Its not paranoia!!!

I dont think you are sorry for being rude but maybe you've still got issues with that prick you invited into your inner circle. Maybe if you were more paranoid that wouldn't have happened. I dunno the kinda dealers/people you know but round here no ones gonna get caught buy someone looking of there window occasionally least me since none of these said dealers/people are friends of mine. As for the nerve to grow check the numerous all female all lush and green plants I have growing presently. A whole heap of first timers cant get a plant passed two weeks veg ive got 18 in flower. Plenty pics too should you not believe me. Not seen anything from you Arthitseesder apart from this bullshit post. And the question begs asking why would I spy on weed dealers if I supply them. I would say peace but since I dont bullshit ill just say I look forward to your response.
Don't bullshit huh? while on your little I am paranoid pity party bud here is your other thread where you already say you used to buy from these guys
Definately I know dealers who sell out of there mums house. Not wholesale mind you and not just weed. My place overlooks a kinda carpark wheres loads of people walk to get to different places.Theres these shady looking dudes who I always feel somehow know. Ive got no light leaks but faint fan noise from right outside my window nearest exhaust which can only be heard in the dead of night. I know they are dealers coz I used to buy from one and I always feel theyre looking up here. Admittedly they're probably plus they are no organise crime outfit. Basically saying got the keeping mum thing down is selling really so bad

so lets recap for a moment, you bought from the guys you say are scoping you out, uhm what else right you say in this post you are selling wholesale , and your first post in this thread says
I think some peeps are trying to case out my house. I dunno what they do exactly. One sells weed but none of them work.

Prosperian gave you some advice prior to that in that post it was post number 4 - Don't Tell, Don't smell , Don't sell your response is above. so you've mentioned twice you sell , and you have mentioned you bought weed from one of the guys (but yet you aren't going to talk to him about your concern which is just all kinds of shady

so I am not being rude I am being realistic you don't want to take the good advice you were given you just wanted to keep posting about paranoia and being vague to dishonest as to the level of your knowledge of these fellows (who for all you know I could be one) . you are being a little drama queen and deserve to get called out for it - now however, now my friend - now I am being rude with full intent .
Bought from a guy. One guy. Uno. Doesn't mean I have dealings with his friends. And just cause I bought weed from him doesnt mean I trust him enough too tell him my situation nothing strange or shady about that. The conversation would go something like this. Me 'Do your friends think I grow weed'. Him 'Why would you'? Me 'What naa man, I just notice your friends looking in my window from time to time at odd hours'. Him ' grow weed'? Hope that nipped in the bud any illusion of shadiness and replaced it with clearly lacking commonsense. Also how can I be SELLING anything if I have not completed my FIRST grow, you do the math. As for vague what do you want mug shots, times, vehicle brands and reg. I think someones clutching at straws. And drama queen. Ive read your threads and seen how you respond to people so you can have your juvenile frankly feminine insults. Think we both know the only thing your calling is a taxi though:lol: peace.
Dude don't just straight up walk up to them and ask if they think you grow weed!! Do not not not start it out that way.

What you need to do is just start going out there and chilling. Don't say shit other than "what's up?". Spend time out there every day. Make them start to wonder wtf you are doing there, just as much as you are wondering wtf they are doing there.

The best option would be to just talk to them. But honestly if your idea of talking to them is walking up and asking them if they think you're growing, then don't do it its a bad idea.

Fwiw, I just revisited this thread to see of they've jumped you yet. Man it definitely IS paranoia. I'm only saying this BC I've been around this type of shit for ten years, and I promise if you were right they would've jumped you.

Have you ever heard the phrase "what you fear, you create?". It really is so true. You obviously have an unhealthy fear of something going wrong--its not your fault, its just a mix of what type of person you are and the fact that the shit is illegal so its value is through the roof. But honestly, I would recommend you quit growing (if you can't find another place to grow, where you don't live). BC otherwise you are going to live out the rest of your life in a state of anxious hell. Not to mention, one of these days that paranoia is going to be what gets you busted/jumped.

I have a friend that just finished a 4 year stretch for 161 plants. The only reason he was caught was BC he thought they were onto him, and decided to move his operation. An undercover driving by saw the uhaul and it was over.
I'm telling you this out of my own experience and BC I don't want you to go through what me or some ofy friends have been through. If you're gonna grow, grow smart. Don't be a statistic. If you have to pack it all up now and revisit later, so be it. But I don't think you ate being cased, and I do think your anxiety is gonna fuck you up, even if its just feeling like shit all day and super stressed every time you smoke, with super high levels of cortisol in your blood.
I did leave a comment but it was taken off by the moderator as it was 'too offensive'
you are being over paranoid, take a step back and relax, enjoy what you are doing. The wrong thing could happen to anyone of us that have the same hobbie.
Dude don't just straight up walk up to them and ask if they think you grow weed!! Do not not not start it out that way.

What you need to do is just start going out there and chilling. Don't say shit other than "what's up?". Spend time out there every day. Make them start to wonder wtf you are doing there, just as much as you are wondering wtf they are doing there.

The best option would be to just talk to them. But honestly if your idea of talking to them is walking up and asking them if they think you're growing, then don't do it its a bad idea.

Fwiw, I just revisited this thread to see of they've jumped you yet. Man it definitely IS paranoia. I'm only saying this BC I've been around this type of shit for ten years, and I promise if you were right they would've jumped you.

Have you ever heard the phrase "what you fear, you create?". It really is so true. You obviously have an unhealthy fear of something going wrong--its not your fault, its just a mix of what type of person you are and the fact that the shit is illegal so its value is through the roof. But honestly, I would recommend you quit growing (if you can't find another place to grow, where you don't live). BC otherwise you are going to live out the rest of your life in a state of anxious hell. Not to mention, one of these days that paranoia is going to be what gets you busted/jumped.

I have a friend that just finished a 4 year stretch for 161 plants. The only reason he was caught was BC he thought they were onto him, and decided to move his operation. An undercover driving by saw the uhaul and it was over.

No I was trying to underline the fact I wouldnt do anything like that. Mr Beans Norweigan cousin I respect the way you say what you say. The other guy wasnt trying to help but anyway to answer your question nothings happened. Im not even gonna attempt talking to no one and Im definately more conscious it could be perceived so If anything some good had come from this.
I did leave a comment but it was taken off by the moderator as it was 'too offensive'
you are being over paranoid, take a step back and relax, enjoy what you are doing. The wrong thing could happen to anyone of us that have the same hobbie.

Im just wandering why a couple people feel the need. Im on a noob thread posting a noob concern. If you take the energy to read then write something why be so negative. If you then take the energy to see if you caused offence with your comment and upon seeing you were unsuccessful telling me you meant too in another post, what are your motives behind that. I conceded people might have a point some time back but thankyou yes I agree since nothing has happened I could be looking into things abit too much. Lets try to keep it civil though.
No I was trying to underline the fact I wouldnt do anything like that. Mr Beans Norweigan cousin I respect the way you say what you say. The other guy wasnt trying to help but anyway to answer your question nothings happened. Im not even gonna attempt talking to no one and Im definately more conscious it could be perceived so If anything some good had come from this.

Yeah that was my bad man, I read that one part and I didn't even finish it i just made the post. I didn't realize that's what you were doing there

Edit: and dude just remember, you have one huge thing going fornyou-- this is your first grow. You haven't been doing it long enough for anyone to find anything out, ya know?

I get paranoid as shit too, especially when I smoke. I even have nightmares about being locked up sometimes, or at least dreams where cops are hassling me and shit, BC I spent two years paying for a crime that I didn't do. The judge, the prosecutor-- even my own (paid) attorney knew I was innocent. There were three witnesses who showed up that day to court to testify and say I didn't do shit, but I was basically threatened with a felony to sign a plea.

Hopefully one day soon we will live in a world where people see weed for what it really is, and no one has to worry about any of this shit.

You sound like a creepy dude who is always peaking through the blinds, mr. I watch dudes taking a piss with the lights off so they can't see me. ( had to call you out on that one :) )

My opinion is you are being paranoid. Enjoy being a drug dealer :) I am sure you won't think you are being followed every time you go and make a drop :)
ok first of all nothing is worth ur freedom if ur not legal dont grow not worth it and if its something ur passionate about as i am move to were its legal. u know y i dont worry cause i am a mmp my place gets robbed just like anyother place can get robbed u call the cops i read a post on RiU soke kid got robbed cops asked do u have any idea who it could of bin he sais ye i think it was the guy who live upstairs. cop left few hours later cop comes back with 2 jars with about 2 ounces and sais here u go i dont know if the thief went to jail or not but who gives a fckn. WEED is not worth ur freedom or ur sanity keep it legal or deal with the consequences of ur actions. id love to grow cocoa plants but guess what its not worth it same thing with weed plants i live in mass and ive bin wanting to grow since i was 16 but never could now im 23 the moment it became legal i made an app with cannamed i called while they still were in california. the point is LEGAL is the way to go. WTF u gonna look like setn up cameras in ur apt biulding thats fckn bringing more attention to ur self. im thinkn hmmm what does he have in thier he wants to protect so bad.cops see the camera and thier thinking the same thing. niggas see the camera they gonna be think lets rob this foo. but when ur legal u have the cops to protect and serve. im not sayin dont get cameras but the attention that attracts coukdnt be that great. i would say a nice dog would work the best. BuT if not legal not worth it. THE ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE IS NOT THE EVIDECE OF ABSENCE.(boondocks the cartoon quote) lol dont know if it make sense here but always wanted to use that quote lol
Put fake blood on your knuckles, exit your car in a frenzied state, punch something and say fuckers. I have a cattle prod with 2.3 million volts by the is a truly menacing device, the sound alone is enough. Get creative, bluff em and hide your valuables really well. Make some ringers, decoy bags full of chloroform, or use a Scooby-Doo trap, yell to people on the phone, buy a gun case and take it everywhere, bring out a dog crate with a recording of a baby crying on loop inside it, sharpen stuff in public, read Islamic texts, wear crocs and jean shorts, blast evangelical AM radio when you leave, flirt with them, fingerless gloves maybe, drink water out of a rubbing alcohol bottle, set up a tripod and camera and film them everytime you see them for as long as they can take it, invite them to a drive in movie, make their spot smell like old Mackerel, Throw Bologna slices in an ambush setting, King cobras always work, ask Gods' forgiveness for terrible acts from the apex of the roof then take a shit off of it. Case them right back. Write "I see you too"on a vibrator and jam it in their exhaust, wear your black belt in public. I really am the wrong person to ask.

Lol, my fav is "ask god for forgiveness for terribale acts, while on the roof, then take a shit off of it" Ppl usually don't mess with crazy folks.
District, man I have stories for daze about paranoia. I once operated a house FULL of plants. As long as you have your ducks in a row there is no need to worry. Next time you get a paranoid feeling about those dudes sing "Every little thing, gonna be alright" By Bob Marley. Hope it helps. Cheers
Go talk to them.
Ive had this same situation happen to me. The neighbor kid was in high school and all of his buddies thought they were bad asses. They're not so tough once you go up to them and ask them "whats goin on?!" People are always curious and maybe they smelled you (him, op) smoking some herb. Maybe they wanted to know if for sure its you that they smell so they can either bum a bud or buy a bag.
You have absolutely no evidence to suggest anyone is 'spying' on you. Like you said one guy sells weed. Its england, theres loads of idiots hanging about in cars, loads of dealers in cars its just how they go about it.
If you really are concerned and so set on noone taking your crop get tooled up for anyone turning up.
You said you haven't told anyone, there isn't anything to worry about unless your plants are stinking out your apartment.
Mr.Head;9474998]You sound like a creepy dude who is always peaking through the blinds, mr. I watch dudes taking a piss with the lights off so they can't see me. ( had to call you out on that one :) )

My opinion is you are being paranoid. Enjoy being a drug dealer :) I am sure you won't think you are being followed every time you go and make a drop :)

Well anything taken out of context can sound weird. Take your name for instance:shock: though im sure theres a perfectly reasonable explanation. You make it sound like i dont have a high value crop to protect. Also your trollings pretty lame. Artithiseesder shits all over you. Dont worry sure there'll be another band wagon along soon. Taxi.
You have absolutely no evidence to suggest anyone is 'spying' on you. Like you said one guy sells weed. Its england, theres loads of idiots hanging about in cars, loads of dealers in cars its just how they go about it.
If you really are concerned and so set on noone taking your crop get tooled up for anyone turning up.
You said you haven't told anyone, there isn't anything to worry about unless your plants are stinking out your apartment.

Ive taken steps bro. And I never ever said my theory was perfect. Just thought you were trying too take a cheap shot. Im not here to make enemies.
Why would I bother trying to take a cheap shot and make enemies on a forum thats primary school shit. Fair play to taking steps for protection, but you come across paranoid, take a look back on this 3 grows from now and you'll see what people are saying.

Live long and prosper!
Why would I bother trying to take a cheap shot and make enemies on a forum thats primary school shit. Fair play to taking steps for protection, but you come across paranoid, take a look back on this 3 grows from now and you'll see what people are saying.

Live long and prosper!

Ok bossman.
I'm not trolling bro. Kinda think you are. Long ass post about watching people watch you, then being like "why are they watching me". You are watching them... Do you not see that?

That's just a thought of why they might "always be looking at you".

You're on some hunter becomes the prey type shit and these guys prolly just think you are on meth.

My opinion take it as you will. If you fear for your safety then it would have been chopped already you wouldn't be doing it in the first place and you wouldn't live in an area where people walk through parking lots or drive cars or heaven forbid have trees to pee behind.
Told no one. They dont stink yet. Had to quit smoking. You can here fan slightly when theres no background noise like 2-3-4 am thats it. Girl smokes but not near the plants or in that room. She aint told no one either.

You have 18 plants in an apartment??? You dont HAVE TO TELL ANYONE!! HAHAHA!! I only have 3 and cant even have company over for the smell!! Paranoia or not...your tempting fate in a huge way my friend!! Best of luck to you and be safe.... :shock: