'd have to really hurt people. Ive always walk the straight and narrow but more and more killing my self for someone else dont make sense. So I decided too do this and so im gonna do it and the only way ill get caught is if some idiot tries to take it from me regardless. These guy aint no mexican cartel and though im quiet I can deadlift and squat more than any of them weigh. My one thing is if they do know they dont know how far along I am. Anyways this was good therapy. Thanks
What and how much are you growing? Who knows about it? What kind of lights are you using? I know when I use MH light there's a blue cast, and if that's running 24/0, it's pretty obvious if there's a light leak.
Careful on how you let your imagination go when there is something on your mind you cannot find certainty on. The talk of fighting the fight is a defence mechanism - if they're gonna rob you and you're there on your own then the chances are defending yourself may mean you have to kill multiple people or maybe die (if you're in the US). Better to give up the weed peacefully and then seek recourse if you know the right people (or just let it go, maybe if you're a Buddhist or something). BUT! And it is a big but. You in no way know for certain that these people know about your grow, or even if they do, that they are going to rob you. Very easy to misattribute things to support an increasingly clear (to you at least) version of events - also easy to become complacent and get busted (or worse) as a result. This is the horrible reality forced upon those of us who chose to grow in a world that is at war with us. I feel for you.

Oh and not saying this is the case, but have a little read of this page (and remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you)'s time to pack it in.....this game to just playing too many tricks in your head....this is not your first post that is screaming out paranoia...I'm not sure if this is for real or not but if you truly believe all this then you need to end this now...kill all your plants and end this game

just my humble disrespect intended
Paranoia is key in keeping your crops and yourself safe from thieves and leo. The solution is to make sure there is never a cause for it. Ie make sure absolutely no one could know about it. Is the noise of a fan the only reason you think they know or have you blabbed? Go outside your place and see if you can hear the fans yourself. It could maybe be smell. Do you smoke a lot of weed at your place? No point carbon filtering your groom if your house smells like a bob marley concert anyway. ... maybe theres a wiff of ganja drifting from your place and that's what interests advice is to take a brake of several months. See what happens and start again, secretly as hell and don't even smoke weed near your groom.
Get a dog, make an anonymous phone call to the cops about a suspicious vehicle, go ask them why they hang so close to your house, get rid of your plants. There's all kinds of options.
a pitbull would be a good idea, but then again so would packing in you're grow, i dont realy think its worth the violence that will be the outcome of this situation if you are right, or you can go out there with youre pitbull, and ask them nicely what they are doing, just say you have noticed them hanging around, keep a good eye for tell tale signs of lying, there is absolutley no way you can tell right now if they are after you, hell it could be birds on you're roof mating or something, you just never kknow till you ask em.

also ofcourse they were not a mexican cartel, you live in the uk, mexicans couldnt smuggle a gram of coke here without the eastern europeans capping their asses.
Glad I don't live in an apartment complex. Don't have to worry about figuring out what's going on in a situation like that here in the rural southeast. If someone is casing my joint, it's obvious, if they step on your property here in the middle of the night and you put em down, hell, the sheriff would be more apt to thank you for ridding the county of a problem for her than get upset that you shot someone. Of course I'm in a very pro-2A area where open carry is encouraged and we have a badass sheriff. Even though I'm bending the law a bit, I'm impressed with her. She has damn near eradicated the meth problem in this area almost single-handedly. Of course, that makes her a bit scary too. When she's done with that bone, which one will she chew on next??
Like i said, just go talk to the guys. Just you letting them know you know they are there is deterrent. Don't have to be like "whats up punks i know ya'll are spying on me" Just go over to the fence and say "hey whats up guys, hows it going". Then they know you know what they look like and that they're there.
[QUOTEgby;9454453]Careful on how you let your imagination go when there is something on your mind you cannot find certainty on. The talk of fighting the fight is a defence mechanism - if they're gonna rob you and you're there on your own then the chances are defending yourself may mean you have to kill multiple people or maybe die (if you're in the US). Better to give up the weed peacefully and then seek recourse if you know the right people (or just let it go, maybe if you're a Buddhist or something). BUT! And it is a big but. You in no way know for certain that these people know about your grow, or even if they do, that they are going to rob you. Very easy to misattribute things to support an increasingly clear (to you at least) version of events - also easy to become complacent and get busted (or worse) as a result. This is the horrible reality forced upon those of us who chose to grow in a world that is at war with us. I feel for you.

Oh and not saying this is the case, but have a little read of this page (and remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you)[/QUOTE]

Thats was a good read. Dank I dunno if your being funny by the way. I live in the UK and I wsd thinking cripple or maim. Ive had years of breathing difficulties that seem to be getting better. Ive thought on more than one occasion I was gonna die. Dying like that is scary but I feel most other things apart from burning are no where close. I dont smoke anymore by the way. I dont wanna hurt anyone. But im not gonna just let them waltz in. Fuck. That. Anyway im not trying to sound tuff and I hope im wrong.
What and how much are you growing? Who knows about it? What kind of lights are you using? I know when I use MH light there's a blue cast, and if that's running 24/0, it's pretty obvious if there's a light leak.

18 plants. HPS. I may have previously let light leak with MH but that wasnt really conspicous. HPS blows up your shit ans I have none now.
Indoor Sun King no offence taken and your probably right. Unfortunately its my first grow and ive got 18 confirmed females that all look promising. I cant do it. Nice to know you read my threads though.
Paranoia is key in keeping your crops and yourself safe from thieves and leo. The solution is to make sure there is never a cause for it. Ie make sure absolutely no one could know about it. Is the noise of a fan the only reason you think they know or have you blabbed? Go outside your place and see if you can hear the fans yourself. It could maybe be smell. Do you smoke a lot of weed at your place? No point carbon filtering your groom if your house smells like a bob marley concert anyway. ... maybe theres a wiff of ganja drifting from your place and that's what interests advice is to take a brake of several months. See what happens and start again, secretly as hell and don't even smoke weed near your groom.

Told no one. They dont stink yet. Had to quit smoking. You can here fan slightly when theres no background noise like 2-3-4 am thats it. Girl smokes but not near the plants or in that room. She aint told no one either.
Glad I don't live in an apartment complex. Don't have to worry about figuring out what's going on in a situation like that here in the rural southeast. If someone is casing my joint, it's obvious, if they step on your property here in the middle of the night and you put em down, hell, the sheriff would be more apt to thank you for ridding the county of a problem for her than get upset that you shot someone. Of course I'm in a very pro-2A area where open carry is encouraged and we have a badass sheriff. Even though I'm bending the law a bit, I'm impressed with her. She has damn near eradicated the meth problem in this area almost single-handedly. Of course, that makes her a bit scary too. When she's done with that bone, which one will she chew on next??

You lucky bastard...for now anyway.
aaaaahhh first grow, ok that makes sense, yeah you are just trippin out, bet you look out you;re windoiw e very car door you hear, and everytime a door bangs you think you are being raided. If this is you're first grow and you are sure you have not told anyone then you are fine, for a moment there i thought you had been growing for some time, which means the people you sell to get suspicious and start telling friends. pack it in you're not cut out for this, if you arnt even flowering yet and you are this bad, imagine what your gonna be like when youv got a room thats actually worth a few k.
Like i said, just go talk to the guys. Just you letting them know you know they are there is deterrent. Don't have to be like "whats up punks i know ya'll are spying on me" Just go over to the fence and say "hey whats up guys, hows it going". Then they know you know what they look like and that they're there.

I can see It from your perspective.
No im not being funny actually. Im being quite serious. Unless your truely scared to go talk to them, I don't see why you would'nt. I certainly would.